Whether you are 'Kabbalah' or 'Reverse Kabbalah', its essence is still based on the power of the Cross religion. No matter how much the man in Aleister despised it, Aleister was also born in a cross religion. There is no doubt that he is a devout family, and has a deep understanding of the theoretical knowledge of Cross religion.

Only when one can fully comprehend and understand a thing can he make a theory to criticize it. No matter how Aleister hates or denies Christianity, the fact that he can write the book "77" represents one point, that is, Aleister is extremely good at cross religion techniques, and maybe even cross religion is... his strongest power, but Aleister himself does not use it! And Roy can study the book of "77" to obtain the Bible system The power of it is also justified. Since the book of "77" is a refutation of the theory of the Cross, then it is the purest Bible to look at it negatively.

Aleister is... the pinnacle of a person, and the magic book is what a magician has learned all his life. The magic book itself has the power of the original author. If Roy really studied the book of "77" , and understand it in reverse, then Roy should be a 74th rank and be good at the Bible system.

Of course, it doesn't mean that anyone who reads these... The magic book can directly become a powerful magician. The original magic book is highly poisonous, and normal people will inevitably go crazy and die of poisoning when they read it. That person is barely able to resist the poison and read the book, but it doesn't mean that he can understand it.

Did you read advanced algebra and it means you can do it all? That's obviously impossible. This only shows that Roy himself has such talent and talent, so that he can reach his author's rank through an original magic book.

In Roy's few words, Lola couldn't find any mistakes completely, and even let her make up her own mind, making a patch for Roy's current strength and good system.

If you want to deceive a person, the best way is not to be too detailed, but to be ambiguous and let the other person make up their minds.

After telling his own existence itself enough and unable to find too many flaws, Roy finally changed the conversation and began to talk about what Laura wanted to know the most.

"Before entering the imaginary space, I was not a magician, and I had no coordinates in the real world, so I couldn't return to the real world."

This feature of the imaginary number space makes it a place of exile itself, even the pinnacle of people can exile it in it, as long as it can confuse the actual position marked by the other party, it can make it impossible to return, such as in the moon world. That is the case with the **** of Tiamat.

It is completely impossible for Roy to enter the imaginary space... Predictable, he naturally has no real coordinate orientation, and it is normal that he cannot come back.

"But suddenly one day, I found that someone opened the channel between the real world and the imaginary space. I was pleasantly surprised... I left the imaginary space and returned to the real world, only to find that a hundred years and 100 have passed."

Roy is invincible...sigh, according to his words, it is actually equivalent to him being sealed for 100 years.

Although he didn't say everything, the smart Lola has already guessed who the person who opened the passage is, it must be Aleister!!' That... imaginary space is Aleister's hiding place, and he After being seriously injured in 1947, he did not hide in the imaginary number space, but has been hiding in the real world. It was only recently, decades later, that he discovered that there was someone in his hidden imaginary number space, and it was his own son!' Lola immediately analyzed the 'cause and effect'. After Aleister found out that his son was sealed by himself, of course what he would do to release his son! Then, the 'seal' was lifted Location is very important.

Laura's eyes were burning, waiting for Roy to say the most important information.

"After I left the imaginary space, I found that the place where I appeared was a place I had never heard of before. It was called - Academy City!"


Lola let out a long sigh, and the whole person showed a beautiful smile like a hundred flowers blooming.



Crowley, that was Aleister's name before she became a magician.

And after he became a magician, he changed his name to Aleister Crowley, which itself is... a magical name.

Regardless of....

Whether it is this surname or first name is actually very common, as common as Zhang San and Li Si, and even the United States and Britain have a city named Crawley, what Crawley Town, Crawley District, and Crawley County are too much. Too much.

So no one would have thought that one of the greatest magicians of the 20th century would become the leader of the scientific side. He has not changed his name, and it will only make people think that it is a duplicate name. This is the so-called darkness under the lights, the most dangerous The place is... the safest place.

