She knew that she had to act and she must not reveal her identity as a demon, so Lola at this time.

What kind of expression should Stuart make? Yes, it should be the joy of reuniting after a long absence. It is the surprise and shock of my sister seeing her brother alive again in front of her after a hundred years and 100 vicissitudes. She should be grateful This reunion and miracle bestowed by God, she should shed tears, expressing her ecstasy and unbelievable burning like a fire...... Believe it.

It's a little difficult for even a big devil to show such complicated emotions, but Laura.

Stuart believed that he would be able to express that emotion perfectly, but soon the big devil was... finding that he didn't need to show her Oscar-level acting skills at all, her body was already instinctive and uncontrollable , revealing the cry that seems to tell all the emotions, all the sadness and the brother-sister relationship.

She was startled, but reacted very quickly, with her back to Stiyl and Kanzaki Kaori, she didn't let them see her expression, she just restrained the trembling in her throat and said to them: " ...Stiyl, Kanzaki, you all step back first and watch it nearby."

"Sir Supreme Bishop!"

Hearing Laura's words, Stiyl and Kanzaki were startled and anxiously wanted to refute.

"This is an order!"


Stuart's voice rose in vain, and there was a trace of irritability in her words, which was an emotion she had never seen before as the supreme bishop.

She found that she couldn't control herself more and more. Stiyl and Kanzaki were not obedient, which made her even more irritable.

Stiyl and Kanzaki Kaori glanced at each other, and it was at this moment that they realized that they seemed to be members of the Puritanism, and they had never seen the Supreme Bishop make a move. You said that the Supreme Bishop of the Puritanism is weak? That is obviously impossible.

Since this was the highest bishop's order, they could only obey. The two bowed their heads and said, "Yes, but they did not retreat, but stood in place.

Seeing that Stiyl and Kanzaki Kaori didn't leave, Laura.

Stuart was too lazy to pay attention to it, she looked around, next to... an open-air cafe, the Supreme Bishop who didn't even think about it was... walked over with a parasol and sat down: and tried her best to check Your own body and refraining from that . . . strange urge and desire.

On the other hand, Roy caught this scene in his eyes.

"Body, spirit and soul are the three elements that make up a person, and they are also indispensable conditions for being able to live in the world. Her situation is very interesting, even she herself doesn't know what the problem is... But This is also understandable, as the first devil to eat crabs, it is natural to be the first to face all the puzzled problems."

"...She doesn't know that I already know her true identity. I can take advantage of this. Let's be a superficial brother and sister who are sincere and love each other first!"

"However, I won't forget the ten years of poor life that we used to support each other, and I don't think you will forget it, my Lola."

Roy seemed to be whispering, and he seemed to be talking to someone. He pressed the straw hat on his head, walked over with a gentleman's cane, pulled out the chair opposite Laura and sat down: .

Feilu reminds you: three things to read and collect,

Chapter 93: Recalling Kusitian's Brothers and Sisters

Not far from Roy and Lola, a petite girl with one eye was standing on the roof of a building, staring blankly at the scene at her feet.

As a demon god, even if the current Othinus is unstable, if she wants to, she will not be discovered by others, even if that person is a demon located on the tree of life.

Demon gods are omnipotent, but they cannot be said to be omniscient. If the demon gods want to know what is happening in the world, they have their own means to know. But if the demon gods are not interested and pay attention, then the demon gods cannot know everything. .

Just like the existence of Roy, those demon gods in the hidden world have not been discovered even now.

Othinus didn't know the complicated relationship between Roy and Lola. If she wanted to, the one-eyed devil had his own means to observe the past Akashic records, but Othinus did not do so, because there was no Doing this with the consent of the other party is disrespectful to the 'understander'.

Othinus cared more about the safety of Roy, the...understander, than those Xu curiosity.

So, whatever....

What Roy asks her to do, Othinus will agree without hesitation, and at most she will give more reasonable suggestions for what Roy wants to do.

Just like now, as a demon god, she is just standing guard silently, in order to protect her understanding, she is happy.

......On the other side, Roy walked across to Laura, pulled out the chair and sat down: He put his gentleman's cane aside gently, took off the hard straw hat on his head, his face was soft, There is a suffocating tenderness hidden in the double pupils, and she looks at Lola in front of her like this, like a lover's eyes, and there is an extraordinary love.

Facing Roy's gentle eyes, Lola's heart beat faster for no reason. If a deer hit her heart gently, it was a mild itching sensation, and a slight pain. Her pair of eyes was as clear as water. Li is like a gem, as if hiding all the magnificent and pure eyes, she looked aside in panic, and the flawless and white jade face was dyed with a suspicious light red.

