Roy saw the Coal Witch with a slightly open mouth and a blank expression, it was... the gentleman bent down and smiled: "...this is not our most famous idol singer in Great Britain, Mei.


Miss Acherott, it's an honor to meet you here, so you are a friend of Kuonji classmate."

Roy pretended to be surprised, and his eyes were full of smiles, but in Lidelle's eyes, that smile was a warning at all.

"Your Excellency President, you know each other"

Jiuyuanji Youzhu was stunned for a moment, and the witch who cherished words like gold asked involuntarily.

"Miss Lidelle is very famous in Dae Ying, even in the world, but she has a lot of fans. It seems that you don't care much about the world, Kuonji-san, if Miss Lidelle's fans know that she is here, You must be very excited, I didn't expect you to meet a big star, classmate Kuonji."

Roy replied politely.

Hearing that, Youzhu of Jiuyuan Temple is not making a sound. She is really not interested in those...fashionable things, not to mention any idol stars.

At this time, Roy also said goodbye: "...Listen to the two of you, you should be childhood friends, so I won't disturb your reminiscences and say goodbye, Kuonji classmate, Lidelle Miss, Ann!"

Roy put the top hat in his hand on his head, and held a gentleman's staff to perform a standard aristocratic ceremony again.

Seeing that Roy didn't want to enter the mansion without an inch, Jiuyuan Temple Youzhu's mood suddenly improved a lot. She nodded politely and reservedly, "...Good night, Mr. Dean."

On the other hand, Lidelle showed a crying smile and said in a trembling voice, "...Late, good night, sir."

Roy looked at the two witches and said meaningfully: "...the night is coming, I hope the two young ladies can have a good dream and not be fascinated by fear."

The faint, ethereal voice that seemed to come from a faraway place made Lidel's brain clouded, and she almost fainted.

When she came to her senses, Roy was gone.

"What are you doing, Lidelle...I'd be happy if you don't want to come in, or if you like to blow the cold outside so the door will make it colder in the house."

The witch of the fairy tale had already used the key to open the door of the mansion. She squinted at the pink girl with indifferent eyes, and said dissatisfiedly.

It was only at this moment that Lidelle came to her senses and said, "Oh," twice, that is... quickly walked two steps to Youzhu's side, and walked into the mansion with her.

Jiuyuanji Yuzhu was a little puzzled, why her childhood friend seemed to have become a little stupid

Walking into the mansion, when she crossed the entrance and came to the hall, Lidelle only felt a cold wind blowing. The mansion on the hill was really like a haunted house, without any modern thermal facilities inside.

"It's just the interim dean of the Liyuan Women's College where I study."

The witch of the fairy tale didn't want to say too much about Roy, but just briefly introduced it.

"That's it..."

Lidale smiled ugly. Her intuition told her that it was definitely not an accident that the Supreme Bishop of the Holy Church appeared here, and it was definitely not an accident that he would appear beside Youzhu! "Youzhu, what are you doing today when you are back? It's so late that I don't even have time to eat dinner, and someone who claimed to be your friend came to you just now, and I just blasted her outside to blow the cold wind."

Aozaki Aoko, who was lying on the sofa, heard the sound of the door opening. She knew that Yuju from Kuonji had returned, and she immediately... shouted loudly.

"Well, you did a good job, Aoko."

The witch of the fairy tale praises her roommate.

At this time, Aozaki Aoko changed from sitting on the sofa to lying on the back of the sofa. When she saw the two figures walking from the entrance, she was... surprised: "... ..hey it's that...Pink Sparkle, you are really a friend with beads."

At this time, Lidelle had no time to pay attention to the nickname that Aozaki Aoko casually gave her. If it was not long ago, she might have quarreled with this girl directly. At this time, Lidelle was full of Roy's figure. She suddenly grabbed the shoulders of Yuzhu of Jiuyuanji, and said with unprecedented seriousness: "...Alice, listen to me this time, hurry up and move, immediately.

