"But I'm also quite strange. Your spirit will grow, but how can you have so much common sense?"

Roy is not omniscient and omnipotent. It is a little strange to know so many things. Normally, if Lilith is locked in an unknown realm for nearly a hundred years, even if her people will grow up, because she has no contact with the outside world, she will Just be an adult idiot.

"The realm that Aiwass placed me in is wonderful, and it allows me to get in touch with outside information every once in a while, so don't take me as a savage who came out of the virgin forest, although I don't know as much as you, but I still understand the basic common sense of life, and I am a civilized person!"

Of course Lilith guessed what Roy wanted to ask, that is... hum hum hum.

Seeing a little baby roll his eyes, Roy just... found it interesting, and stretched out his hand to tease her chubby little face.

"Don't touch me!"

Lilith angrily patted Roy's finger away with her small hand, "...how can you touch a girl's body so casually, and I'm still your sister!"

"You are just a baby now, not even fully developed, not to mention secondary sexual characteristics, what are you afraid of as a small baby."

Roy ignored Lilith's refusal, grabbed her little face directly, and twisted it gently and with a little force.

"Um...you're Aleister's...son...even if I'm a baby...I feel dangerous!"

Roy grabbed her face, and Lilith's words became intermittent.

"Did Aleister ever do anything to spare a baby?"

Roy let go of her face and said in astonishment.

This is a bit too much... Lilith turned her head sideways and muttered: "...he didn't do anything to the baby, but he was with a man... "

Roy was silent, and so was Lilith.

It seemed, indeed, that Aleister was bisexual and had a record of having **** with men before he joined Golden Dawn.

Of course, Aleister might just want experimental data, so please understand.

Roy hugged Lilith and looked at the building without doors and windows, and said, "...Are you going to see him?"

"...Although I don't hate him, but he and his ex-spouse live a comfortable life outside, allowing his son to rely on welfare assistance to barely survive, starving for a meal, but he things that have been done."

"It was also something he did to kill me by mistake, so even if I didn't hate him enough to want to kill him, I was also annoyed by what he had done in the past, and I didn't want him to feel better. I hope he would regret it and regret it. Go to cry bitterly, go to kneel and beg for mercy."

"...But you are not the same, my sister Lilith, he really loves you, even cursed himself for you, even willing to be the enemy of the whole world for you, he abandoned his own actions for you all human beings."

"For me, he is an unqualified father, but for you, I am afraid there is no more loving father than him. Wouldn't you like to meet him now?"

The baby's eyes followed Roy's, and she also looked at the building without doors and windows. Her expression was complicated, although this look was still very strange on the baby's body. After a while, Lilith said: ". .....he's right there, very close to us, maybe he can hold it now, but he can't hold it for long, one day he'll come out of that building to see us, so see you later It's all the same."

After a pause, Lilith continued: "...don't you hate me? I took away all the parental love from your childhood. If you didn't have me, you wouldn't have to go through those... ... sad childhood, but able to grow up happily."

"...Although that's only because he doesn't know you exist, now that he knows you exist, his love for you is no less than his love for me, and for you, he will definitely be willing to meet all The world is the enemy, even, giving up everything that I have accumulated over the years."

Roy looked at the baby in his arms amusingly, and said with a smile: "...then should I strangle you now to satisfy my dark heart?"

Having said that, Roy grabbed Lilith's neck with his hand, making her unable to breathe with a little force.

"Cough...cough...be careful, although I am a soul, I also need oxygen, and I'm still a baby...you really want to strangle me !"

After Lilith blushed, Roy let go of his hand and watched her coughing loudly.

"But don't think of me as being so fragile. My body is innocent and pure, my heart is as hard as iron, and my spirit is as transparent as glass. How can I still care about those little things when I am at my level!"

"...If I really had such a big hatred, the academy city under my feet would have been destroyed by me long ago, and he couldn't hide in that building like he was pretending to be dead, and he would have been dragged by me long ago. Come out and beat him up, how can I play this kind of game with him, as for you, I have already been beaten by me..."

Having said that, Roy's words stopped, and if he went on, it was not a matter of three years' worth of blood, but it was definitely a death sentence! "What happened to you a long time ago!"

Lilith suddenly became nervous.

"Hahaha!! Don't worry about these.... Lilith, you haven't taken a bath in a hundred years, girls love to be clean, I'll go take a bath for you, don't worry, I know that you are still a baby and will pay attention to the water temperature, in order to record your growth trajectory, I will also take some pictures for you by the way, so that you can have memories when you grow up!"

"Yeah—I'm still a baby, Roy.


The cry of a baby was heard from the streets.

......In the building without doors and windows, the dark liquid bubbling up, showing the inner restlessness of the person hanging upside down.

Feilu reminds you: three things to read and collect,

Chapter 127 Aleister, are you satisfied with such happiness?

In the building without doors and windows, in the specially transformed glass jar at the core of the entire building, the dark liquid is boiling, and countless bubbles are flying.

Wearing a green surgical gown, a man with silver hair hangs upside down. His originally expressionless face changes back and forth, showing absolute unrest in his heart.

Suddenly, as if the machine was stuck, some machines stopped working outside that sealed space.

Aleister's voice sounded at this time: "...Aiwass, what the **** is going on?"

Like a man, like a woman, like a saint and like a prisoner, Aleister's voice has not changed, but the emotions in it have undergone earth-shaking changes.

If the voice of Aleister in the past was like a machine, and people could not hear any emotions, then Aleister now seems to be dyed with countless colors in his heart, and his emotional richness even makes people feel Surprised.

There are surprises, anger, surprise, fear, and a little happiness in it.

This... the greatest magician of the twentieth century, the general chairman of Academy City, stopped thinking with machines at this moment, and completely turned into a human.

"This is not the future you expected, Aleister...you have a daughter, you have a son, you live together, and in this city within your reach, you watch your sons and daughters like a loving father They are noisy, silently guarding their safety, and removing obstacles to their growth in life."

"...Are you satisfied with such an ending, would you like this kind of happiness!"

Aiwass, who was behind Aleister, radiated radiance, and asked with a smile.

"You know that's not what I'm asking about, Iwass!"

Aleister's voice rose in vain: Get up.

"Pay attention to your emotions, Aleister... You want to ask why Lilith is still alive, it's very simple, because after I possessed Rose, I was infected by her mother's love and used myself. The ability of Lilith copied Lilith's soul to other realms."

"...I'm not a human being, only an existence like me can understand everything in the higher realms. You once summoned the great demon and wanted her to take you on a tour of the 30th floor of Ethel, but it didn't work, so you I don't understand the situation there, and I don't know that I have a way to temporarily block the fate caused by the thoughts of the demon gods."

Aiwass said softly, she looked at Aleister's changing expression in that jar with great interest, and after decades, she finally saw this man's panic and fear again.

This is what a human being should be like, Aleister who uses a machine instead of his own thinking, Aiwass finds it very boring.

"Then why didn't you tell me, Aiwass!"

Aleister's voice was a little angry, if Aiwass could tell him earlier, he would be able to see his daughter earlier, if Aiwass told him earlier, he would be able to see his son earlier "Even if I say it, it's useless, Aleister... You are a genius, and in the realm of magic, few people are more gifted than you, you could have reached the extremes of magic, but in order to The daughter gave up from the beginning, but you are also like a frog in the bottom of the well, bound in this world!"

"...Even if I told you she was still alive, you still can't save her, just like a hundred years ago, you can only watch her being annihilated by the spark of phase, your son Roy Crowley , he crossed that... The bottom of the well saw the vast sky, and he had a vision and vision that you can't imagine."

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