"I have saved as many people as I have destroyed, and I have done as much good as I have done evil. I crave desire and restrain desire. You see, is there anyone who is more human than me?"

"...It is holy to give up everything that is one's own to save others, and it is sin to destroy everything for one's own desires, but neither of them is human, nor is it a behavior that normal people can do, if they can, I also want more kindness in this world, and now, I'm paying my kindness for you."

Sesshoin Kiara just looked at Roy. She had never heard anyone talk about her worldview, outlook on life and values. She thought it was very interesting that they were colliding with each other and expounding their own philosophical ideas.

It's like a debate between Buddha and Demon, but in the end no one can convince the other.

"Everyone has Buddha-nature, and everyone has demon-nature, so people are in between."

Sesshoin Kiara rolled her eyes, then she smiled and asked Roy expectantly: "...then you think people can save people, but why are those people only looking at me in pain, they pity me, laugh at me, worship me, believe in me, but no one saves me"

The girl with a very Buddha nature, or a very demonic nature, looked at the broken corpse outside the curtain and asked in confusion.

"Because mercy is... human evil is the first beast, and they can't be called human at all. Since they are not human, how can they save you."

Roy knew that he could not change Seshoin Kiara's thoughts at all, because that was her self, her nature, and a trace beyond the origin.

However, although Seshoin Kiara is essentially Mara, the great enemy of Buddha, the embodiment of desire, and the embryo of a beast, but since she is clothed in human skin and born in this world as a human, then Seshoin Kiara are also affected by humans.

The reason why human beings are human is because they have an ego that is created to restrain the id, and create a moral superego in order to keep human society in order. Roy is putting on a layer of ego and superego for Kiara of Seshoin, Let her liberate her id and incarnate into a 'beast' when she needs it, and become a person when she can't restrain herself.

"So you don't think they are human."

Sesshouin Kiara was very happy, as if she had finally found something in common with Roy, she said happily: "...they are just beasts, they are insects with human appearance, so I will forgive them for committing crimes. All the sins I have committed, because as a human, it is natural for me to forgive these low-level creatures. . . . I love each of them, and they can bring me Come and be happy!"

"...I thought I was the only human being in this world, but it turns out that you are also a human being, which is so touching, uh... ah ah, being able to... see My own kind, just like watching those...the aggregates full of desires get liberated, it makes people feel happy and excited."

Seshoin Kiara had a twisted, demonic, happy smile on his face, his body that was so thin that it was almost torn apart trembled, and his face was even more unnaturally flushed.

Then she got strength out of nowhere, her scrawny arm clenched Roy's arm tightly, and said with extreme excitement: "...Save me, please save me!! Please feel my Love, that fiery love, let me be redeemed by mankind!"

That is what the followers of Seshoin Kiara have been pursuing all their lives, her deepest love, but those believers never got it, only the desires of those believers will make Seshoin Kiara happy, but when the believers' love Desires are gradually satisfied, and when the desires become shallow, Seshoin Kiara will lose interest in them.

No one can get her love, because Seshoin Kiara only loves human beings, but in her cognition, there are no human beings in this world except... herself! Years, after the idea of ​​Kiara in the Sesshouin was completely fixed, she would never expect any redemption, and she would sink completely... If it was a few years earlier, before she gave birth to human beings, there was only herself. Save her when she thinks, then Seshoin Kiara will become an ordinary girl, and she will go to school and integrate into society.

And Roy appeared just when she longed for redemption but doubted humans, grabbed the most balanced point, and embedded the concept of herself as a human being into her thinking.

"I will save you, and I will try to restrain you. The 'beast' also needs to put a collar on its neck. It should bite people only when the owner needs it, and it should bite when the owner doesn't need it. Be obedient and submissive at your master's feet."

Roy knelt down on one knee, carefully crossed the bend of Qihuang's legs in the Seshoyuan, and picked up her extremely thin body, which seemed to be only 20 to 30 pounds.

Long-term malnutrition even made Roy afraid that she would break her bones with a little effort.

"Magic treatment is a way to develop your potential. You are not suitable for this kind of treatment. I will send you to the hospital and give you a long-term recuperation. After your body recovers, I will Inject the magic that represents vitality into your body and fill your foundation, so that you will not be left with dark wounds and live like a normal person."

Roy talks about the easiest way to save someone who is seriously ill.

The young girl was held in the arms of the man, but she did not show any shyness. Instead, she licked her lips and said charmingly: "...My father told me that I have a terminal illness, I don't live to be fourteen."

"That's all a lie to you. Although your body has a disease, it's not a terminal illness!"

