Looking at Roy nervously.

Mr. Roy is mine, how can I be robbed by this girl! The Queen of Tokiwadai growled inwardly, but the Queen of loyal dogs did not dare to say these words.

"Although it's not good to say that, the manufacturing price of each Misaka sister is 180,000 yen, and if you want to genetically adjust them, you need more than ten times the money. The problem of money is easy to say, the most important thing is Find so many institutes that can take them in and adjust them."

"...Even for me, this is a difficult question. Although I really want to help you, Mikoto, I feel that if you don't give something, you will feel uneasy. Bar."

"I have a maid to clean my house every week, but her hands and feet are not very quick, so I hope Mikoto can be with that maid on weekends... The maid has been helping me clean up, as for the construction period... lifetime!"

Roy said with a smile, his smile was full of malice.

Misaka Mikoto didn't hear the rest, she only heard the word 'forever', and immediately.

The whole figure was like a hot kettle, with smoke rising from the top of his head.

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Chapter 158 Academy City Young Master fell in love with me

"So what, Mikoto! It doesn't take up much of your time, as long as you set aside a few hours every weekend to work as a maid, you'll be doing volunteer work."

Afraid that Misaka Mikoto would disagree, Roy continued to recite a sentence, which deepened her impression.

"A... a lifetime maid."

Misaka Mikoto murmured in a low voice, without any hesitation in her tone, she was just embarrassed by the 'lifetime' words.

She didn't think it was a difficult requirement for a strong man, and Roy made it very clear that it wasn't for her to give up life completely, but just to spare a few hours every weekend for cleaning and other work.

But just such a simple job can be exchanged for the genetic adjustment and life of 18,000 sisters. She felt that it was Roy helping her in disguise in this way, and she was very grateful, but she was too arrogant. Jiao, I'm embarrassed to say so many things.

But if Misaka Mikoto knew that even if she didn't want to, Roy would save the 180 million sister Misaka because of the artificial heaven. This was just taking advantage of the situation to fool her. I don't know what Misaka Mikoto would think at that time. .

"So Roy, what are you going to do?"

It's not that they don't believe in Roy. When Roy defeated Accelerator and liberated the eighteen thousand Misaka sisters, Misaka Mikoto had the most firm trust in him.

It's just that Roy still has great doubts about how Roy is going to save all these Misaka sisters, because this is not an easy job.

"Academy City has cooperative research institutes in various countries in the world. We can completely send these....Misaka sisters to research institutions in various countries in batches to adjust their genes as a way to continue cooperation. Let the countries of the world work together to help adjust their memories, so as to prolong the life of these... sisters.”

"...In this way, there is no need to gather 18,000 Misaka sisters in Academy City, and the possibility of exposure will be minimized. Of course, there are so many research institutions in Academy City, you can also stay. Some Misaka sisters are doing genetic adjustments here."

Roy explained Aleister's plan, and he made some changes in this plan, such as sending more sister Misaka to Britain, so that the... magic country is filled with more force fields, I don't know When the artificial heaven is activated locally, will it be able to resist Britain's thousand-year-old magical heritage?

When Misaka Mikoto heard this, her eyes lit up. This is indeed a good plan, but there are some problems that need to be solved, such as—“Then how to convince the senior management of Academy City to agree, especially since I also destroyed the 'Absolutely Ability Persons Plan' ', It's strange that the people in charge of the council have no response now, they will never negotiate with research institutions in other countries for the sake of their sisters."

Misaka Mikoto bit her lip and said, after the absolute ability plan, she already has a little understanding of the darkness of this city.

Knowing that the real ruler of the city, being at the top of the city is not so-called.

The superpowers of , but the adults... who are behind the scenes.

As she is a National First student, she is not qualified to negotiate with those... the real behind-the-scenes gangsters.

As if seeing Misaka Mikoto's worries, Roy just... smiled and said: "...Leave these things to me, I will discuss with those who oversee the council and let them send my sister They are sent all over the world.”

If there is no negotiation, it is enough to issue an order. The so-called unified council is just a puppet organization that has been pushed to the forefront. It has always been an iron-clad chairman and a running council.

