Shokuhou Caoqi looked at Roy curiously, and then at Mai Ye Shenli, she didn't expect the two to know each other, and judging from the fourth person's expression, she seemed to have suffered a big loss in front of Mr. Roy.

The fear in Tokiwadai's Queen's heart dissipated a lot, she slowly moved small steps, trying to get close to Roy, she felt that as long as she was by Roy's side, she would be safe.

"You'll wait until I've solved the problem and say, this time, you can't run away, little bee."

Roy turned his head suddenly, looked at Shokuhou Kauki who had moved to his side in small steps, and smiled very gently.

But this gentle smile made Shokuhou Caoqi tense and laugh dryly. When she saw the half-smile in Roy's bizarre eyes, she felt as if her body was electrocuted. If the situation is wrong, it is estimated to be paralyzed to the ground.

She suddenly knew what the punishment Roy was talking about.

On the other side, Muye Shenri wanted to run away, but she felt that it was too humiliating to run away. Just when she was in a dilemma, Roy raised his hand and made an 'Atomic Collapse' to Muye Shenri. posture.

Immediately, the terrifying memory struck Mai Ye Shiri's heart again, and she saw the '21.


' After a number, a shrill scream came out.


The terrifying cry even shocked Shokuhou Caoqi. She hurriedly looked at Mai Ye Shenli, and saw that the fourth person was unharmed, but the whole person was sitting on the ground, arms and legs. He moved his body backwards, as if trying to get away from Roy quickly, the whole person was in a state of embarrassment.

Soon, Shirley Muye also realized that something was wrong, because she didn't see the atomic collapse shot out of Roy's hand, and her body didn't have any pain.

Just when Mai Ye Shen Li was confused, Roy chuckled lightly: "...Just to scare you, I didn't expect you to be so unfrightened, wouldn't you be scared to pee?"

Having said this, Roy looked to the ground, Mai Ye Shenli was embarrassed for a while, and he didn't even want to face Roy... He shot an atomic collapse again, but this single ray was aimed too low, from Roy's side It rubbed past one meter, and couldn't hit it at all.

"I must kill you, kill you, even if I die, I will kill you!!!"

Roy's humiliation ruined Maiye Shiri's last sanity, just when she gritted her teeth and wanted to attack regardless of whether she would die together——"Boom——"

The wall beside Mai Ye Shenli was torn apart suddenly, and four figures flew out from the torn wall. One of the figures rolled over in the air and stepped on the vertical wall beside him against gravity. The Taoist figure is Misaka Mikoto.

I saw Misaka Mikoto's face was full of pain at this time, her left arm was twisted unnaturally, her forehead was still there: there was blood, covering one of her eyes, and her body was covered with terrible wounds, even breathing. It was difficult to stabilize, and his face was pale, as if he had lost too much blood.

The other three figures that flew out were even worse. Takitsubo Rikō slammed into the wall, almost unconscious, and the two arms that Kinki loved most were twisted and inhuman, and there was howling in pain.

On the other hand, Flanda lay on the ground and vomited blood from her mouth. Her small hands even cracked her nails. She crawled forward on the ground full of gravel and metal wreckage, crying, "... Maiye ... save me, save us."


An extremely arrogant and arrogant laughter came from the torn hole, and the number one of Academy City walked out of it with one hand in his pocket.

Accelerator squinted his eyes, glanced around, his eyes were full of murderous intent and madness, and said with a shrill smile: "...Is the next opponent you are? My experiment had to be terminated. Garbage, I hope you can outlast those four 44s for a while... ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah!!!!"

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Chapter 146: Kihara Divine Fist, an unscientific Accelerator


Seeing Misaka Mikoto's miserable appearance, Shokuhou Misaki couldn't help covering her mouth with her hands, and her tone was full of tears.

Even if the two usually don't fight each other at school, to some extent, Shokuhou Misaki is preconceived, thinking that Misaka Mikoto gave it to her.

It was the Dolly tragedy that followed.

And after knowing that Misaka Mikoto was only deceived and handed over, Shokuhou Misaki actually has no reason to resent Misaka Mikoto.

It's just that the two have been quarreling with each other since they met, and it has become a habit now, which has become a special way of getting along for the two.

Now I see Misaka Mikoto's body covered with wounds, some bloodstains can even see the fat under the skin, the left hand is even more shrugged, and at a glance... it is broken, the blood on the forehead covers the eyes, as if she Eyes are blind.

