Roy turned his head to look outside the illusory door, his tone gradually quickened.

"Yes, Godfather! Say it!"

Anastasia subconsciously hugged the puppet in her arms, she straightened her waist, and when she saw Roy's serious expression, she also tightened her mind, and at the same time there was panic and tension in her heart.

"Don't be nervous, it's not for you to get an injection, it won't hurt."

Roy blinked at Her Royal Highness, and without saying a word, he quickly drew an extremely complex magic circle on the ground with the blood from the fantasy creatures collected in this treasure room.

"After I asked Kotomine to go to Fuyuki City, I carefully investigated the Great Holy Grail hidden under the Liudong Temple, and through the investigation of the Great Holy Grail, I got some basic components about the Holy Grail ceremony. For me, this information is enough. The Summoning Ritual Connected to the Realm Recording Tape has been completed!"

Roy, who had absorbed the entire world of magic knowledge in the Godslayer World, if he has a profound knowledge of magic, I am afraid that no one here can match it. In the moon world, he only needs to slightly change the connection point of the summoning ceremony, and change the connection destination from 'the immortal realm of the secluded world' to the 'realm record belt', and then he can bring the 'information' to the real world again.

Anastasia listened to some terms about mysterious knowledge in Roy's mouth, she didn't know what Roy was doing, she just did what he asked.

"Now, you are in the center of this graphic!"

Roy ordered Her Royal Highness to stand in the center of the ritual formation, and then he took out a crystal and a golden cup.

The crystal seems to exist, but it is just a complex geometric figure like an imaginary number. This is the main **** base that White Wing spent hundreds of years to complete. It was obtained by Roy from the Tunguska area ten years ago. The cup is the part that Roy took from the... oversized Holy Grail in the Godslayer world.

"You don't need Anna to mobilize the magic circuit in your body. Well, in fact, your magic aptitude is quite mediocre, and you don't need to complete the incantation to start the ceremony. I have set the ceremony to be fully automatic. It's fine here."

"... The 'realm record tape' is outside the time axis, and it holds all the information of the past, present, and future heroic spirits. Although you are still alive, Anna, when you 'die', you were with Romanov's goblin. , The information data that signed the contract and became the heroic spirit has long been recorded in the 'Boundary Record Tape'!"

"I have deceived the world with magic, so you don't need any holy relic, because there is only one heroic spirit with the highest affinity with you, and that is yourself!"

Roy showed a weird smile. This can be considered a ritual that takes advantage of the 'loopholes' in the world. For others, this is a tasteless or impossible ritual, but for Anastasia, This is the best way!

Chapter 103 The King of the Lost Belt

Using the Heroic Spirit Summoning Ritual to summon the dead self while still alive and then fuse to become a subservient, this is probably the easiest way to directly gain powerful power, but at the same time it is also an extremely difficult and tasteless method.

Not to mention the knowledge and wealth required for the construction of the Heroic Spirit Summoning Ceremony, the difficulty can only be seen from the efforts of the Einzbern family. Secondly, to become a Heroic Spirit, one needs to have made great achievements in human history. This is already a thousand miles. Pick one, and even if someone after the Age of Gods really knew that he would become a Heroic Spirit and completed the Heroic Spirit Summoning Ceremony, after summoning the Heroic Spirit, he would still be stunned by the fact that he did not have enough magic power to allow such an existence as a Servant to appear in the world. Instant death.

It is impossible for a magician after the age of gods to supply existences like Servants in this world.

As for those heroes in the age of gods...for them, summoning their own power after death is a kind of demotion of power, which makes the gameplay of "summoning yourself" become Chicken ribs.

But this is completely different for Anastasia. As an ordinary princess, Anastasia does not have any mysterious power. Obtaining the ability of heroic spirits will make her personality rapidly improve, and she has A presence like Roy helps her cheat in a way that is just... tailored for her.

"Anna, this is for you!"

Roy took out an edict-like item from his cuff and handed it to the princess.

Anastasia took the letter-like object, and she recognized at a glance that it was the edict of the Romanov dynasty, written by her dead father Nicholas II.

She nervously and excitedly opened the suicide note that belonged to her father, and it contained only one simple sentence: Tsar Nicholas II of the Romanov Dynasty.

Aledrovich passed the throne to his youngest daughter Anastasia.


Romanova! When this edict was signed and written by the tsar himself, the handover of the tsar's power was mysteriously completed. At this time, Her Royal Highness the Queen understood why the previous Roy wanted to call her the tsar.

"All the factors have been put together, Anna, complete this final ceremony and enter my world thoroughly! I believe you will succeed."

Roy rubbed Her Royal Highness's smooth silver hair, and then... walked outside the door, "...I'll stop the...cleaner, so that he won't disturb you."

Anastasia watched Roy's back disappear, she abandoned her fear, gritted her teeth and hugged the goblin in her arms, the puppet walked to the center of the ceremony, just like Roy believed in her, Her Royal Highness I also believe in Roy.

......In the corridor of the private museum of Catherine II, Roy placed his right hand in the teaching uniform woven from the holy corpse cloth, and looked at the clothes in front of him that were also woven from the holy corpse cloth. The red figure walked slowly.

