It will die, it will die, it will die.

As Anbu who is working in the dark, although Flanda can't see Roy's emotions, but from the indifferent expression of the other party, it can be seen that he is a person who will never respect the existence of life and will never care about killing. , he will not hesitate to tear up all the enemies that stand in front of him, without leaving a trace of affection.

Fremea, Fremea... Flanda thought in fear of her ten-year-old sister, if she died, who would raise Fremea, if she died, ten How can the old sister live alone in this terrible and dark city.

I should have transferred the money to Flemia's name, I shouldn't keep it all with me... I knew I could die at any time in the dark, why didn't I do it.

I shouldn't spend money like this, I should leave more for my sister.

Tears overflowed in Flanda's bright blue pupils, and drops of water fell on the dusty ground. The clothes of this girl with Nordic descent like a doll were cracked, and her gray stockings were also covered with quilts. The incision and the **** smell in her nose made it difficult for her to breathe. When she was afraid of death, she thought of her sister like a flashback.

"Shut up, Frenda, shut up!"

Miley, who had a big hole in her waist, also knelt on the ground on one knee. She didn't even have the physical strength to move. She didn't have much fear. He fell heavily into the ruins, still conscious, but no one still had the desire to survive.

They had played against Accelerator before, and they knew the reason why Academy City's No. 1 was called the strongest, that there was no dead end and no flaws could be found.

It was a monster that couldn't hurt a single hair no matter how hard they tried.

That's just that kind of monster, and now he's smirking like a fool, as if his worldview has been severely hit, and he's turned into a mentally handicapped child who can only smirk.

The real monster is... the man standing in the moonlight with the baby in his arms. Although they didn't know that Roy's punch even affected the movement of the moon, they knew that the strongest Accelerator was like a child in front of him. .

Not with some strange boxing method that seems to violate science, but pure, positive, with the purest power, let Accelerator who has vector manipulation fall into the greatest despair in his life.

Misaka Mikoto and Shokuhou Soki were also stunned at this time. They had imagined countless scenes, but there was only one scene like this that they had never imagined in their minds.

Even if she knew that Roy had many mysterious bee-eaters, she just thought that no matter how strong Roy was, she would enter a fierce tug of war with the number one in Academy City, and she didn't even think that Roy would win. , should be narrowly defeated in the hands of Accelerator.

Because Accelerator is... Academy City's number one, the strongest being, this is the common sense that every high-ranking person in Academy City has.

But the Accelerator that claimed to be able to stop the Earth's rotation for a few seconds has now completely collapsed.

"Ahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!! Is this invincible, this is the power of invincibility!"

"This is the power I desire and pursue... If I had this power, I wouldn't... I wouldn't..."

Accelerator laughed wildly again and looked at Roy, but his self-confidence had been lost in that laughter, and there was only irrational frenzy.

"Those puppets, those puppets... I gave them a chance, as long as they beg for mercy, I will let them go... Aha, ahahaha, what the **** is the absolute ability plan, Even if a puppet like that kills 200,000, kills 2 million, it really makes me become.

Well! "I'm just a hopeless villain, come on, come on, let me see what you can do in the face of a villain like me, invincible, you hero who has the power to save everything !!”

Accelerator shouted sharply, it wasn't about redemption or begging for mercy, it was just a villain facing the world negatively, when his strongest name collapsed, the fragile heart of this man finally felt like a The dominoes also collapsed.

Accelerator activated his ability again like a madman. The land seemed to have lost its gravity, and countless particles and gravel began to slowly float in the air. In Accelerator's wild laughter, he mobilized all his computing power. , adjust the direction of the vector to the highest, and even give up the ability to reflect, that is... a punch to Roy's face.

Facing this punch that was enough to shatter the mountain range, Roy remained motionless. In front of him, a pure mist seemed to float. When Accelerator's fist touched the mist, it was like a mud cow entering the sea. All power is lost in the invisible.

『Gluttony』! When all existences are eaten, the so-called power has only become a concept. No matter how strong Accelerator's vector manipulation is, it cannot manipulate the changes of the concept.

Roy's right leg trembled slightly, and a whip kick was... it hit Accelerator's temple and kicked Accelerator directly. Roy had already tried his best to control his strength, otherwise as long as he exerted a little force, It would be like stepping on an ant, and kicking Accelerator's head like a watermelon.