, Immediately, get out of here quickly!!"

"...or you might die!!"

Chapter 158 will be resolved tonight

Jiuyuanji Youzhu looked at Lidel with sharp eyes, there was scrutiny, doubts, and a kind of tough coldness that needed her to explain clearly.

Lidel blushed, she opened her red lips, and wanted to tell her friends everything she knew, but after hesitating for a while, she murmured but couldn't say a word.

That... terrifying man must have a purpose in approaching Youzhu. If he reveals his true identity and ruins his plan, what will happen to him? He will definitely be arrested in the name of heresy interrogation, and then in the burial institution Or be tried in a tribunal.

If it just happened to me, because Youju is my best friend, I can't say that she will be full of sacrifice, but Lidelle does not represent herself after all, she also represents Acherott. The family is a member of the Clock Tower, but her status is not enough to make any decisions on behalf of the Clock Tower.

In the end, the... witch could only say in an almost pleading tone: "...Alice has a pearl, please, just listen to me this time, right now.

You can stay at my house or join the clock tower, but don't stay here."

Lidelle didn't know why the supreme bishop of the sanctuary came to Misaki City, maybe it was for the ... witch of Kuonji Yuju, or maybe it was for the spiritual veins of Misaki City, but in Lidelle's view Come, the latter possibility is higher, because as the supreme bishop, he will not move the crowd for a mere witch, even if she is the only fairy tale witch in this world.

Only the one in Misaki City...the spiritual vein that made the magician appear, it is estimated that he will care about it.

Even if the reputation of the supreme bishop is not very good, especially after knowing his dark history in Tsarist Russia 80 years ago, it is even more amazing, but looking at what this supreme bishop has done in the past 80 years In fact, he has never cared about the private affairs of his children, and all his choices are based on interests. It can be said that he is a downright ruthless person.

Just as Lidelle begged, Aoko Aozaki also put on slippers and got off the sofa, came to the two witches in confusion, and asked her cohabitant, "...youzhu, what happened? Who is this woman with this pink sparkle?"

"She was my childhood friend."

Jiuyuanji Yuzhu explained a little impatiently, and then she looked at Lidelle and said in a very calm voice: "...I will not leave here, Lidelle! This foreign mansion It's the most important thing my parents left me, and I won't leave it behind."

The witch's tone was extremely resolute, and even had a spirit of seeing death at home.

"It doesn't matter if you lose your life for this!"

Lidale asked in an uncontrollable anger.

"Well, it doesn't matter if you lose your life, Lidelle, you are also a witch, you should understand the persistence of witches."

With an unusually flat voice, Kuonji Yuju expressed his ideas.


Lidelle felt sullen for a while, and felt that she was being treated as a donkey's liver and lungs, but at the same time she felt that it was a matter of course, because since childhood, Alice Youzhu was an extremely stubborn person, and she would never allow anyone to touch her own things. touch, not to mention abandon and take away.

"...with beads"

Aoko Aozaki heard the murky conversation between the two, and she looked nervous for a while. Although she didn't know what the two were talking about, she knew that it must be a matter of life. "A lot of inexplicable demons appeared here a while ago. , I became uneasy, and after I found out that the five 55 fulcrums of the spiritual meridian in Misaki City were silently broken three 3, that is... I have already prepared... Qingzi, You also found something during yesterday's patrol."

It's rare for Jiuyuanji Yuzhu to say so many words, maybe she's already feeling nervous.

"Yesterday you mean those... strange dolls that suddenly appeared on the street?"

Aozi Aozaki frowned and said, "...Although I have never seen those dolls, I have a hunch that maybe my sister is back."

At the end, Aozaki Aoko's tone also became heavy.

"If oranges come back, then the fulcrum of the barrier in Misaki City will be easily cracked, which can explain it."

Jiuyuanji's beaded fingers pressed against her chin, she lowered her eyes and nodded slightly.

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