Although he was complaining, Roy knew that Coronzon and succubus, goblins, etc. were not the same thing at all. Demons should correspond to the 'Reverse Kabbalah Tree of Life', but Coronzon is located in Kabbalah Life. On the tree, although she is a demon, her way of existence is close to that of an angel. It can be said that she is an unprecedented contradictory creature in the Kabbalah life system.

Shaking his head, Roy didn't think too much. He had already obtained enough information in this brief contact to determine the state of the demon's body, spirit and soul. He also deceived the power of Puritanism, and he got what he deserved. , he is satisfied.

The current Othinus is still in a state of 55%, even that big demon is still stuck in the contract and cannot extricate himself... But in the current state of Othinus, It is still a bit difficult to persecute the demon. Roy's real purpose is to forge the spear of the Lord God, and then use the great demon Coronzon to cross the abyss. Everything else serves this purpose, so sometimes you still need to know how to stop. .

While thinking, Roy looked up in his heart, and a petite girl with one eye was standing in front of him. She was wearing a rather revealing fur coat and a witch-style hat. She was slender and her complexion was white. Standing in the middle of the street, but isolated from the world, everyone around seemed to be unable to see her, and hurried past her.

When Roy saw the one-eyed demon god...with a smile on his face, he walked two steps to her side, and said with peace of mind, "...please Othinus, please stand guard for me."

"I don't like such polite words, human!"

Othinus frowned, a little unhappy.

She followed Roy, walked on the streets of the city, and asked, "...I got the intelligence data I wanted."

"Well, I got what I wanted from my contact with her, and the results are very good. After that, as long as you use these data to adjust the spell, you can give that big devil a surprise."

Roy was in the same mood as Lola, very happy.

" shouldn't have feelings for that demon, right?"

Othinus hesitated and asked.

"Why do you say that"

"Your behavior is completely superfluous, in fact, as long as I have built a gun: after using her to help you cross the abyss, it will be good to hit her back on the tree of life, why bother to develop such a technique, although the devil knows everything , but this is mainly manifested in the manipulation of aspects, rather than being able to use that knowledge, and I can't help you to accomplish the spells you want to accomplish overnight, only a little bit of research with you."

Othinus shook his head, some of Roy's actions were really unnecessary in her opinion.

After being silent for a while, Roy slowly shook his head and said, "...she is my sister after all, who has lived with me for so many years. I was just... trying to find out whether her feelings are real, It was from the very beginning... it was performed, but in the end I found out in the test that even a demon without blood and no tears has feelings."

"The devil is absolutely emotionless, it's just that she has the wrong emotions because she couldn't stabilize her soul and the medium when she first created the medium."

Othinus points directly to the Tao of the essence.

"But then... feelings have arisen after all, haven't they? There is room for manipulation... I am your understander, and you are my understander, so you should know that I seem indifferent but in fact He is a person who cares about feelings, just like the feelings between me and Othinus, it is hard to let go."

"...So I won't abandon you, because you are willing to be the enemy of the whole world."

Othinus blushed, raised his hand and hammered Roy, "...I'm talking to you about the great devil, why did you turn the subject to me."

After speaking, the one-eyed demon **** seemed to be shy, and immediately.

Take two quick steps and ignore Roy.

I touched the part that was hammered by Othinus just now, and it really hurts a little bit. This is probably... the little fist of the devil is hitting your chest, but the little fist of the devil is fine. If you punch down, maybe the universe will be hammered. .

Feilu reminds you: three things to read and collect,

Chapter 99 Dad will miss you!

On the top floor of a luxury hotel, Roy came back here again.

After discussing with Othinus, the one-eyed Demon God is hiding behind Gremlin's backstage again, and it is not yet time for this... Demon God to appear.

Those in the hidden world...the demon gods, they are not interested in the present world, and they don't even take a look at it, but Othinus is precisely one of the people they may be interested in. One, the previous Othinus destroyed the world countless times, and Roy returned to the restored world countless times with eternal calamity. For those... Demon Gods, they will only think that Odi Nus is using the power of the phantom killer to calm the world, so he didn't pay too much attention.

