Shokuhou Misaki glanced at the baby in Roy's arms.

This baby has almost become Roy's pendant, and Roy doesn't care...

Take her wherever he goes. According to Roy, as long as he leaves, the baby will cry and make a lot of noise, so he can only take her with him all the time.

This made Shokuhou Shiki a little regretful, and he always felt that there was an extra light bulb in his date.

But she knew that this baby was picked up by Roy on the side of the road. It was an orphan without a parent and no mother. Although she didn't like this baby always being a light bulb, she would buy her various baby products.

She even played house games, thinking in her heart that she was the mother, Roy was the father, and Lilith was naturally the child.

"Babies are always sleeping more and less awake, just like cats."

Roy smiled.

"But it's okay to hold her all the time. I hope she can grow up soon."

Shokuhou Misaki sighed helplessly.

At the table not far from where Roy and Shokuhou Misaki were eating, a pair of female students were secretly watching.

"Tears, tears! Look, there is a Tokiwadai eldest lady over there, and you can meet Tokiwadai's eldest lady in such a place!!"

Chuchun Zhili, who wore flowers on her head, looked excited and tugged at the sleeves of the long-haired girl beside her, even her voice changed.

"This... this is what the eldest lady of my dreams looks like, so beautiful and fashionable, so elegant and charming!! Ah, it's such a blessing to meet and chat with such a eldest lady! "

Uiharu Shiri's whole body fell into excitement.

Satian Leiko, who was sitting beside her, covered her face helplessly, despairing of her friend's eldest-girl fantasy.

"Hey... The person who is chatting with the eldest seems to be Mr. Roy."

Shiri, who was excited for a long time, finally noticed the person sitting opposite Shokuhou Misaki.

"Do you know him Chuchun..."

Saten Leiko followed Uichun Shiri's gaze and asked suspiciously.

"Well, he is a very good and kind person, just like a gentle big brother, except... Sometimes he likes to tease people, ah, tears, don't tell Shirai-san, If she knew I was like Mr. Quaroy, she would drag me and yell."

Uiharu Shiri said as he was talking... getting nervous, thinking of Kuroko Shirai's twisted and perverted smile.

"Could it be that Mr. Roy is in love with that eldest lady, it's so romantic!"

Early spring Shili is falling into a **** again, and her heart has already started to form.

Saten Leiko looked curiously at Roy and Shokuhou, and just... stood up and grabbed Shiri Uiharu and walked over there.

"Hey, what are you doing, Tears!!"

Uiharu Shiri shouted in panic.

"Since it's someone you know, just go over and say hello, you can still chat with the eldest lady!"

The activist Satian Leiko ignored Chuharu's screams and dragged her directly.

..."Mr. Roy, you know them"

Shokuhou Misaki looked vigilantly at the two girls approaching.

Roy followed her gaze, and just... smiled: "... one of them can be considered a friend."

Feilu reminds you: three things to read and collect,

Chapter 129: The bee-eater's fan girl

Shokuhou Cao Qi looked at the approaching person vigilantly.

A short-haired girl with a strange flower ornament on her head, well, she looks average, not threatening.

The other black, long and straight girl is a little dangerous. Although her figure is gradually not as good as her rapid growth with hormones, she seems to be the type that Mr. Roy likes.

Shokuhou Misaki rated the threat level to Saten Riko and Uiharu Shiori who came over.

Roy also turned his head to the side at this time, and saw the two girls walking by, the one he didn't know... full of energy, he was very optimistic.

She was wearing a simple student uniform, the style and material of the uniform were completely incomparable with those of Tokiwadai Middle School, her hair was black and her pupils were a deep green.

Although it's not that kind of... I feel particularly amazing at first glance, but it is also very beautiful, with good features closer.

"I didn't expect to see you here, Chuchun, is this your friend? Would you like to introduce me?"

Because of Kuroko Shirai, Roy is also familiar with Uiharu Shiri, and when he sees her, he greets her with a smile.

"Wow! Such a cute little baby!"

Before Uiharu Shiri could speak, Saten Leiko was...with her eyes shining, she leaned over to look at Lilith, who was held in Roy's arms.

She stretched out a finger and poked Lilith's face, then asked with a hearty smile, " this your child? It's so cute!"

Roy's expression was stunned. He was chewing something, and Shokuhou Caoqi almost sprayed it out. Fortunately, he didn't lose face at the critical moment, but he also choked himself up and drank water quickly while coughing.

"I'm only in the first year of the country this year, how can I possibly have children!"

Shokuhou Caoqi roared at Saten Leiko in a low voice, his face flushed with blush, he wanted to take out his remote control to see if she clicked it to see what she was thinking about in her mind.

However, even though he was talking about Saten Leiko, Shokuhou Caoqi quickly and secretly glanced at Roy, not knowing what was in his mind, he lowered his head and did not speak.

Satian Leiko quickly apologized, a sly smile flashed in his eyes, and asked again: "...Then this is your child, sir!"

In a sentence, the opposite Shokuhou Caoqi was tumbling emotionally again, and Saten's tears were more like psychological and control.

Saten Leiko was still there at this time: poking Lilith in the face, the impatient Lilith opened her eyes and bit it in one bite. She had already started to have small teeth, and the force of this bite was not light enough, making Satian teary. The boy cried out in pain.

Lilith is not an ordinary baby, and of course she won't sleep like a baby all day long, but Roy asked her not to disturb him when he was "deceiving money and sex", and warned her that this is the source of our life.

At the beginning, Lilith didn't care at all and always made trouble for Roy.

However, as a baby, she couldn't resist Roy at all. After she went back, she was... cooked by Roy, putting rice and snacks in front of her and not letting her eat, stripping her and throwing her directly into the bathroom, using her The worst thing about taking a bath, Roy washed her for several hours with his own hands.

Or take her to the hospital to find Netherland Chasing Soul and ask for some medicines that are beneficial to the baby, and give her an injection every day. After one or two times, Lilith has become completely obedient.

Every time Roy goes out for dinner with the girls, he closes his eyes and pretends to sleep, or he pretends to be a well-behaved baby and doesn't cry.

But this time, she was stabbed by Zuo Tian's tears, and she couldn't stand it and just... moved her mouth.


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