Stiyl and Kanzaki Kaori could only see the back of the Supreme Bishop. When they saw Roy walking over and sitting in front of the Supreme Bishop, they were both tense, for fear that Roy would suddenly make a move. Even if a magic war broke out here would cause great losses, as members of the Puritans, it would never be possible for them to watch the top mainline face the enemy alone.

But seeing the Supreme Bishop and the man who called himself Mathers didn't fight. Although the two didn't speak, it somehow gave the impression that they were very familiar.

"The Supreme Bishop Knows the Length of Gold"

Stiyl was smoking a cigarette, staring intently at the open-air cafe not far in front of him. The magic power in his body kept flowing, and he could hurt the enemy at any time. thrown to the ground all around.

He seemed to be asking Kanzaki Kaori next to him, and seemed to be talking to himself.

"I don't know, but the two of them should know each other."

Kanzaki Kaori shook her head. She didn't have much heart for gossip, and all her attention was on Roy. As long as the other party made a slight change, she would activate her saintly power, even if she knew that she was invincible. Stop the opponent before the meeting.

Compared with Kanzaki Kaori, Stiyl's heart of gossip is very heavy, he smoked a cigarette and puffed, and muttered: "...According to the historical records of Puritanism, for the first time the highest The bishop's record is in 1919. Mathers should have died at that time. The supreme bishop's surname is Stuart. Category"

"Don't make random guesses, Steele!"

Kanzaki Kaori glared at Styr and immediately shut up the fourteen-year-old priest. Styr might not be afraid of Laura, but he obeyed Kanzaki Kaori's words.

"The two over there are your subordinates, Lola..."

Roy's gaze shifted slightly on Stiyl and Kanzaki Kaori, and then...withdrew his gaze, his tone was gentle, like a brother who dotes on his sister, there is no estrangement that has not been seen in a hundred years, and he is relaxed. Asked casually.

Familiar voice, familiar attitude, tone of voice heard again after a hundred years, let Lola.

A trance flashed in Stuart's azure blue eyes, she only felt an irritable heat in her heart, her limbs were weak and weak, and a pair of jade legs hidden under the monastic clothes overlapped back and forth, showing her inner uneasiness. -Shuangyu hands clenched their fists on the table, their knuckles turned white, and they began to think about how to respond to Roy.

'He can't possibly know my true identity, but the identity of the Puritan Supreme Bishop can be found out, and I can't lie about it.

' Thinking of this, Lola is... Tan mouth slightly opened, she looked at Roy with a complicated look, and whispered: "... I am now the supreme bishop of Puritanism."

After a pause, she hesitated for a long time before she said softly, "...Brother!"

Saying these words, she suddenly felt relieved and let out the turbid air in her heart. The whole person changed from the kind of... hesitant and hesitant to being light and agile, just like the suppressed flowers all bloomed at once, making the world of black and white. turned into color.

Roy's expression was also stunned, with a nostalgic look on his face, as if the two brothers and sisters hadn't seen each other in 100 years... Unfamiliar, they disappeared in the name of 'brother'.

Roy changed his posture and let his body relax. He held his chin in one hand, his expression was gentle, and fell into reminiscence, "...I didn't expect that after so many years, I could still see Luo Pull you, I can still hear you call me 'brother'"

His voice was slightly excited, his eyes were slightly wet, and his whole body was trembling slightly, as if Lola's simple words made him excited and unable to extricate himself. Let him maintain restraint, in line with his current position at the top of 74.

Roy hesitantly stretched out his hand slowly, and paused when the hand was about to touch Laura's cheek, but he still boldly covered Laura's delicate and fair face with that hand, which he still had in the past. As a child, Roy always did this.

Laura didn't even think about it, her body was... instinctively, her neck crooked, and she clamped Roy's hand between her cheeks and shoulders, like a kitten being teased. Make a purring sound.

On the other side, the cigarette in Stier's mouth fell to the ground. He pinched himself with his hand. After feeling the pain, he looked at Kaori Kanzaki beside him and said doubtfully, "... "Sister, am I hallucinating?"

"Stay vigilant, Steele!"

Kanzaki Kaori's expression did not change, still like an excellent bodyguard, with one hand on the hilt of the dagger, but after hesitating for a moment, she said again: "...forget that you are not Something to watch."

Stiyl nodded again and again, that female fox who doesn't know how old looked like a bully, but Stiyl knew about Laura.

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