Although Shokuhou Caoqi made a house because of the control, she had an understanding of the darkness of the city, but she only understood it, and did not go deep into it, nor was she affected by these...  ..Darkness is physically persecuted.

This time, when she was dodging from Mai Ye Shenli's pursuit, the scars on her body were already the most serious injuries she had suffered since she was a child.

Shokuhou Misaki knew that Misaka Mikoto was just an ordinary junior high school student. Seeing her almost fatal injury, she was still fighting hard, and immediately... a little emotional out of control.

Misaka Mikoto put all her attention on Accelerator. Before, she tried her best to fight Accelerator, but it was not so much a battle as Accelerator, even if she made up her mind Even the 'rail gun' fired with the desire to kill the opponent couldn't hurt a single hair of Accelerator.

If it wasn't for her quick reaction, she would probably have been killed by her own railgun.

Because of Accelerator's appearance, Misaka Mikoto had to team up with the three 3 people she had just fought against, but even the four-person 4 joint battle was like a bat in front of Accelerator, and she couldn't even let the opponent suffer a little damage from the vertex. .

"Shokuhou! Why are you still here, run, run!!!"

Misaka Mikoto was also taken aback when she saw Shokuhou Caoqi, and hurriedly shouted loudly to let her run. If she still had the luck of the two joining forces to defeat Accelerator, then the current Misaka Mikoto has such an idea. Hard to come out.

This monster cannot be defeated! All attacks are useless to him, he can reflect all vector attacks! At this time, Misaka Mikoto also saw Roy who was holding Lilith. Accelerator didn't want to pay attention to it anymore, and quickly jumped in front of Roy, his tone was already full of anger: "Roy, why are you here and still holding Lilith, do you know how dangerous it is here? Hurry up and leave with Lilith in your arms, I will help you drag this monster, or Lilith will die here too!"

Misaka Mikoto was already crying, she didn't want to see an innocent person die in front of her, and she didn't want to see an innocent baby die in front of her.

With this character called Accelerator who could brutally kill his sisters, he would definitely not let a baby go.

Then, Misaka Mikoto seemed to have thought of something, and glared at Shokuhou Misaki, who had cared about Shokuhou Misaki before, and immediately reversed her attitude, "...Shokuhou Misaki, are you controlling it? Roy, brought him here!"

Misaka Mikoto thought that Roy seemed to have been 'controlled' by Shokuhou Misaki, and then sent her a letter. If it wasn't for Roy, who was controlled by Shokuhou Misaki, how could he be here! Shokuhou Misaki at this time Ini was also a little confused. Why are Mr. Roy and Misaka Mikoto so familiar with what happened without me knowing? It's just that Shokuhou Kaori didn't have time to think about it, and he had already started to control Accelerator.

There is no miracle, the psychology and control that can only be accomplished by controlling the hormones and fluids in other people's bodies have no effect on Accelerator who can manipulate the vector.

Even because of the reaction force of the ability reflex, Shokuhou Caoqi groaned and covered his head with his hands, and blood flowed from his nostrils.

"After Takitsubo, the favorite of silk flags, Fran-Da!! You three trash, you can't even do this thing well, and you were beaten up like this!"

At this time, Uchino Shinri had already lost her mind due to extreme anger and fear. She did not hear the words 'Accelerator' shouted out by Misaka Mikoto, but cursed the three of the props for not completing the task. .

She first kicked Flanda who was crawling over, Landa bent her body in pain like a shrimp, retched again and again, and then... shot an atomic collapse at Accelerator.

This time, the atomic collapse finally hit the target "Mai Ye, don't..."

Takitsubo, who was barely conscious, tried to stop Shikari Kusano, but it was too late.

Accelerator grinned, stood there motionless, and let the atomic collapse shoot at him, and then the atomic collapse was... reflected back.

Mai Ye Shiri, who did not expect this scene at all, couldn't dodge at all, and in an instant, his abdomen was... shot through by the atomic collapse.

"Ah ah ah ah ah------"

Mai Ye Shen Li burst into tears, and knelt down with her hands covering her abdomen. The pain made her sweat profusely. This time, the pain was the same as the atomic collapse shot by Roy's 'spiritual trip foot' before. the same pain.

The only difference is that Roy's atomic collapse did not leave any traces on her body, but this one directly opened a hole in her.

"Aha, I remember you're the fourth... You dare to take action against this uncle, it's really daring, why do you think this uncle is.

, why are you on the same level"

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