Roy shook his head and said.

"Ah, in fact, I've noticed it long ago. Sure enough, I can only believe in human beings, the human beings I love..."

Sesshoin Kiara smiled happily and muttered.

"Please wait a moment."

Just as Roy was about to leave with her in his arms, Kiara of the Killing Institute suddenly made a sound.

"Any thing else"

"Can I bring that book with me. That's the only thing I like here."

Seshoin Kiara pointed to the "Andersen's Fairy Tales".

For this girl with a tragic fate, I am afraid that only fairy tales can arouse the innocence and childishness in her heart.


Chapter 181 Only by experiencing evil can we overcome evil

In a private hospital ward, Qi Huang of the Killing Institute was lying on a hospital bed made of white sheets. She was lying quietly in her pajamas, her arms were full of pinholes left by infusions, and the hanging needles dripped nutrition in the silent room. It supplies nutrients to the **** the hospital bed.

Sesshouin Kihuang looks much better, at least not as scrawny as she used to be. Although her body is still very thin and her face is weak and pale, she has finally crossed the gate of hell.

She didn't have a terminal illness at all, it was just that the sect master of Yong Tianliu did not allow her to enter the modern society for treatment, so she became that miserable state, and with the professional care of modern medical care, her physical condition gradually gradually of improvement.

This private hospital is also a sanatorium, with a beautiful and quiet internal environment, and a number of nurses take care of a patient. This is a sanatorium for the rich.

Roy stood in a quiet corridor with many green vegetation. He picked up a watering can and carefully sprinkled the flowers and plants. In his eyes, he could even see the vigorous growth of these flowers and plants. .

Anastasia stood beside Roy with peace of mind. The beautiful Romanov princess was wearing a delicate dress and holding 'Vi' in her hand. After seeing Roy put down the watering can, she frowned slightly. He glanced subconsciously to the ward..., and said with some doubts: "...Godfather, who is...the woman on the hospital bed, I have found that she is really bad in my relationship with her during this period of time. It's kind of weird."

"Oh, what's so weird about Killing House Kiara?"

Roy didn't look back, just asked with a smile on his back to Her Royal Highness.

Her Royal Highness pondered for a moment, and then said with a slight blush on her cheeks: "...she...that woman has a strange attraction, and being by her side will make people feel impulsive and desire. , especially the 'sexual' impulse."

"...I'm pretty good, I just think suddenly, but at least I can restrain myself. The medical staff who just took care of her have become her during this period of time with her. believers."

Anastasia thought of those...the anticipation, fanaticism and prayers on the faces of the nurses and even nurses when they saw Kiara of the Killing Institute, she was...the unnatural trembling of her body, Felt very weird.

She talked to Seshoin Kiara, and this demonic woman spoke very much like a missionary, and somehow she was seducing people into depravity.

But this was because Anastasia was able to keep her sanity in front of her, so she thought it was a depravity, and in the eyes of other people who had converted to Kiara of Seshoin, this was the salvation of the Bodhisattva.

"Try to stay away from her, Anna..."

Roy doesn't want Her Royal Highness to have too much contact with Seshoin Kihuang, this is for the good of the princess, and even anyone Roy cares about, he doesn't want the other party to have contact with Seshoin Kihuang, that... the devilish bodhisattva is so dangerous The presence.

The current Seshoin Kiara is still just the embryo of a beast. For some strong-willed and powerful people, they can resist her temptation, but if the 'beast' represented by Seshoin Kiara fully appears, then Humans will never be able to defeat her, unless they overcome the evil of human beings!" She is indeed in danger, keep such a dangerous person by your side, Godfather, you must be careful.


Her Royal Highness said worriedly, she did not ask Roy why he kept that... dangerous woman by his side, instead of destroying her or imprisoning her, Anastasia always thought of her godfather like this, believing that There must be a reason for everything he does.

"I have my own plans, Anna... She is one of the most important components for me, and it is the goal that my magic name must achieve, but don't worry, I will also be careful, face to face. There is no exaggeration to be wary of human beasts."

Roy accepted Her Royal Highness's worries, he paused and said, "...you wait here, I'll take a look at her."

"it is good!"

Anastasia lightly pointed her to standing in the corridor, watching Roy enter the ward.

The decoration of the ward is not pure white, which will make the patient panic. On the contrary, the ward here is more like a five-star hotel, with all kinds of furniture warm and luxurious, and the warm sun outside the window shines through the green in the ward. The girl who leaned against the pillow and was looking at the fairy tale book in her hand.

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