"With that... inferior character, he may indeed have this idea, but I didn't have a body at that time, and he couldn't do anything to me."


Mathers said sarcastically.

"Well, I understand his obsession with widows, and he's my father anyway."

Roy nodded, showing that he understood Aleister's mood.


For a time, the black cat witch didn't know what to say.

Feilu reminds you: three things to read and collect,

Chapter 77 The Interesting Widow


Mathers' Shen exchanged for Roy's smile, he sat quietly on the chair, flipping tarot cards in his hands, these... The ink on the portrait of the tarot cards The color has a strong magic power, I think it should be Mina.

Hand drawn by Mathers.

However, the... tarot cards in Roy's hands are a little different from the ones that are circulating among ordinary people. The tarot cards are supposed to be An early version left by the Golden Dawn members when they studied the Tarot.

The twenty-two tarot cards correspond to the twenty-two psychic realms of the Kabbalah Tree of Life, which is the meaning of "Wet Tarot", while Aleister's "Totter Tarot" goes a step further, It vainly attempts to pass through the medium of '0''' and '00', and does not limit man to the scope of 'God'.

Roy is shuffling the cards, Mina.

Mathers, the widow of the Golden Dawn, stood quietly by the side. He occasionally turned his head to look at the witch in black mourning beside him. From her hidden veil, Roy could see Mina.

There was an occasional curious look in Mathers' smart eyes.

She is "Totter Tarot" magic book, she is also Mina.

Mathers has all the memories and characters of the Black Cat Witch, but at the same time, although she has memories of the past, she has never really experienced this kind of daily life, so she has no idea about the world. Has great curiosity.

Just like Mina.

Mathers said that in the past, she did not have a body, she was just a program that lived between the computer and the magic book. Even if she had her own consciousness, she could not escape from these...  Objects exist alone.

It's because of Mina.

The complicated relationship between Seth's magic book and Aleister, Roy did not take her to the location of Gremlin, but came to the location of the Golden Dawn.

Aleister's purpose is to eliminate all aspects, eliminate all sparks, and attempt to destroy all demons in human form.

And Othinus happens to be... a demon god, especially the current Othinus is not a complete demon god, he is in the chaos of five to five, and the demon **** Roy in this state has a way to deal with her. , I think Aleister definitely has her own means.

Roy wasn't sure that Aleister could let Othinus go in his own face, but he was sure that even if Othinus returned to a complete state, the one-eyed demon **** would obey his words and advice, as they are each other's 'understanders'.

In order to prevent the situation from changing beyond his expectations, Roy tried his best not to let everything related to Aleister come into contact with Othinus, just like this... black cat witch, Roy Actually I don't fully believe it.

Even if Aleister's magic book has become a body of freedom, it does not mean that the other party is far away from Aleister.

Thinking of this, Roy just... asked: "...It was Aiwass who completely transformed you from a 'question-and-answer type auxiliary thinking device' into a magic book, and gave you a human form."


After Mathers heard Yi's words, she looked stunned for a moment, and then she smiled clearly: "...As expected, you know Aiwass, Aleister would never have thought that he has always been Aiwass, the secret weapon that was hidden and worked hard to perfect, would not be of one mind with him."

Roy smiled noncommittally.

The reason why Aleister fails to do anything is actually his own fault. As long as magic still exists, the spark of the phase will never disappear. Before the birth of the Golden Dawn, there were not many magicians, but The theory of the Golden Dawn has greatly increased the number of magicians, which is completely contrary to Aleister's vain attempt to destroy magic.

That's why Aleister hates Mathers so much, and it's Mathers' theories that have created this situation.

Therefore, after killing Mathers, Aleister placed a curse on the Golden Dawn, cursing the Golden Dawn that no matter what he did, it would inevitably fail. , and this curse naturally affects Aleister, because he is also a member of the Golden Dawn.

"Aleister already knows that you are the child he should die."


Mathers said at this time.

"Of course I can feel this, the...preferential treatment I received in Academy City is not...what Aleister will do when facing the enemy, although he will compromise, but All Aleister's compromises are to accomplish his own goals, but I can't feel any purpose in the compromise he made to me."

Roy said calmly, he stood up and walked to the bar, and took a bottle of British alcoholic beverages from a hundred years ago. Because of magic, these wines were not bad. He opened a bottle and tasted it, and found that It was not a particularly good wine, it belonged to the kind of alcohol that the commoners of that era drank. It can be seen that the funds of the Golden Dawn organization are not rich, they are just a group of like-minded occult lovers.

"You know Aleister well"


Mathers tilted his head, curious.

"He is my father after all.

Even though we only met once...and then I was killed, but I grew up reading his writings, not to mention the ones he wrote...and how the writing was, but he The thought and spirit of it really affected me.”

"...By reading a book, I can understand the spirit and thought of the author of that book. I have read so many of his handwritten works, and naturally I will have a basic understanding of him."

Roy put down the bottle and looked at the... The neckline was exposed, with a plump and beautiful figure, like a witch with undulating mountains and rivers, and continued to ask: "... Aiwass used his own power to make you pure The Book of Magic, does she have any purpose for you to complete?"

"She just asked me to come here to find you, and didn't ask for anything else... I don't know what the Holy Guardian Angel is going to do."


Mathers shook her head, she was very grateful to... Aiwass for giving her a new life, but for... what the Holy Guardian Angel was going to do, this... black cat witch didn't know either.

"Now you already have a real life form. Although you are transformed by Aleister's "Tottaro", Aleister has no means of controlling the magic book of life. You Already free, then Mina.

Mathers, what are your plans?"

Mina now.

Mather doesn't belong to anyone. After Aiwass gave her life with her own power, the black cat witch is a completely free person who can decide her own destiny independently.


Mathers pondered for a moment, then slowly shook his head slightly confused: "...Although I am Mina.

Mathers, but also a new life, is not clear why he was born in this world, Aleister does not have the ability and power to manipulate me, and I have no obligation to obey his orders, But I also feel lost about the future, without any purpose."

"...I planned to continue living under the shelter of Aleister and obey his orders, but after seeing you, as Mina.

Mathers, I'm more interested in seeing what happens to Aleister."

"For the time being, I'll follow you, I will obey your instructions, and you can use me as you like."

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