"However, Mr. Roy, how do you negotiate with those... greedy people, they are likely to ask you to pay a certain price."

Shokuhou said worriedly, compared to those...sisters, she was more concerned about what Roy would give, and whether it would make him suffer unnecessary things.

Misaka Mikoto over there also reacted, although she also vaguely guessed that Roy should also be one of the upper floors of the city, just like Shokuhou Misaki.

But created.

It is the ultimate goal of the city, but Roy has destroyed the plan of the absolute ability. He can only stand morally, but not morally. This is likely to make him stand in the whole academy. The opposite of the urban upper class.

Roy felt the concern of the two, he couldn't help laughing and said: "...I'm very grateful for Little Bee and Mikoto's concerns, but have you forgotten anything, such as the one in this Academy City? What is the name of the chairman?"



Misaka Mikoto and Shokuhou Misaki said in unison.

The two looked at each other and fell into stunned at the same time, because they realized what Roy meant at this time, and his full name was Roy.

Doesn't Crowley mean that he is the young master of this Academy City and the future chairman of the board of directors! For a time, Misaka Mikoto looked complicated, her inner thoughts floated, and many emotions rose and shattered like bubbles. I thought about what Roy had to do with those... dark plans, otherwise Roy wouldn't take the initiative to destroy the plans.

And since he is the chairman's son, he should support the plan, but he did it for me... Thinking of this, Misaka Mikoto felt dizzy.

Shokuhou Caoqi was stunned. Since Mr. Roy is the chairman's son, why would he say that he has no money, and why should she treat her as a guest! The Queen of Tokiwadai is also full of thoughts and is not in a good mood. Calm, Roy destroyed the third research institute of the talent room for her, solved the invisible hatred of Mitsuya Ayu for her, and saved Dolly for her. This is an irrefutable fact.

So Shokuhou Misaki doesn't think Roy's approach to her is malicious, it's more likely a coincidence, or... Maybe Mr. Roy liked me at that time, so he took the initiative to create opportunities to contact her Me! Thinking of this, Shokuhou Chaoqi is... I made up a Mary Sue plot of 'Academy City's young master fell in love with me', and the whole person laughed silly.

If she doesn't like Roy, then Roy's initiative to create opportunities will only make Shokuhou Shiki feel disgusted, but when a woman likes another man, her brain will take the initiative to reverse the cause and effect. Deliberate behavior, automatic brain make up a romantic drama.

Not only did she not think that this kind of deliberate malice, but she thought it was an encounter under the moonlight.

Tokiwadai's two digits 1.

They were all caught up in imaginings. The two stood on both sides of Roy with their backs to him, where their shoulders trembled slightly, and they giggled.

Roy didn't know what to say for a while, he could only say that the girl from Guoyi was so innocent and cute.

Feilu reminds you: three things to read and collect,

Chapter 159: The Encounter of Fate

"Misaka is very grateful for your elder brother's help, but some Misaka needs to leave Academy City to go to the outside world. Misaka expresses great concern. Misaka777 said in a nonchalant tone, trying to attract your elder brother's attention to let Misaka stay here."

"Misaka expressed that he wants to stay in Academy City and stay by his elder brother's side. Misaka 156 will use words to seduce his elder brother's attention, and try his best to show his head."

"It seems that a war is inevitable, and Misaka 439 is ready to fight."

"Let's decide the outcome, the loser dies, and the winner stays by Big Brother's side, Misaka 100 said eagerly."

"The winner will be able to accompany his elder brother? Misaka will be fearless, Misaka 280 said fiercely!"


In an instant, the hundreds of Misaka sisters present spread out, and everyone stared at the other Misaka sisters with their colorless dead fish eyes, as if following the referee's order, they would raise their weapons to fight. fight.

Misaka Mikoto, who was falling into her imagination, finally came to her senses. She hurriedly ran to the group of Misaka sisters, raised her hands and said hurriedly: "...You guys, what are you doing? !"

"Misaka will do his best to get a chance to stay by his brother's side."

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