"I picked up a baby! Now that Academy City is so messed up, I can still pick up a baby casually!"

Kamijou Touma was shocked when he heard it, he was not a pure boy who knew nothing, and he immediately thought that this baby must have been born after some pair of underage boys and girls made mistakes.

"If you pick up a baby, you should call the police first, right... No, it's right to check your body first. If you have any symptoms, it will be troublesome if you delay it."

Kamijou Touma, who said so, quickly moved away and said to Roy: "...The doctor inside is very powerful, and every time I get beaten, he heals me.

The last time I broke my hand, he connected it to me."

Roy smiled at Kamijou Touma, walked into the waiting room, and then... saw that... a frog-faced doctor in a white lab coat with a bloated figure and only a few hairs on his head.

Sure enough, hair loss is the ultimate problem faced by human beings.

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Chapter 122: Netherland Chasing the Soul, you still say you don't understand magic!

"This baby!"

Netherland Chasing Soul was sitting on a chair laughing and joking with Kamijou Touma, but when Roy came in with Lilith in his arms, he immediately... his face changed and he stood up quickly.

Quickly walk two steps to Roy, a normal doctor should wear rubber gloves to touch, but Netherworld Chasing Soul did the opposite, took off the gloves, and lightly touched Lilith's body with his fingers, like Is doing an inspection.

"Never let your hand leave her, or she will have problems."

After some inspection, Netherland Chasing Soul was... aware of Lilith's state, and hurriedly told Roy.

Roy gave him a deep look.

Netherworld Chasing Soul, you still say you don't understand magic! Modern natural science does not involve the soul, and even the technology of Academy City has nothing to do with the soul, but after the Netherworld Chasing Soul touches Lilith, it is ...I have determined her state, and I can even see the relationship between Lilith and the phase friction and sparks. This person looks like a serious doctor.

It can be seen that Roy is holding Lilith's hand, which is the key to keeping the baby's life. What the underworld understands is beyond imagination, even if it is the current Pope of Rome, or Revinia... post-gold The top magicians of the era called, and they probably couldn't see where Lilith's problem was.

'This guy, is it really Alan.

Bennett' Roy was a little suspicious, and he couldn't understand the frog-faced doctor.

But he knew that even if he asked, it would be useless, and Netherland Chasing Soul would definitely deny it.


Bennett, the only teacher recognized by Resta, a member of the Golden Dawn, a possible pinnacle of 74, is also the creator of the spiritual stumbling technique and the staff of shock.

Say Alan.

Benne is... Aleister's most respected person, and from Aleister's attitude towards the soul of the underworld, it has surpassed his attitude towards the savior.

Moreover, it was in 1947 when Netherland Chasing Soul rescued Aleister, but now it is in the 21st century. After so many years, the old man's appearance does not seem to have changed, which is indeed suspicious.

But underworld chasing soul is not Alan.

Bennett doesn't matter, what Roy needs to know is: "Can you save her?"

Netherland Chasing Soul, who was pacing in place and thinking, stopped, smoothed the sparse hairs on the top of his clean head with his hands, and said confidently: "...Of course, who do you think I am, but I am Underworld chasing souls, as long as people are not dead, I will definitely be able to save them!"

Netherland's chasing soul is full of momentum, but when he saw the expression on Roy's face, he didn't believe it, just... his face was depressed, "...Is what I said so unbelievable?"

Roy pointed his finger at his hair, and his expression remained unchanged: "...you fix your hair first."

Netherworld Chasing Soul touched his head and said with a dry smile: "...The technology of copying and cultivating hair follicles is really not difficult, but when I get old, I don't need those."

"You can sell this technology to Britain, and the people there will be happy."

"Well, I will consider this proposal, well, no joke, this little girl has a serious problem."

Netherland Chasing Soul sat on the chair, with one hand on his chin, his face full of seriousness.

He didn't care whether his words would reveal anything, and said bluntly: "...Science and technology a hundred years ago was not good, and it was impossible to directly cultivate a human body from cells, but it can be done today."

"...the easiest way to solve this child is to...use Yale...and his wife's cells to recreate a clone, and then implant the child's soul into it. , With the current technology of Academy City, it only costs 180,000 yen to create a clone."

Roy nodded secretly when he heard the words, Lily's body was long gone, she was born by Aleister and Rose, Aleister is now hanging in a building without doors and windows, Rose's information is in Iwass As long as the genetic information is obtained from the two of them, a body can be recreated for Lilith.

180,000 yen is cheaper to make a living doll than an inflatable doll. If this technology spreads, it will definitely bring huge economic benefits... "But this method is true, even human clones have it. Soul, I will not kill another person to save another person, that is inconsistent with my morality and the dogma of saving the wounded."

Netherworld Chasing Soul shook his head, denying the simplest method, he pondered for a moment and said: "...the body composition of a person is not complicated, as long as 35 liters of water, 20 kilograms of charcoal, 4 ammonia water, and 1 lime .

5kg, phosphorus 00g, salt 250g, saltpeter 100g, sulfur 80, fluorine 7.

5 grams, 3 grams of silicon, 5 grams of iron, and the right amount of fifteen elements can be made."

"...The most difficult thing for human beings to create is the soul, even if it is a clone of 180,000 yen, the soul is not directly created by human beings, but formed by the operation of more profound and mysterious natural laws, but now that this If a child has a soul, then the body is not difficult."

Roy curled his lips after hearing the words, you really are not an ordinary person, this is a typical taboo of Hermetic alchemy, a field made by the human body, what is the full name of the Golden Dawn? What is the Golden Dawn of Hermeticism? "But pure manufacturing of the body does not necessarily fit, it needs to be matched with the soul, and it cannot be used... It must be done with science and technology, no problem, although it will take a certain amount of time, but I can make a special Instrument, solve this matter!"

Netherland's chasing soul claps hands, that is, there is a plan.

It is worthy of being the most powerful doctor in the world. Other doctors need the support of existing medical equipment to treat patients. However, if the existing medical equipment cannot complete his operation, he can create a new one. equipment to meet the requirements.

He is also an industrialist.

"What do you need me to do"

Seeing Netherland Chasing Soul has been there: talking to himself and talking to himself, Roy is very at ease, in front of this old man, all medical problems don't make people tangled.

"I need you to do two things, the first is... keep holding the baby, don't let her wean... The second is... you have to bring her to me every once in a while, I want According to the requirements of her soul, adjust the data to create the necessary equipment, which requires me to test and study her soul."

Netherland Chasing Soul stretched out **** and said.

"No trouble, but I'm not... breastfeeding her."

Roy said with a dark face.

"Hahaha!! It's almost the same thing, boy!! You're much more interesting than... that... awkward guy."

Netherland Chasing Soul laughed, and it seemed that he found a solution that put him in a good mood.

Roy knew that the awkward guy in his mouth was referring to Aleister.

"Let's do it today. I need to study the basic data. After three days, you are taking this child for me to check... Well, there are a lot of things needed, and I have to let him order equipment. "

Netherland Chasing Soul took out a pen and tapped on the table, muttering.

Don't say you want some equipment, even if you want the entire Academy City, Aleister will not hesitate to give it to you in order to save her daughter.

Roy sneered in his heart, bowed slightly to Netherland Chasing Soul: "...Thank you very much for your help, doctor."

Lilith is his sister, and Roy will naturally show enough respect when facing her sister's savior.

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