In the distance, the one-eyed demon **** used her emerald-like eyes to watch the plane cross the horizon, and after completely disappearing from her line of sight, she turned around and left.

The members of Gremlin were assigned to the whole world by her, looking for places that could be used to build guns: as well as the sources of power for some conceptual symbols.

In the cognition of Gremlin members, Roy, the deputy leader, was sent to Academy City to find materials for making guns. Compared with other members, his task is the most important, if there is no gun: If the materials are used, it would be impossible to build the gun of the Lord God from the very beginning.

But in fact, for Othinus, she only sees Roy as her own comprehension. As for the life and death of other members, she never cares. She issued a death order requiring all members of Gremlin to be considered dead. , but also to complete the responsibilities she gave, and the other members also work with the idea that as long as their tasks are completed, they can be resurrected by the devil even if they die.

But only here with Roy, Othinus wants Roy to pay more attention to her own safety, if his life is threatened, she would rather not have a gun: material.

Even if Roy can save her life with Eternal Tribulation, she doesn't want Roy to face death again.

She is the only one who can kill her own comprehension, she will never allow anyone else, and she Othinus has killed her own comprehension so many times, so she would rather be injured than Roy will be hurt again. any suffering.

"Marianne, how are you teaching Bercy's magic?"

On the way back, Othinus asked the black dwarf who came with her.

Bercy is the code name of Kihara Kaqun in Gremlin, a person who has very few appearances in mythology, a kind of hero.

"Belsey is very talented in magic. He has not received the super power development of Academy City. He studies with all his strength every day. Apart from eating and drinking, he puts all his energy into learning magic."

"...According to what he said, he joined Gremlin for revenge. Only magic can accomplish his purpose. He doesn't need to rely on the devil, he can accomplish that... sad wish by himself."

Marian sighed and said, from the smile on her face, she should have a good relationship with Kihara Kaqun. Marian is a person who is close to his comrades and cold to his enemies.

Everyone who joins Gremlin has their own wishes, Kihara Kaqun is the same, so is Marianne, she is also happy to see her comrades fulfill their grief wishes.

Then, the black dwarf looked at Othinus and asked suspiciously: "...You care about the deputy leader very much, Lord Othinus!"

From Marian's point of view, Othinus would secretly see Roy off when he left for Academy City, which shows that the private relationship between the two is not easy.

"Just do your own thing, don't ask too much about some things."

Othinus replied indifferently.


Marianne responded quickly, but she was quite happy in her heart.

Judging from Othinus' performance, this... Lord Demon God is still very emotional, otherwise how could she secretly send off to the deputy leader, which made her feel relieved. There are many members of Gremlin, and each They are doing their best to work for Othinus, in order to wait until the Demon God regains all his strength to fulfill their wishes. Since Othinus attaches great importance to feelings, she will definitely fulfill the wishes of the members.

Marianne's own wish can be fulfilled in the process of building the gun of the Lord God, and she hopes that the other members can also fulfill their sorrowful wishes, who attaches great importance to the friendship of comrades in arms.

But Marian didn't know that Othinus did have feelings and attached great importance to them, but her feelings were only for Roy. As for the other people in Gremlin, she didn't bother to care about their lives and death, those. ...... are all tool people.

Gremlin continued to operate in the dark.

...It was dark and peaceful in St. George's Cathedral, and in the seating area at the rear of the church, Laura.

Stuart is sitting on a small bench with a gentle posture, her long hair like the Milky Way is spread on the ground, and her hair is immersed in the water.

Laura held a school-made shower in her hand, and the shower sprayed warm water over her gorgeous hair.

Her hair was sticking together in many places, and those... sticky substances had dried up at this time, making her hair into pieces. At this time, Lola was using The shower sprayed hot water, washed the sticky stuff with shampoo, and carefully smoothed the hair with a small comb.

When Kanzaki Kaori and Stiyl came here to meet Lola, it was... the scene where they saw their supreme bishop sitting on the bench in a light pink monk's uniform, carefully cleaning his hair.

