The next moment, his whole soul seemed to be attracted.

Mortals, don't.... Look directly at the face of God!

A shrill scream came from the patio, Yaxiong's mouth, his seven orifices began to bleed, his whole body trembled like a sieve, gradually melted like a candle, turned into a pool of mud and collapsed on the ground, life from him. rapidly lost from the body.

Roy stepped directly across the patio that had gradually lost his life, and Yaxiong tapped a few characters on the computer in this office, opening the research channel in the deepest part of the institute.

It was a jar full of liquid, with a little girl who looked about ten years old floating in it.

"This is the final command tower of the Misaka Network, is it the last work? Lilith gave Roy a contemptuous look, and said, "I didn't expect it to be such a small child. Could it be that you are going to kill her?" Adopted too."

"Well, my dear elder sister is jealous, don't worry, I will only raise you, elder elder sister. As for this little girl, she can completely be raised by Misaka Mikoto. As for how she raises her, that is her problem."

Roy lowered his head and glanced at Lilith, frowned and laughed.

"Who would be jealous of this!!! Since you want to modify these......the emotions of clones, why do you have to come to this final work"

"If other '' is used as the source of infection, the last work has the ability to cut off the signal, so that the virus cannot spread to the Misaka network, but if the last work is directly infected, then the entire Misaka network will fall instantly."

With that said, Roy took out a plate and inserted it into the socket on the side.

"I hope this thing from the cloth bundle toxin will work."

Roy held Lilith with his left hand, and could only tap on the keyboard with his right hand to start the virus program in the middle.

"Hey, this kind of puppet-like guy, if I kill 20,000 of them, I can really become.


After completing today's task again, looking at the immobilized clone lying in a pool of blood, Accelerator said... impatiently.

Too weak, too weak, so weak that he can easily kill the opponent with just one finger, and killing 20,000 ants can really make himself evolve, from the strongest in Academy City to the invincible Accelerator. The brain told him that this should be impossible.

But the researcher standing behind the glass outside the experiment site smiled and said to him: "...that's how the designer of the tree diagram works, I think you must have heard of the designer of the tree diagram and know it It will never fail."

"...Although these....the clones are weaker now, but with the increase of combat experience, their experience will also be shared, maybe in the end, even one side You will also encounter tricky battles as you pass through."

That... the female researcher recorded it on a piece of paper, while investigating the data in the computer.

"Ha, the tricky battle, my uncle... I hope so."

Accelerator glanced at Misaka's sister, who had lost her life completely, and spat on the ground.

He feels that even if the clone combat experience is increasing, it is only a matter that can be solved by one move. This is the absolute rank gap, and it is simply Not so-called combat experience can make up for it.

It's just why I always feel that it's very strange that these... clones seem to have feelings, why don't they resist, why do they have to come and die, but forget it, this has nothing to do with this uncle, As long as this uncle knows that he can be.

, that's enough.

As long as this uncle becomes invincible, there will be no... stupid challengers, and I don't have to... hurt those people.

Tsk, this uncle is just a hopeless villain, he is really thinking of some strange things.

With one hand in his pocket, he walked towards the exit of the experimental site, and Accelerator said: "... Today's experiment is completed, I can leave now."

"Yes, but please don't forget tomorrow's experiment, Accelerator!"

The researcher was also afraid to face the number one monster in Academy City.

"Understood, my uncle will be here on time."

Just then, the institute's alarm sounded suddenly.


Accelerator listened to the sound of the alarm, and the corner of his mouth gradually revealed a grin, and he suddenly felt as if something interesting was about to happen.

..."Frenda, are you all ready?"

"The bombs have all been placed, Mai Ye, your expression is a bit wrong, what happened?"

"I'm fine, shut up! Just do your job!"

Mai Ye Shenli scolded her, she always felt a little uneasy.

To read the underlined version of the novel, please download Fei Lu Xiao

Chapter 142 Superpowers!

Outside the research institute, all the guards were lying on the ground. Under Shokuhou Kaori's super power, if there is no special protection, humans are almost... helpless in front of her.

"Misaka, haven't you finished yet?"

Shokuhou Misaki stood outside, watching Misaka Mikoto fiddling with a pile of equipment in the research institute, and after waiting for a while... she shouted impatiently.

"Okay, it's done..."

Misaka Mikoto perfunctory Shokuhou prayed, and at the same time looked serious, and began to control some electronic equipment in the research institute.

After waiting for a while, she came out of the inside with a heavy face and said: "...all the cameras have been turned off by me, and Accelerator is really inside."

"...He has been in the deepest experimental field of the research institute, and I can almost remember the map of the institute."

When Shokuhou Misaka saw Misaka Mikoto's expression, she knew that she must have seen some new videos of Misaka's sister being slaughtered on the computer, so she did not stimulate her, but said: "... My ability is not suitable for charging, and I can't jump around like a monkey like you, so you rush in from the front door openly and I will wait for the opportunity to help you."

For Misaka Mikoto and Shokuhou Soki, this is indeed a more suitable way for them to fight.

"Who is like a jumping monkey!"

Misaka Mikoto frowned and glared at Shokuhou Caoqi, "...But you're right, then I'll go directly through the main entrance, be careful yourself."

"I don't need you to tell me, I wouldn't be careless in such a dangerous place!"

The two said a few more words and determined the next basic action plan. Misaka Mikoto just... activated her ability to use the reinforced concrete metal structure in the building to overcome gravity with magnetic force, and then the whole person was Like flying, he began to quickly jump into the research institute.

"And saying that he is not a monkey is just like the power of the ape Tarzan."

Shokuhou Caoqi curled her lips. She looked at the quiet research institute in front of her. The door was like a giant beast that wanted to eat people, exuding a panic.

Taking a deep breath, she took out her phone, edited a text message, and sent it out.

"Activate the external generation brain!"

The Outer Brain Replacement Project is a technology that uses Shokuhou Misaki's brain slices to create a huge external brain, so as to enhance and expand the scope of her abilities.

Because of the requirements set by Shokuhou Misaki and the danger of her psychic abilities, her abilities must be face-to-face, and she must press the remote control to activate.

But after activating the outer outfit, her ability will be greatly enhanced, not only can she control more than a thousand people in an instant, but the area of ​​influence will also increase dramatically.

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