Aiwass' explanation made many things clear, and Roy heard the words...with a smile: "...then that... occupied the real Anna.

When the magician of Sprenger's body knew about it, he came to Westcott, who believed it to be true, and was deceived, and he didn't know what good things he was deceived from."

Aiwass nodded and said again: "...I can only be free if I complete the contract, and I also heard about it. I paid attention to the Golden Dawn and noticed the existence of Aleister. , watched him destroy the Golden Dawn, and when he ran to Egypt, he hoped to summon a 'temple leader' to gain knowledge, and his wife Rose was willing to cooperate with him."

"So, Aiwass, you pretended that you were summoned by Aleister and descended on Aleister's wife, who was my stepmother, and thus taught him the Book of Law, which also became his original theory of developing superpowers."

Roy hesitated when talking about Rose, but he said it smoothly.

The first sentence of "Book of Law" is..."What you want is your law", which is not the personal reality of superpower.

That's why Aleister wanted to use the force field to create a body for Aiwass, which was indeed the most suitable body for Aiwass.

"Then, I know what Aiwass you want to do, and you want me to find that...with the real Anna.

The magician of Sprenger's body, expel her or kill her spirit directly, and let Anna.

Sprengel can return to reality from a higher realm, so as to complete your contract with her and be free, right?"

Aiwass said so much, of course Roy knew what she needed.

The Holy Guardian Angel didn't change his smile and said, "...Wait until Anna and I.

When Sprengel's contract is completed, I am the body of freedom, and then I will be your 'holy guardian angel'."

Roy pursed his lips with this almost confession-like remark, and even he couldn't make no response.

Then, she just... saw Aiwass's expression changed slightly, and her smile became a little weird, "...that stinky woman who wants to sit on me as a chair, her natural mission is... .As a witch, you are connected to God, if you can become a demon or a higher existence, Roy, then in front of her, you are her god!"

"...The witch will dedicate everything to the gods, Roy, you must humiliate her severely, and I will definitely kick her **** and sit on her head to laugh at her!"

It seems that... Anna.

Schrengel's character is not very good, which makes Aiwass a little uncomfortable.

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Chapter 118 Academy City Young Master

A bunch of other things popped up that need to be changed.

Roy is a person who recognizes his relatives and ignores them. In this respect, he is very similar to Aleister. When treating his relatives, he will never take into account those things...that doesn't matter.

Aiwass has always helped him a lot, for Roy, Aiwass and Anna.

Sprengel is not comparable at all. Naturally, Aiwass has a closer relationship with him. If it is to help Aiwass, Roy doesn't care about finding Anna.

Sproul's body, Aiwass completes the contract.

At that time, even if Aiwass asked him to take Anna.

Sprengel **** and trained, turned into a loyal dog that works for God, and he will do the same.

"That... occupied Anna.

where is the magician of sprenger"

Roy asked.

Since it can occupy the body of this Rosicrucian: member, the magician definitely has two brushes, although it can be seen from Aiwass's tone and the behavior of that person who can only deceive Westcott. It shouldn't be strong, it should just be a weird technique, but it's always right to be careful.

"...that magician is very hidden, and has only appeared a few times in history, but in those few appearances, I have already remembered her soul information, as long as she Next time I show up, I can grab her fox tail."

Aiwass's tone was a bit vicious, obviously that... stole Anna.

The magician of Sprenger's body annoyed her so much that she did not fulfill the contract for so many years and could not become a free body.

"The best way to make that magician show his power is undoubtedly to create a turmoil that affects the whole world. In that case, all monsters, ghosts, snakes and gods will definitely appear and want to get involved."

Roy pondered for a moment and said slowly.

This is a good time to come. The situation that I designed to cause the chaos of the world with the British Civil War can not only help Othinus to recast the 'Gun:', but also help Aiwass to take that... Occupy Anna.

Sprenger's magician tricked out, it can be said to kill two birds with one stone.

"I understand your general appeal, Aiwass, and leave this matter to me."

Roy pondered, calculating in his mind whether his plan needed to be changed in some places, and finally came to the conclusion that he only needed to complete the work according to the original plan, as long as he was not like Aleister, no matter what he did, he would fail. , then this plan seems foolproof for the time being.

Even if Britain's second princess suddenly came to her senses and did not go against the queen, Roy could directly add a yellow robe to her, so that she had to go against it.


Stuart believes that Roy is investigating Aleister's identity, and the civil unrest in Britain is beneficial to her, which is in line with the nature of its proliferation, and will inevitably lead the Puritans to fully support Roy.

Gremlin has gathered a large number of powerful Nordic magicians, and they have demon gods themselves. In order to achieve their wishes, those magicians will do their best to complete the tasks that Roy entrusted to him, and they will not be afraid of life and death.

Academy City seems to have a complicated internal power network, but in fact it is basically a tower of words. Now that Aiwass has come out to meet him now, since he is the main body, can Aleister know this, that is, the current father and son two The existence of the other party has been known for a long time, and even the existence of the other party has been known.

It's just that Roy didn't want Star, and Aleister didn't dare to see Roy, which made the father and son feel awkward like strangers.

And Roy is a veritable Academy City young master. If he said that he was unhappy with the country of Britain, he would only need a few of the latest fighter jets, space-based weapons, satellites, etc. For toys, Aleister thinks that she will not be stingy with this little thing.

With the right place and the right place, Roy really doesn't think it's a failure. With such a good card in hand, it is estimated that no one can lose except...Aleister.

At that time, the whole body will be pulled together, and the Roman Orthodox Church, the Russian Orthodox Church, France, the United States and other countries will all be involved in the civil strife in Britain. When the chaos becomes a pot of porridge, Roy will be able to make a fool of himself. Everything to do is done in one go.

This plan is not complicated at all, even quite simple, it is just... pure leverage, the more complicated the plan, the easier it is to fail. In the common interest, let the big demons join their own camp, this is Yang It doesn't matter who wins or loses in this riot, because Roy will be the only winner.

It doesn't matter how many people will die in this turmoil, how many... families will be displaced, it doesn't matter if the human beings return to the Stone Age, because when Roy reaches the top and becomes the devil, all the scars will only be left. But it can be dispelled in a moment of thought.

Thoughts rolled, sparks collided, and more pride in his chest, Roy stood up and ordered Aiwass: "...for the time being, you should go back to Aleister, he is too easy to fall off the chain , I'm afraid there will be something wrong with him, if he suddenly can't think of it and goes to the devil to trouble me, then I'll be finished."

Aiwass didn't know what Roy and Othinus did in private, but when she saw Roy like this, she knew that he had a plan. After experiencing so many worlds with Roy, she He trusted Roy's ability very much, so he nodded without hesitation: "...Aleister leave it to me, I won't let him do anything too outrageous."

"...Now Aleister should be struggling, but from what I know about him, he will eventually choose to use the five elements.

The power of the math area shapes my body, and when I have a body, I can walk freely between the earth."

Aiwass' figure gradually dimmed, and she looked at Mina again.

Mathers asked: "...where are you going now? You can choose to go back to that building with... no doors and windows, or you can choose to live here."

Now that Aiwass has had a showdown with Aleister, there is no need for Mina Mathers to hide in the way of tarot cards.

"My word...if he doesn't mind, I'll live here."


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