When he was walking outside, he heard the sound of the sprinkler spraying inside, and Stile was startled, thinking that the Supreme Bishop was taking a bath. If he came in and saw the Supreme Bishop taking a bath, he would be finished.

But the supreme bishop asked him and the eldest sister to come to see her, and Stiyl did not dare to go against it, so he could only bite the bullet and walk in with his head lowered.

Fortunately, the Supreme Bishop is not taking a bath, he is only washing his hair, he just said, this one from his own... The Supreme Bishop is sometimes very cute and jumpy: but she is still very reserved, and her private life adheres to It is dogmatic and very strict.

"Sir Supreme Bishop..."

Entering the super-large bathroom that the supreme bishop used to wash, Stiyl and Kanzaki Kaori bowed their heads respectfully and greeted.

The expressions of the two were faintly excited, and they roughly guessed what Laura asked them to come over for.

"You guys are here, Stiyl and Kanzaki..."

Lola's attention was still on her hair, leaving only a perfect profile face for the two of them. She gently rinsed and combed her hair, her tongue opened softly, and her tone was gentle. with a joyous joy.

"We're here, Lord Supreme Bishop, if you have any tasks, please direct them."

Steele said impatiently.

Laura didn't cheat with them either, she whispered: "...The whereabouts of the banned book catalog have been found."

Hearing her words, Stiyl and Kanzaki Kaori were both faintly excited, and it really was related to Index! After that, she ran away. After her memory was cleared, Index did not regard the Puritans as her companions, but as her enemies. As the caretakers of the previous session, Stiyl and Kanzaki Kaori only knew that the list of forbidden books was I went to the island country, but I don't know the exact place.

In getting along with Index, they have long regarded Index as their most important companion and friend, and even Stiles has a faint secret love, and now they finally heard the news of her, how can they both Can you be excited.

"Lord Supreme Bishop, just tell us Index's whereabouts, my eldest sister and I will bring her back."

Stiyl said in a hurried tone, although Kanzaki Kaori didn't speak, he nodded vigorously.

If it was in the past, Lola would probably have made a joke for the two of them, and she would tell him whether she was left or right, but today Lola is in a particularly good mood, and she just... pointed to the table next to her and said, "... There is a message from the Puritan members in the island country, and the whereabouts of the list of forbidden books are on it. I ordered in the name of the supreme bishop, you go and bring her back."

"...But the place where the banned book catalog is currently located is very close to Academy City. If she accidentally enters Academy City, don't be smart, you must report the information first, and wait until I discuss with the chairman there. , you can enter it, you know?"

At the end, Lola's tone became more and more severe.

"Don't worry, Lord Supreme Bishop, we will pay attention and try our best not to let Index go to Academy City."

Stiyl nodded again and again, and couldn't wait to walk to the table to pick up the magic letter. Of course, he knew that Academy City was the base camp of the science side, and that people from the magic side of himself entered without permission, which could easily cause misunderstandings.

After getting the letter, he hesitated for a while, and then asked again: "...Is Index not in danger?"

"She has a mobile church on her body, which is equivalent to a fortress. The strength of the enchantment is the same as this church. How could it be dangerous."

Laura said indifferently.

After hearing her words, Stiles felt that it was the same, that was to let go of his heart.

Kanzaki Kaori looked at Lola trying to comb her hair, she couldn't help but said, "...Sir Supreme Bishop, do you need me to help you wash your hair?"

She saw that Laura's hair was too long and it was too troublesome to wash herself.

"no, I'm fine!"

Who would have thought that the Supreme Bishop jumped in fright, his face flushed, and he waved his hands, shouting to the two of them, " go to complete the task, don't stay here!"


Although Stiyl and Kanzaki Kaori did not understand her attitude, they respectfully responded and left.

It's a joke, how dare she let Kanzaki Kaori touch her hair, even if the devil's face is found inside, if she finds those strange things, her... Supreme Bishop is... jumped into the Thames and washed Not clear.

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