Makino Shirley, Takitsubo Rihou and Silk had a conversation, and she looked at Flanda showing her thighs in gray silk stockings. Her behavior was a little shameful, but if it was for protection, it might be excusable.

"Really lets you do anything"

The corner of Roy's mouth curled up again, his tone frivolous.

"Yes yes, big brother can do anything, and I will cooperate. Even if I don't understand anything, I will study hard. I...I have never had a boyfriend in the past, nor have we talked about it. In love, as long as you are a little gentle..."

Flanda thought that Roy was moved, and nodded repeatedly to please.


Roy threw a metal iron rod, which was the steel bar in the ruins of the institute.

"Since you can do anything, let's kill Maiye Shenri first."

Seeing Roy say these words with a smile, Flanda's emotions were about to collapse.

In the end, do you still want to kill Mai Ye? "Why be afraid, Flanda, if she is afraid of Mai Ye's revenge, as long as she dies, she will not be able to avenge you."

Roy's words still lured people into the extreme abyss.

"I... I can't do it... This lord, big brother, please, change your request, I really can't do this wow."

Frenda burst into tears again out of control.

Mai Ye Shenli was still trampled on the head by Roy at this time, and half of his face was rubbing the ground. Hearing Flanda's words, he suddenly felt relieved, and even began to wonder if he had been too bad for Flanda in the past. In this case, Frenda would even refuse.

Just when Mai Ye Shenli was thinking wildly, Roy took out a mobile phone, he stepped on Mai Ye Shenli with his left foot, leaving a shoe print on half of her pretty face, and his right hand was typing something on the mobile phone.

A few seconds later, Roy said again: "...Frenda.

Severen, who lives in the seventh district of Academy City, is a high school student and has a younger sister named Fremea.

Severon, only ten years old this year, well, your sister looks exactly like you."

"...Fremea must want to see her sister."

When Roy took his eyes off the phone and looked at Flanda again, the girl's emotions finally collapsed.

"Ah, ah, don't, don't, don't start with Freelia, let me do anything, kill the wheat wild, kill the 壶, kill the flag, even let me become Inu, it’s okay for me to be obedient, but don’t touch Frey!!!”

Flanda grabbed the steel bar at hand, struggled to get up, and swayed three times to the front of Mai Ye Shenli, her eyes were dull, hehe smiled: "...I'm sorry..., Mai Ye... Don't blame me, I want to live, I want to live for the sake of my sister, so I can only ask you to die."

She raised the steel bar in her hand high.


Mai Ye Shenli let out a shrill cry, her eyes widened with bloodshot eyes, and she began to struggle again, but Roy's foot was like a needle of the sea, no matter how much she struggled and twisted, she couldn't get out of the shackles.


Takitsubo Rihou and Kenban Favorite also screamed in panic, hoping to stop Flanda, but at this time Flanda had already given up her life for herself and her sister.


She closed her eyes and shouted loudly, stabbed the steel bar in her hand, but when she was about to kill Muye Shenri, the steel bar suddenly slipped and turned in a different direction, and stabbed on the floor beside Muye Shenri, leaving a mark on her. A scar oozing blood.

"what happened"

The one-hit kill was unsuccessful, Flanda regained some sense of reason, and asked dumbly.

"Very well, you have passed the test, Flanda... Now I declare that you are alive, but whether you will be hunted down by Mai Ye Shenri, will you be cut in half by her..., that's not me It's manageable."

When she heard Roy's faint voice passed into her mind, the steel bar in Flanda's hand fell to the ground, and her body was shaky.

Mai Ye Shiri will definitely kill her without hesitation, Flanda is sure of this.

What should I do? Is it possible to kill Mai Ye now so that I can live? But this devilish man doesn't seem to want him to kill Mai Ye, he...he actually just...want to watch himself die, It's utterly insane to want to watch cannibalism kill Flanda.

At this moment, Roy said softly again: "...but you have a way to live, that is to take refuge in me, believe in me, ask for my protection, become my possession, only I can Let you live, only I can save you."

At this time, Roy is like the savior who saves the common people, allowing those who have returned to the darkness to see the light again.

Of these four people, a lot of people died at their hands. Although most of them just completed the entrusted tasks, there were always innocent people who were implicated and killed.

They need their own salvation, or training.

Flanda stared at Roy blankly, as if she saw the light behind him, the appearance of the Savior, and the rise of the cross.

She crawled over, hugged Roy's legs, and cried, "...Please, I don't want to die, I will be obedient, no matter what...

Let me do anything, you are my lord, please, as long as you can let me live!"

In order to survive, Flanda can betray her companions, and she can also betray herself.

Feilu reminds you: three things to read and collect,

Chapter 151 Our 'Trinity'!

In a secret base located under the Institute, it is full of all kinds of terrifying torture instruments, and appliances such as electric chairs are placed around.

Kenban Favorite and Takitsubo Rihou were tied to the electric chair with their hands and feet tied, and their mouths and eyes were wrapped in cloth. The feeling of losing their vision made their hearing ability infinitely expanded, so that they could hear the people around them.. ...... When the sound of the clanging torture instruments collided, it became even more frightening.

Shiri Mugino is like the savior of the world, tied to a cross, with chains around her wrists and ankles, and chemical substances injected into her body prevent her from using the ability of atomic collapse.

Unlike Kinabalu's favorite and Takitsubo Rigo, Mai Ye Shiri's mouth, nose, and eyes were not covered by anything, and at this time, she was staring at the cute blonde girl in front of her with angry eyes.

"Fran————Da!! You traitor, you betrayed traitor, when I get out of here, I will definitely kill you!! I will cut you in half and bury your body in In the graves of the tenth district!!”

Mai Ye Shen struggled with all her strength, and the iron chain rattled, but she lost her ability, and she was no different from an ordinary girl, no matter what...

No matter how hard you try, you can't break free from those metal chains.

Flanda was startled, she took a step back, and then she realized that the current Mai Ye Shiri couldn't do anything to her at all. She swallowed, still feeling panic in her heart, stuck out her tongue and said: "...Hey, Mai Ye, don't hate me, I really have no choice."

"...Look, at least we all survived, didn't we? In the end, none of us died, isn't it good to be alive now?"

"So Mai Ye, if I beg you, just obey Lord Roy's orders and stop resisting."

Frenda said in a pleading tone.

In fact, she has always admired Mugino Shenri, and she has a deep fear of her, so even now that Mugino Shenri has become a prisoner, she begs Mugino to make the same choice as herself.

"Traitor, traitor!! I won't let you go!!"

It's a pity that Mai Ye Shenli didn't appreciate it at all, and continued to swear with that beautiful face twisted.

The wound on her body was barely treated, but did not heal completely. After a fierce struggle, the pain came again, causing her to take a deep breath and groan under the pain.

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