Feilu reminds you: three things to read and collect,

Chapter 97 Stealing Puritan Power


Crowley, is the name of Aleister's father, which is also the name of Roy's grandfather. He is just an ordinary person. The only difference is that the Crowleys are very devout believers.

Westerners' names always like to inherit, so Aleister's original name is Edward.


Crowley, where Alexander is the Christian name.

As a family of devout Christian believers, Aleister should have become a devout believer as well, and it was true when he was young. He chanted the Bible every day, studied the theory of the Christian religion, and even took classes. All are church schools.

But no one knows what happened in that school, anyway...it could never be a good thing, just...in the church school, there was a huge shift in Aleister's mind and he began to doubt God , was dismissive of the theory of the Cross, until he changed his name, denied the Christian name, and became Aleister before he went to Cambridge University.

At that time, Aleister was not a magician. He was just an ordinary person who was very interested in the occult and magic. Although he had taught himself many things, the knowledge he learned was not systematic. For a few years, his life can be described as lustful, having affairs with various women, and indulging in desires.

Aleister, who loves mountaineering, also climbed a certain peak in the Alps without relying on any magic or technology, relying on his own firm perseverance, and his behavior also caused the British at that time. The attention of Scotland Yard and a military intelligence service.

The state department found him, the original intention was to let Aleister go to Russia to be a spy and teach him Russian, but it happened that during this period, a man named Mathers was clamoring for the restoration of the Stuart Dynasty every day' , which attracted the attention of Scotland Yard, and finally Aleister, under the arrangement of the British authorities, made contact with Mathers.

Aleister, who was already addicted to the occult, met Mathers, who was already close to the top of the people at the time, and the two hit it off. He took Mathers as a teacher to learn the occult knowledge, although Aleister himself did not admit it, he only admitted Alan, who he later met through Mathers.

Bennett thought he was his teacher.

But no matter....

How, Mathers was indeed Aleister's enlightener, who led him into the mysterious magical world, and was moved by his eclectic thinking and talent, and finally brought it to the Golden Dawn, and also Lay the seeds for the destruction of the Golden Dawn.

After that, it is the history of magic in the twentieth century that magicians are familiar with.



Although Crowley is Aleister's real name, he does not recognize this name at all, and he will not bring it into his own magical world, because he is trying to break the world of cross religion, how can he allow him to use a Christian name.

Laura recalled what she knew about Aleister's life, and at the same time was thinking about how to make that man show his true colors.

"Lola, since you know that Aleister is likely to hide in Academy City, are you going to drag him out and question him face to face?"

Roy looked at his sister who was thinking in front of him and asked slowly.


Stuart came back to his senses, and the... Supreme Bishop of Puritanism shook his head and sighed: "...Actually, Aleister Aleister, the president of Academy City.

Is Lawley the... the most evil wizard of the twentieth century, whatever...

Whether it's Puritanism or some other magical society has been doubted."

"...In the past, I have sent Puritans to test, but the final direction of the information told me that the...mysterious Academy City chairman was only with Aleister.

Crowley has the same name, and he's not that person."

Roy nodded and said: "...As long as Aleister slightly shifts the direction of the intelligence, you will come to the wrong conclusion, thinking that it is only necessary to have the same name.

So now you've concluded that he's our father, the one... Aleister, what are you going to do?"

"No, it is still impossible to conclude that he is Aleister!"


Stuart shook his head in denial, "...This is probably also a trap. Maybe the real Aleister opened the door of the imaginary space in Academy City, and also wanted to use the chairman of Academy City. As long as there is no absolute proof that he has the same name as himself, the president of Academy City is Aleister Crowley!"

"...If the president of Academy City is real Aleister, it would be better, but if he is fake, I am the supreme bishop of the British Puritanism, and he is the president of Academy City. , We represent the magic side and the science side respectively, if we start a war with him, it is likely to cause a world-class war, which is not what I want to see."

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