But if Othinus continues to be unrestrained, maybe some demon **** will take a look at the world on a whim, and then Roy will definitely have nothing to hide.

In order to prevent Roy from being discovered in advance, the one-eyed demon **** kept himself quiet. As long as she didn't jump around, the demon gods would not have the time to look at this world, which for them would be broken at a touch. Everything Othinus did was to prepare for Roy to cross the abyss.

After Othinus completed the casting of Spear: and Roy also crossed the abyss and completed the important step before becoming a demon god, even if the demon gods discovered it at that time, it didn't matter, the two of them escaped together and went to other worlds. Feel free, wait until Roy also becomes a demon god, and then come back to compete with those... demon gods.

So this year is the most important to Roy. He must not be discovered by the devil within this year. Otherwise, Roy and Othinus' plan to use the big devil to cross the abyss will fail, and even The plan of Othinus to build a gun: will also fail, and the two can only flee in despair, thinking of other ways.

Othinus is okay, she is a demon herself, but it is only because she voluntarily gave up the power of the demon and found it back, which made her power unstable. As long as there is enough time, Othinus can adjust her power by herself. Even without a gun: she is a complete devil.

But for Roy, his road across the abyss will be hindered for no reason. He wants to find a world like the forbidden world that can cross the abyss with relative ease. It's not that simple.

This silent year can be described as the most urgent year after Roy got the 'Ark'.

"You're back."

When Roy returned to the hotel, he saw Mina.

Mathers, the widow, is wearing an apron and a black veil, fiddling with something in the western kitchen.

"What are you doing, Mina"

Roy didn't change back to Mathers' fancy clothes, but wore very modern clothes, which lost the ordinary way of dressing symbolized by the four elements, and instead made Mina.

Revinia, who was attacked by Mathers, felt unaccustomed for a while.

"I'm studying cooking."

As a qualified wife, Mina.

Mathers thinks that she should learn to cook. She has memories of cooking from the black cat witch in her mind, but she just inherited that memory, it doesn't mean she can cook, so it's like an experiment I want to make those meals in my memory.

"It's better to cook, you can only know English food."

Roy smiled and complained about Mina.

Mathers, the former Mathers couple lived in England, and they were very poor. Naturally, it was impossible for them to go out to restaurants every day. Cooking at home is the right way. It can be seen that this... black cat witch can cook, However, there was no internet in those days, so the food the widow would cook was probably looking up at the stars and English dark dishes related to potatoes.

“Potatoes are delicious too!”

Revinia whispered, although she is not a patriotic magician and knows that English dark cuisine is famous all over the world, but as an Englishman, she also feels that she has to make a name for English cuisine.

This time Mina.

Mather has already completed the cooking with the help of Revinia, and Roy took a closer look after serving it, and it turned out to be a baked potato. Judging from the color and aroma of the dish, it was...  . can eat.

"It's done"


Mathers' voice is soft, this person is really like a mother and a wife. After finishing the meal, he washed his hands, brought the knife and fork on the table, and gave Luo a glass of wine, urging Revinia Sitting down to eat, the family of three formed a table.

"Totetta, who has turned into a human, also feels hungry, and Revinia, who is growing up, has long been growling. Seeing that Roy doesn't seem to want to eat potatoes, they ignore him, 'Mother and daughter' ' The two of them ate the potato feast on their own, and they enjoyed it with relish.

"The matter is over, I have reached an agreement with the Supreme Bishop of Puritanism, and then I need to go to Academy City."


Mathers glanced at him, but didn't say much. She didn't know Lola's true identity, and Roy couldn't tell her that he was trying his best to maintain this fragile balance, so that both sides were in the same situation. In the unknown, until the day when all the secrets are revealed to the world, that is, when Roy completes his purpose.

"Academy City, should I go too?"

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