"Ahahahaha, although I don't like the rear and the front, but Your Majesty, what they said is quite right, don't evade or hesitate at this time, I'll tell you another news."

"...Accurate information shows that the list of forbidden books of the Puritans is now in Academy City. At that time, the Puritans deceived us, stole the library that we are most proud of in the Roman Orthodox Church, and recorded all the forbidden books in the That... in the mind of the spirit outfit."

"And now, it's a good time for us to take back and destroy that... Spiritual Equipment. The forbidden books collected by the Roman Orthodox Church must not be used arbitrarily by the Puritans!"

Dressed in bright green, with an ugly face and a tall and thin figure, the left land also appeared in St. Peter at this time.


In the cathedral, the members of the right seat of the three gods stood before the Pope of Rome, and even the Pope felt enormous pressure.

Except...that...the mysterious fire on the right, the three secret weapons of the darkest part of the Roman Orthodox Church all stared at the Pope with their eyes, and the huge sense of oppression made the Pope's crown in jeopardy. .

The Pope sighed, knowing that he could no longer escape.

The front wind and the left force may be selfish, one is because she hated science because of her childhood experiences, and the other is to kill innocent people indiscriminately for her own techniques.

But the Pope of Rome believed that the water in the back had no selfish intentions. Since even the water in the back wanted him to issue an order, even the Pope of Rome could not find any reason or words to refute at this time.

"I see, my Matthew.

Lis, as God's spokesman on earth, will never allow anyone who blasphemes the brilliance of God to exist, I use the power given to me by God, and I order in the name of the Pope—"

"I will destroy all those who blaspheme the glory of God!"

"Yes, Your Majesty!"

The members of the right seat of the three gods said in unison.

The water in the back has a heavy face, the wind in the front has a happy face, and the place to the left has a grim smile. Everyone's emotions and expressions are different.

...In Academy City, Roy brought the Demon God home.

Feilu reminds you: three things to read and collect,

Chapter 171 Dad, look, that's a living devil!

"Roy, what are you doing and don't take me out with you!"

Just got home, Roy was... Hearing Lilith's complaints, Lilith lying in the stroller was kicking her legs like an ordinary baby, whimpering.

"This is where you live, human!"

As soon as he entered the door, the one-eyed demon **** was...with her emerald-colored one-eyed eye, she scrutinized the entire house, nodded and said, "...Well, it looks very warm, as our receptionist The place to stay here is already very good.”

Othinus is like a master returning home, like a **** looking at his kingdom and commenting on this house.

"Well you're not going to leave"

Roy was stunned for a moment. He thought Othinus was just passing by, or because he was attracted by the fantasy killer, so he came to take a look, but looking at her like this, this demon is not going to command her Gray Mlin said, "All the work has been assigned, if those **** still can't complete it, then they have no meaning to live!"

The one-eyed demon **** said indifferently, or to the human beings, this... demon **** is ruthless, but to the demon gods themselves, they don't even regard humans as their own kind, just as humans see Like livestock, they don't care about their lives at all.

If it wasn't for knowing Roy and experiencing endless reincarnations with him, Othinus would definitely be a **** who would flatten the world and destroy it at will.

No, it should be said that Othinus has destroyed the world countless times.

"Roy, who is this guy!"

Lilith's vigilant and frightened voice suddenly came from the stroller. Lilith, who was still a baby, widened her eyes and stared at Othinus, her body was beating unnaturally. trembling, no matter what...

Whether it is the soul or the brain, it is sending a dangerous signal to her.

Mina, who is preparing to breastfeed on the other side.

Mathers' beautiful eyes hidden behind the black veil were also staring at Othinus, her body was rather stiff, and even the hand holding the bottle was trembling slightly.

As a Demon God, a complete Demon God, its own existence surpasses that of mortals, and the more powerful a magician is, the more terrified he will be at the existence of a Demon God.

Among them, Lilith is the most fearful, because her death is... the unconscious thinking from the demons, the collision of phase sparks. Although she has created her body by scientific means, her soul is still trembling. He was terrified by the existence of the devil.

Othinus turned his gaze to Lilith, and after a little scrutiny, the Demon God was... well aware of her situation, and said: "...the body was created by so-called scientific means. , but this is only a temporary solution, and her soul is still being tricked by fate."

"...If the forging of the spear of the Lord God is completed, or if the power is completely adjusted, I can easily solve her situation, but now I have nothing to do in this situation."

The omnipotence of the devil lies in the manipulation of the phase, and as long as he is not the devil, he will lose the ability to manipulate the phase.

Just like the current Othinus, because of her strength, she is still invincible, no one can really defeat her, really kill her, but at the same time Othinus also loses the ability to manipulate the phase. Abilities, all she possesses is pure force, and those things that she is good at when she becomes a demon... Nordic spells.

Lilith was stunned when she saw Othinus' physical state at a glance, and her instinctive fear also made Lilith faintly guess the true identity of Othinus.

Lilith looked childishly at Roy, waiting for his reply.

Roy shrugged and smiled at Lilith: "...As you can see, she is a demon named Othinus, Odin who once reigned at the peak of Norse mythology! "

For Roy's introduction, Othinus has no pride, because for her, apart from the approval of her own understanding, the reverence and fear of mortals are nothing to her.

Lilith took a deep breath and her eyes widened again.

Daddy, come and see, there is a living devil! Lilith, who was lying in the stroller, turned her head subconsciously and looked through the window to the building without doors and windows. The building was still motionless, so Lily Si suspects that Aleister might not be cowardly.

"For the sake of you being my sister who understands, I will solve this little problem for you when I have finished casting the spear of the Lord God."

Othinus gave Lilith a promise casually. For the demon gods, as long as other demon gods are not completely involved, there is nothing they can't do.

The one-eyed Demon God patrolled the room arrogantly, and after turning around, she didn't care about Mina at all.

Any eyes or opinions from Mathers and Lilith, they said to Roy arrogantly and bluntly: "...Human, I am very interested in this city, won't you come around with me?"

Roy wanted to say, this city is quite boring, I've turned around a lot, but looking at Othinus' arrogant look, he just... smiled: "... Of course, but Othinus, is this a date?"

I don't know if it was an illusion or not. Roy seemed to see Othinus' fair and pretty face blushing, but the one-eyed demon **** has always been aloof, and snorted: "...As you wish. What do you think, the gods don't care what humans think!"

Having said that, Othinus, who just came to this apartment, just... walked out of the door, stopped at the door, turned around and urged: "... hurry up and follow me. Ah, human beings!"

"I'm coming!"

Roy ordered Mina to take good care of Lilith, that is... take two quick steps to keep up with Othinus, who has slowed down and is waiting for him.

After Othinus and Roy left, the tense atmosphere in the apartment disappeared, and Lilith let out a sigh of relief.

...Santa Marinella Beach was originally a tourist attraction, but at this time there were no tourists nearby, and the technique of expelling idlers drove all non-related people away from here.

On the coastline opposite the beach, a fleet carved by ice can be faintly seen waiting quietly.

A bishop with a cross hanging around his neck stood humble and respectful in front of the three people at the right seat of God, and said with a big smile: "...I am Piageo.

Prosoni, commander of the Queen's Fleet of the Adriatic Sea, according to the order of the Pope, I have adjusted the fleet's formula and set its target at Tokyo Bay in the Pacific Ocean of the island country."

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