The bee-eater exercise seems to be intentional or unintentional.

"I encountered some things before, and I happened to know her, but it's not a big deal."

Roy didn't explain too much, Bee Cao prayed to his face that was in a bad mood, he just... smiled and said, "... That little girl Misaka Mikoto is too noisy, I'm still relatively young Such a graceful lady as a bee."


Yes, Shokuhou Caoqi is... A smug smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and his mood became brighter.

Seeing this scene, Roy's heart was amused, and now Shokuhou Cao Qizhen is like a little pet. He comforted her a little bit, said something nice, and he was in a good mood immediately.

She has been completely tamed, wearing an engraved Roy.

The collar of Crowley's name, and as long as she held the rope in her hand, she could never run too far from herself.

Even Roy believed that if he ordered her to do something against her heart now, and let her use her mind to control others and kill people, she would only do it without hesitation after a moment of hesitation.

"I saw Accelerator in the hospital. He seems to have suffered a very serious injury, an organic damage. Even in Academy City today, it cannot be cured. He may have lost his super powers."

Shokuhou said so, and looked carefully at Roy beside him.

She didn't ask who Roy was, whether he was... an ability person, and what kind of abilities he had. She had already guessed vaguely that Roy was probably... one of the high-rises in this city. one.

Shokuhou Shikki, who has a deep understanding of the dark things committed by those high-level officials, did not delve into this aspect.

So what if Mr. Roy is a high-level executive of Academy City, even if he is one of the general council members, what if he is the general chairman, his status does not mean anything, what he does should be the most important .

He saved himself, in the man-made mansion he wiped out those... sins, he helped himself to wipe out the evil deeds he had done unintentionally consequences to come.

For example, in the incident of Miyant Ayu, if Roy hadn't acted, maybe she would have gone on opposite sides with Mimie Ayu, Shokuhou Misaki didn't care much about being enemies, but if it was because of those... ......The reason that makes you laugh is that if you set up an enemy, if it is your own classmate, even Shokuhou will be saddened.

Because to a certain extent, she is sorry... Mitsu Aiyu.

And now, because of Roy, she has been redeemed again. The tragedy that happened to Dolly beside her can finally come to an end this time, and even she can... think of what she is about to see That... 'Sister, she was also very excited, even Shokuhou Cao Qi regretted the most now is why she didn't know Roy earlier, if she knew him earlier, even Dolly could be saved.

No, no, Shokuhou, I pray you can't rely too much on Mr. Li Roy, otherwise you will become an incompetent cripple, but you will be disliked.

Shokuhou Cao Qi will be irritable at night and always want to show her other roles in front of Roy, just like a girl in love will have a strange inferiority complex in front of the boy she likes, she always feels It's no use here with Roy, even if she's from Academy City.

Hearing Shokuhou Caoqi mention Accelerator, Roy said indifferently: "...Let that kid feel the life of an ordinary person, always full of 'strongest' and 'invincible' , I just don't know what it means, it's good to be sober and sober."

After finishing speaking, Roy looked at Shokuhou Caoqi's face, and said with a smile, " don't seem to be interested in going to dinner."

Shokuhou Caoqi hurriedly said: "...It's not like this, I'm very happy to accompany Mr. Roy to eat, but..."

"It's just that you care more about Dolly's sister, right... Let's go, let's not go to dinner, I will take you to the research institute, if this matter is not resolved, your heart will never be able to calm down. "


"It's nothing but, little bee, you are disobedient again, and I haven't punished you yet."

Roy glanced at her with a smile on the corner of his mouth.

Shokuhou Caoqi's face turned red, and there was such a trace of hope for the so-called punishment.

She quickly followed Roy's pace.

Mr. Roy is still so gentle, he sees through his own little thought, so he will take her to rescue Dolly's sister first.

Thinking like this, the arm just... hugs Roy's arm unconsciously.

Feeling the softness, Roy smiled and didn't speak.

Feilu reminds you: three things to read and collect,

Chapter 153 You are getting closer to God!

