But she didn't do that. She had lived in that dilapidated apartment for a hundred years, knowing that even a hundred years ago, it was not a good place to live.

And the most incredible thing is that she even kept the interior of the apartment as it was. Laura didn't know that she was not dead, let alone that he would be 'resurrected' and would appear in front of her one day. This is definitely not for him to see, but this demon still retains all the nostalgia of the year, which means that it comes from her sincerity.

Do demons have hearts? If they are demons as spiritual bodies, they are absolutely heartless, but if they are demons who already have a psychic medium and can live in this material world as a 'human', does it represent them? There will also be hearts. Roy's mind is also a little confused by Lola's words, but he will not lose his sense because of this. This time he does not go around in circles, but asks straightforwardly: "...Lola How did you come here all these years, and why did you become the supreme bishop of Puritanism?"


Stuart breathed a sigh of relief, and to be honest she waited: Roy's question has been a long time coming, she thought about her tone, took out the draft she had prepared in her stomach and said, "... .This starts with your disappearance. At that time, my brother was reading a book, but suddenly turned into flying ash, and he was overwhelmed with fear."

Laura's clear and pure eyes flashed with sorrow, she bit her lip, as if recalling Roy's death made her fall into the pain of the soul again.

"I don't know what happened, I thought it was my brother's magic, so I just yelled, I hope you don't make fun of me, but I called for a long time and you didn't respond to me, at that time I actually already had Guess what happened to you."

"...But I didn't understand magic at the time, and I didn't know how to explain this strange phenomenon. I didn't dare to leave the house, for fear that if I left, my brother would never come back."

Drop by drop, if the tears of pearls slipped down from the corner of Lola's eyes, bloodshot eyes flashed in her eyes, her delicate body trembled and sobbed, tears were falling, and in the blink of an eye... tears flowed down her face, and her fair and charming face was covered with scars from tears. .

Her tone was sincere and emotional, and no one could find the false element in it. Tears flowed down her small lips with bitterness. Laura showed an ugly smile and whimpered out: "... Fortunately, brother, you are all right, and you are alive again. Even though 100 years have passed, it is very nice to see you, brother."

Covering her face with her hands, she lay down on the desk, her expression painful and joyful, and even her cry caught the attention of others around her.

Roy didn't know what to say at all, so he could only pat her fragrant shoulder gently, as if conveying strength to her.

After crying for a while, Laura snorted twice and continued: "...I just stood stupidly in the room, waiting for my brother to respond to me, I don't know how long it took, only I felt thirsty and hungry, but I didn't dare to leave that room, so I passed out unconsciously."

"...when I woke up, it was in a church, and it was Sister Ella who saved me, she said you were dead, and asked me if I wanted to join the Puritans and become a nun. I didn't believe it at the time. I cried and screamed, but I knew that Sister Ella would not lie to me, and my thoughts were all despairing, and thinking that we were taken care of by the Puritans when we were young, I promised her to become a Puritan nun."

Lola's mood seemed to have stabilized a lot, and she was no longer so excited that she couldn't control her emotions. She took the tissue from Roy and wiped the corners of her eyes. With short words, she seemed to be easily using her hundred years of 'pain' in life. Say it in three words.

"After joining the Puritanism, I gradually came into contact with magic, and only then did I know how brother you died. It was the poison of the magic book, and it was our father, Aleister.

Crowley hurt you!"

Speaking of this, Laura's eyes flashed with resentment, as if Aleister killed Roy and made her hate her father.

"I don't want my brother to die in vain. If I want to avenge you, I will study magic and work hard to climb to the upper level of Puritanism. At the same time, I also learned more secrets of Aleister in the process. The eldest daughter who was born wiped out the Golden Dawn regardless of life and death, but regardless of his second daughter and only son, he made their life difficult since childhood, and even left such dangerous things behind, just because his eldest daughter was his wife. Is his second daughter and son born to his lover?"

"...I hate him because he killed you, and he also killed me and lost my only relative, I never regarded him as a father, and even the only purpose of my life has become Kill him! It took me twenty years to finally become the supreme bishop of the Puritans, mastered the power of the Puritans, sent Puritan magicians to hunt him down, and finally killed him in 1947 , to avenge you!"

Lola suddenly raised her head to look at Roy, and said excitedly: "...but I know, Aleister.

Crowley isn't actually dead, that... the scum father who abandoned our siblings, that... the meanest magician who killed you, he's not dead, brother, come with me to find him, and take us for a hundred years Return all the anger and resentment that come to him!"

