With a condensed expression, he embraced the quilt to cover his delicate body, looked at the door with sharp eyes, and said in a low voice, "...Who!"

At the same time, she touched her remote control with her hand and wanted to use it as a defense weapon, but the next second her expression was... stiff, because the remote control was gone! Shokuhou Misaki panicked and panicked at Tokiwadai. The middle school was invaded by outsiders, but if the other party has the ability of the psychology department that even she can control, then the invasion of this school is actually very simple.

Roy leisurely opened the door of Shokuhou Caoqi's dormitory, his left arm bent over Lilith, and dragged a plate in his palm, which was filled with some delicious breakfast, and his right hand was holding the remote control of Shokuhou Caoqi. device, feel comfortable.

His senses are extremely sharp, and when he enters the room, he immediately.

Feeling a wave of vigilant hostility, following that line of sight, I saw that the direction of the line of sight was Shokuhou Caoqi, the other party's eyes were red and bloodshot, and the star-like pupils were full of gray despair. A trail of tears crisscrossed her beautiful and charming facial features.

Seeing Shokuhou Caoqi crying, Roy was stunned for a while, but with his wisdom, he just thought about it a little bit, that is... Guess the reason why Shokuhou Caoqi was crying.

With a look of confusion, he closed the door, put the plate in his hand on the table in the bedroom, and then looked at Shokuhou, who had a dull expression, and said gently, "...Silly girl, Don't you think you're being controlled by someone?"

Shokuhou Cao Qi's consciousness was pulled back, she looked at Roy in a daze and fear, tried her best to smile, and asked tremblingly: "...Mr. Roy...I, Am I not being controlled?"

"No, you are being controlled."

As soon as Roy's voice fell, Shokuhou prayed...with a stiff expression.

Immediately after, Roy shook his head and smiled again: "...you are under my control, little bee! I didn't expect you to be so stupid one day, um, the girl lost her most precious It's understandable for things to suddenly become stupid."

"...don't look at me that way, I know what you want to ask, it's just borrowing your ability to manipulate you in turn, you can just take this ability as my super ability, and it's easy to explain it. It won't be so troublesome."

"So, Little Bee, you promised to accept any punishment from me, do you regret it now?"

The big stone in Shokuhou Caoqi's heart suddenly fell to the ground, and the change from despair to hope made her shed tears again, hugging the quilt, and whimpering there.

This made Roy begin to wonder if she was playing too much. The Queen of Tokiwadai took a deep breath. She wiped the corner of her eyes hard, glanced at Roy a little shyly, and quickly looked away, whispering. Asked: "...Mr Roy, what happened yesterday...yesterday"

Although she had already guessed the general matter, she wanted to know the specific content inexplicably and anxiously.

The corner of Roy's mouth twitched, and the smile was full of malicious fun, which made Shokuhou Misaki, who saw this smile, immediately.


"You want to know what happened yesterday, you can go and see that computer."

Shokuhou Cao Qi turned his head stiffly when he heard the words, and saw that the laptop on the table in his bedroom was turned on. Of course, this is not important, the important thing is that the camera of that computer is lit! Please download the underlined version of the novel. Fei Lu Xiao

Chapter 156 The Queen of the Loyal Dog Department

Shokuhou Caoqi sat on a chair wearing a thin sheet, with two jade hands grasping the corner of the sheet, her honey-colored hair draped over her tender shoulders, and looking at the files in the computer with a red face.

His eyes were blank like puppets, his mouth was slightly open as if he was stupid, and there was saliva flowing from the corners of his mouth, and his expression was very similar to that of a mentally retarded patient with a natural brain problem.

Then, under the orders of others, it is shameless, and does not have any self-awareness to obey the orders.

No wonder the bones seemed to be broken, and the muscles were sore and sore as if they had run for thousands of meters. It was because Shokuhou Gyokai usually didn't do any exercise at all, and the flexibility was very poor.

Not to mention doing difficult movements such as the splits, even bending over to touch her shoes is already extremely difficult for her.

For a girl from the first country in the country, this kind of body is actually very poor. Girls of this age are generally very flexible, even if they can't compare with those...... gymnasts, but basically The soft action is what should be done.