Misaka sister's first somatic clone, No. 0 Misaka called "Dolly", is the source of all Misaka sisters.

Her birth not only established the technology of replicants, but also made the initial experiments for the construction of a shared intelligence network between replicators, that is, the Misaka Network.

Therefore, there is also a '00' made at the same time on the No. 0 Misaka sister called Dolly, and the birth of this pair of sisters is the test product of the Misaka Network.

Because they are just replicas, the lifespan of Misaka sisters has a huge flaw, so Dolly was used as an excuse to heal her body to adjust in the talent room, and she also borrowed the technology of the talent room to complete the connection to the Misaka network.

As a result, Shokuhou Kaori met Dolly and triggered a series of events.

But Dolly used her ability to pass all the memories, emotions, experiences and other things she had to her sister before she died, so the current Misaka 000 is... a collection of Dolly sisters.

This is still the information that Shokuhou Shiki and Misaka Mikoto obtained from those ...... research institutes after they broke through the previous ...... research institutes. Cao Qi just found out that Dolly still has a younger sister.

And since Dolly gave all her experiences and memories to her sister, she could be said to be... Dolly herself.

When Shokuhou Misaki knew that Dolly might be resurrected in another form, he naturally threw himself into the action of destroying the research institute and saving the sisters together with Misaka Mikoto.

Her feelings for her sisters originated from Dolly from the very beginning.

...In the research institute, Shokuhou Caoqi lowered her head and followed behind Roy, her expression was a little dazed, and she was slightly nervous.

I don't know how Dolly will face her when she sees her again, will she forgive herself for deceiving her, will she... Many troubled thoughts fill Shokuhou. In Cao Qi's mind, this... the fifth person from Academy City was tense.

Roy sensed the complexity of Shokuhou Caoqi's inner emotions. He stretched out a hand and grabbed the tender white and slender hand of a girl in the country, feeling the warm skin on her hand, and encouraged: "... .. don't be afraid, little bee, your kindness will give you everything you deserve."

The light and gentle words seemed to give Shokuhou Cao endless courage, she took a deep breath, nodded heavily to Roy, and followed him to the underground of the institute.

Taking the elevator to the ground, in the empty house with only a faint light source, a vessel was standing there, and in the vessel exuding a faint orange-red brilliance, there was a girl with long brown hair who was sleeping with her eyes closed.

Roy looked at the girl while standing outside the vessel, and said with a smile, "...I didn't expect Misaka Mikoto to have long's pretty."

To be honest, the long-haired Misaka Mikoto and the short-haired her are just like two people, with two completely different styles, one looks cheerful and the other looks weak and gentle.

Roy walked to the computer next to him, and he looked back at Shokuhou Caoqi standing blankly in front of the vessel. Roy smiled and started to operate the computer.

Immediately, a light lit up in this empty room, and the liquid in the vessel was quickly recovered. When the vessel was opened, Shokuhou Cao Qi rushed over in a hurry, and put the white coat that had been prepared earlier on. On the body of Misaka No. 000.

Shokuhou Caoqi kneeled on the ground gently and carefully, and gently let 'Dolly' lie on his lap with a complicated expression.

"Her body is still defective. If you want her to live like a normal person, take her to the talent room and use the equipment there to genetically engineer her. Only in this way can a price only be 180,000 yuan. A clone of the yen, gaining the lifespan of an ordinary person."

Roy spoke softly.

Miss Misaka, isn't this kind of thing, just like this Dolly in front of me, that is... Misaka who belongs to Shokuhou Misaka.

"Thank you... Mr. Roy, thank you."

Shokuhou Misaki's eyes were flushed, and she stroked Dolly's cheek in her arms with her hand, and tears dripped from her star-like eyes, spilling on Dolly's clean face.

"There's nothing to thank me, little bee...I'm not righteous, but I'm not a devil either, and for me, salvation ought to be saved, and judgment ought to be judged, that is the path I follow and Meaning, I'll leave you alone, I think you and Dolly must have a lot to say."

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