But even so, when Accelerator landed, his whole body twitched, his mouth was open, his tongue stuck out, his saliva was flowing, and the pupils of his two eyes were somewhat dilated, as if he had become a dementia.

Hope he didn't get completely fooled.

Feilu reminds you: three things to read and collect,

Chapter 149 Flanda, do you want to live?

All sounds are quiet.

Among the ruins of the research institute, there was only the sound of people breathing hard against the pain of their bodies. Misaka Mikoto and Shokuhou Caoqi were a little afraid to speak at this time. They glanced at the moonlight and stood in peace. Roy, who moved, swallowed hard.

All this is moving too fast.

Misaka Mikoto and Shokuhou Misaki came to this institute with the determination to die, hoping to stop Accelerator, but they didn't expect to encounter four uninvited guests here. After a hard fight, Accelerator suddenly appeared and took all of them. They are all smashed into the water, on the verge of death.

Just when everyone was in despair, Roy came with hope again, and in just three moves and two moves, he beat the... indomitable Academy City number one, and he didn't know his life or death.

A few people are okay, they have fought against Roy from the beginning and know that this is an extremely scary monster, but for... Misaka Mikoto and Shokuhou Misaki who have been living their daily lives with Roy, this scene is just Some are unacceptable to them.

That... Mr. Roy, who has always said that he has no money and can only rely on them to support him, is so powerful. Although a person's strength seems to have nothing to do with whether he has money or not, the occurrence of this scene still makes them feel unbelievable.

Just when a group of people were worrying about gain and loss, Roy suddenly turned around and smiled gently at Misaka Mikoto and Shokuhou: "...Little Bee, take Mikoto to the hospital first, her arm If it is broken, it is best to connect it as soon as possible, otherwise it will not be good to leave any sequelae after a long time."

Seeing Roy is still the same as in the past, his words are steady and gentle, not hurried or slow, and his attitude towards them has not changed, no matter...

Whether it was Shokuhou or Misaka Mikoto, they both breathed a sigh of relief.

It's fine that Mr. Roy hasn't changed.

Shokuhou Misaki didn't have time to understand why Roy called Misaka Mikoto so close, she couldn't help but said, "...what about those...sisters?"

"My arm is not important, I have to save those sisters who were born through my mistakes first."

Misaka Mikoto's face was anxious, and she didn't care about her broken arm at all. As a junior high school student who had never experienced killing, and was the first to come into contact with this darkness and life-and-death struggle, her performance was quite good.

"Don't worry, those...sisters are still there for the time being: the culture vessel is not activated, you go to heal your injuries first, and then discuss how to arrange those... .Sisters, if you have a problem first, then nothing will be done."

"...So be obedient, you go to the hospital first."

"But Mr. Roy..."

Shokuhou Caoqi opened her mouth, but before she finished speaking, she was interrupted by Roy: " don't listen to me, little bee."

Roy's expression gradually became heavy.

"No, no, I've always been very obedient."

Shokuhou, who had been tamed for a long time, prayed immediately.

Standing up straight, he shouted excitedly, shaking his two jade hands vigorously, his face even a little frightened, for fear that Roy would misunderstand something.

Shokuhou Mikoto's well-behaved appearance made Misaka Mikoto glance at her involuntarily.

"Since you are still obedient, then take Misaka Mikoto to the hospital, and you also ask the doctor to treat your wound. If you leave scars, it will be bad. Although Academy City's medical care has the ability to remove scars, in the end, Leaves a different complexion on the skin, doesn't it?"

"...I have everything here, and your heart is completely."

Roy's speech rate was still...slow, and continued to speak calmly, with a huge sense of dependence and security.

Sure enough, what a woman is most afraid of is... the scars on her body, after hearing her words, Shokuhou Cao Qi immediately.

Intrigued, she bit her moist red lips, looked at Misaka Mikoto and said, "...Misaka, just listen to Mr. Roy first, let's get out of here first."

Misaka Mikoto stubbornly struggled for a while, and finally nodded slowly. Her... dirty brown hair blocked her eyes, and those strong eyes stared at Roy for a few seconds before she said: " ...I know what to do, Shokuhou-san, let's get out of here first."

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