It can only be said that in order to let oneself grow and develop rapidly, the bee-eater uses the hormones that control the self to save time, which is the sequelae.

This needs to slowly adjust the body to the best state, but looking at the attributes of the bee-eater exercise, I am afraid this is also difficult.


Closing the laptop forcefully, Shokuhou said with trembling lips and teeth: "...Mr. Roy, you must not spread it out, these things must not be spread out."

Shokuhou Misaki is very frightened. If these things are spread out, and people know that...the person is Shokuhou Misaki, for the Queen of Tokiwadai, it is definitely a social death.

The only thing she can do is to use the power of the outer clothing to forcibly brainwash the entire Academy City.

Hearing this, Roy showed a reassuring smile, and said: "...Relax, any physical hardware related to the network of this computer has long been damaged by me, even Mikoto Misaka's ability will not be able to. effect."

Although it can be done in Academy City by cutting along the network cable, the premise is that there is a network cable.

Hearing Roy's words, Shokuhou Caoqi finally breathed a sigh of relief. She blushed, looked at Roy and lowered her head quickly, and said a little angrily: "...Mr. Roy, It's a bit...a bit too much!"

"It's the little bee, you said it doesn't matter...

How I punish you, you are willing to accept it, now little bee, are you going to go back on it?"

"...Or, is it the little bee, because I took your most precious thing, so you hate me?"

Roy walked slowly to Shokuhou Caoqi, he picked up the hair from the girl's ear, put it next to her crystal-like jade ear beads, and said softly.

Shokuhou Cao Qi shivered, her lips lowered, her head lowered, and she said with a touch of panic: "...No, I won't hate Mr. Roy, I...I actually like it very much. Roy"

After saying this, she bowed her head a little shyly, and her little hand clenched the sheet tightly. Then she gathered up her courage again, looked into Roy's eyes, suppressed the shame in her, and asked bravely. : "...Roy, Mr. Roy, do you like me?"

"What kind of nonsense is this, bee... Although I think I'm not a good person, but I still can't play with a girl's body and mind without a trace of emotion, of course I like you, little bee! "

Roy's fingers rolled up Shokuhou's smooth hair, sniffed the honey-like sweet smell emanating from her body, and said softly: "...The Queen of Tokiwadai is a recognized beauty. Girl, little bee, do you think there is any man who is not fascinated by Her Lady Queen?"

The words that seemed to be compliments that seemed to be ambiguous made Shokuhou Caoqi secretly rejoiced. The most feared thing in her heart was settled, and she suddenly wanted to cry when she was happy. A pair of beautiful eyes shining with stars turned red, and her shoulders slightly Trembling, the whole person trembled and sobbed.

"Hey little bee, why are you crying? It makes me feel like I'm bullying you."

Roy put his arms around the back of Shokuhou Misaki's head and buried her head in his arms.

"Mr. Roy is just... bullying me."

Being held by Roy in his arms, Shokuhou Cao cried louder, wrapping his arms around his waist, messily saying something that Roy didn't understand.

Roy didn't say much, just patted her back gently and comforted her gently.

"Okay, let's eat something first, you're tired too."

After Roy finished speaking, he let go of Shokuhou and pulled over the dinner plate beside him.

The Queen of Tokiwadai sits obediently and is cute and cute. Although this... Lady Queen appears arrogant in front of outsiders, like a cat whose personality is difficult to guess, she is essentially a loyal dog.

As long as she falls in love with a person, as long as she is tamed by him, she will be willing to give her everything and follow that person firmly, no matter what...

Whatever the other party asks her to do, she will do it without hesitation, even if she falls into a doomed situation.

Shokuhou Kaori is the kind of girl who... is the most... hurt by feelings and deceived by men. As long as she is emotional, she will completely fall into it and can't help herself....... Until the day when she is hurt by her feelings, she will not have her own opinion.

"Mr. Roy, I'm not hungry at all, I feel... as if I'm full."

She lowered her head and muttered, rubbing her belly with her hands.

"No, you are very hungry, that little nutrition can't provide you with a day's consumption... Eat something to replenish your strength, I remember you said that Misaka Mikoto can be discharged from the hospital today, those... .... the matter of my sister has not been finished yet, it may still need your help."

"...with your frail little body, if you don't eat, you'll easily faint from hunger."

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