Lola suddenly held Roy's hand and prayed with hatred and resentment on her face.

No matter how you look at it, this is an inspirational story of a younger sister desperately trying to get revenge on their biological father, their enemy, for the sake of her dead brother, and what Laura said is completely in line with history as people know it.

Aleister destroyed the Golden Dawn for her unborn daughter, the Puritans pursued Aleister vigorously, and the known Aleister died in the British countryside in 1947, etc. It can be said that 90% of what Laura says is true.

But Roy knew, Laura.

In fact, what Stuart said was all lies, all lies. She tampered with the reason for chasing and killing Aleister, and the purpose, but only based on consequentialism: push, if she didn't know her true identity, Luo I can't see where this is fake.

Coupled with Laura's tearful look and emotional words, Roy felt that any normal person would have to be deceived by her.

Feilu reminds you: three things to read and collect,

Chapter 95 Lola, I can see at a glance that you are not human!

"Sorry, I'm a little excited, brother..."

Lola smiled apologetically, she withdrew the hand that was holding Roy, took two deep breaths to soothe her emotions, but her tearful face, slightly flushed cheeks and slightly undulating body were all in Tell others how excited she was just now.

This is in line with the shrewdness and poise she deserves as the Supreme Bishop of Puritanism. As a Supreme Bishop who has been in charge of Puritanism for decades, even if she usually behaves like a fool, it is impossible for her to be such a person. If you fall into emotional fluctuations in a few words, you can't extricate yourself, and it will cause suspicion from others.

But at the same time, the way she was emotional and crying was telling others that even if she was already the supreme bishop of Puritanism, even if her power had already stood at the peak of the world, she She still hasn't forgotten the family affection she once had, and the elder brother who was close to her, and even made revenge for her elder brother as her life's goal.

People's hearts are full of flesh, and even if Roy knew that Lola's words were full of lies, he was faintly moved. If he didn't know anything, he might have been deceived by Lola and couldn't find Bei.

'This big devil knows Aleister very well and knows that he is a person who can even give up his own life for his family, so by analogy, she may think that I am also such a person, so she will confuse me with family affection and restrain me. .

Roy pondered in his heart, although he is not like Aleister, once it involves his family, he will immediately.

Lost his mind, but Roy is indeed a person who cares about his family.

Otherwise, he knew that this Lola was a big devil in front of him, and even if he had a purpose, he would not be in vain with her, because Roy still had a faint expectation in his heart, the expectation of the brother-sister relationship.

Otherwise, he would not have shown that scene of family love for the one-eyed demon in the infinite aspect created by Othinus.


Roy pretended to be moved by Lola's words, his body began to rise and fall, as if even breathing became difficult, as if he had lost control of his emotions, his lips twitched and his body trembled. Forcefully squeezed out a few words, "...for the past 100 years, I have really suffered for you. As a brother, I did not fulfill my responsibilities. I...I am really not qualified. elder brother......"

Roy's words were filled with guilt and self-swearing, and his voice trembled, as if he would cry at any time.


Stuart shook his head, and instead comforted Roy: "...This has nothing to do with my brother, it's all Aleister's fault!"

She brought the topic to Aleister again.

The two brothers and sisters looked at each other silently, one with pear blossoms and rain, with excited and joyful eyes, and the other with guilt and sadness on his face, regretting and ashamed for his failure to do his duty.

Regardless of....

It's Roy.

Crowe or Laura.

Stuart, who has moved himself, is proud of his acting skills that can deceive such a strong man.

"Lola, you have also grown up, and you actually know how to comfort people. I still remember that when I finally met you, you were still so small and thin."

Roy gestured his height with his hand, it was Lola when she was thirteen or fourteen.

Stuart's appearance, "...just like the blink of an eye, Lola has grown into such a beauty, although she still has the shape of the year, but when I first saw it, I was a little afraid recognize."

"... Now Lola is a charming big girl."

Roy looked into the eyes of the Supreme Bishop of Puritanism, with a regret of not being able to see her grow up and the joy of seeing her again.

"I'm almost a hundred years old, and I'm still a big girl."

Lola laughed at herself, her cheeks were flushed with a sweet girlish look, a woman would use: her age to laugh at herself, I can imagine how much sadness there is in it, but there is how much sweetness in that... shyness.

"The appearance of human beings echoes the heart. If a person's appearance is still young, then her heart must also be young. In my eyes, Laura, you will always be my... beautiful and lovely sister, how can you say that you are old Woolen cloth."

"...I can still see you after so many years, I really want to thank the Lord!"

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