"To be honest, I hate... you are not very strong, but you have a tenacious vitality like a cockroach. I hate it."

Roy sighed as he looked at the red figure named 'Emiya Shirou', but now it was just a lack of restraint.

Chi Zhiying's face was expressionless, he had no subjective consciousness, he clenched the two knives in his hands, and his muscles were tense, ready to make a surprise attack at any time.

"Forget it, talking nonsense with you is just... a waste of time, the things collected in this palace are treasures of human beings, and have rare importance in terms of historical value and artistic value, so I have to be a little more serious. ."

Roy restrained the smile on his face, and the crimson shadow made a mistake and charged towards Roy at a very fast speed.


The scarlet shadow in front of the simple but extremely terrifying 'angel spell' in the original sin really turned into a cockroach in Roy under the influence of the strange and twisted spell. He raised his feet and walked around. Easily crushed the restraining lackey and killed it again.

However, Roy did not relax, because as he said before, 'Emiya Shirou is like an ant who can easily defeat him. To resist angelic spells, he most needs a corner of his roots like the gods in the age of the gods. To deal with it, but as a lackey of restraint, 'Emiya Shirou' can be completely killed unless the entire restraint is killed.

......In the imaginary space, Anastasia stood nervously in the magic circle of the summoning ceremony, and the circuit board-like rune messages filled the space under her feet. This ceremony is completely different from the ordinary Holy Grail Summoning Ceremony. Her Royal Highness only felt that her consciousness was rising infinitely, like a flashback, watching her monotonous life reverberate in her mind. This simple seventeen years Her life ended abruptly in that basement, as if her fate had ended there.

Immediately, she felt as if there was a will that answered her call, and that...will was so familiar, because it was Anastasia herself! Not to be surprised by Her Royal Highness, the will that answered her was...from The 'record tape of the realm' begins to descend, although from the point of view of modern magicians, the power of this... Heroic Spirit is estimated to belong to the weakest... category in the entire Heroic Spirit group, because Her Royal Highness did not have any The historical achievement itself cannot be further sublimated, and it is only because he signed a contract with the Romanov dynasty's enchantress before his death that he became a heroic spirit.

But even the weakest Heroic Spirit possesses a mystery that cannot be resisted by modern magic.

And just when this... Heroic Spirit was about to arrive, the situation suddenly changed. Anastasia was stunned to find that she seemed to have entered an incredible and mysterious world. This is the real permafrost, and the temperature outside is always below zero. Between fifty and one hundred degrees, this is a dead world in which human beings absolutely cannot survive.

Just as Anastasia thought, there are no human beings in this desperate world, but there are some groups of primates and beasts like werewolves struggling to survive, and this world makes Her Royal Highness There is an unusual sense of familiarity.

"Is this... Russia but how can there be such a Russia..."

Just when Anastasia felt incredible, the heroic spirit summoned by her was also involved in this strange world, and then this... heroic spirit was completely distorted, and the speciality of the 'Loss Belt' made The Heroic Spirit' obtained the fairies and powers with which he signed a contract, but as a price, the Heroic Spirit began to be distorted and changed, and her past life experiences were completely forgotten.

0 Immediately, the information of the heroic spirit crossed the Lost Belt and descended into the pan-human history, but it didn't wait: the heroic spirit condensed into a specific form, the second step of the special summoning ceremony designed by Roy started, and the mysterious geometric crystal suddenly Injected into Anastasia's heart, the spiritual base of the main **** level attracts the information of heroic spirits, and starts to fuse with Anastasia.

The reason why the crowned heroic spirit cannot be summoned is because when the crowned heroic spirit appears in the world as a Servant, it needs a spiritual foundation of the crown level, and the general Holy Grail War cannot create such a spiritual foundation at all.

But other heroic spirits can also come back to the spirit base. They can raise their spirit base to the level of the crown. Although they do not get the ability to belong to the crown like the real heroic spirits of the crown, their strength will also be great. magnitude increase.

And now the spiritual foundation injected into the body of Her Royal Highness is the spiritual foundation of the main **** level, which is completely comparable to the crown spiritual foundation, and even surpasses it in some aspects.

.................It is very difficult in magic theory to fuse heroic spirits with humans, which requires high technical barriers, because it is like human beings have a rejection reaction , Humans and Heroic Spirits also have such reactions, but Her Royal Highness does not need to care about rejection at all, because the best carrier that can carry 'Anastasia's power is... Anastasia herself! When the heroic spirits were summoned, the information of the heroic spirits entered the Lost Belt, which was something that Roy did not expect, and when the Loss Belt was distorted, the heroic spirits who lost their past memories and Anastasia of the Pan-Human History. After the body was fused, the lost memory was restored again, and a perfect harmony was achieved.

Finally, and the most important step, after summoning the heroic spirit to merge, you are both a heroic spirit and a master. If you want to make such a powerful mystery walk in the world, you naturally need a huge amount of magic power, and Anastasia’s own magic aptitude is not enough. High, unable to provide such magic power, under normal circumstances, she should blew up and died the moment she was successfully summoned.

Roy had long anticipated this situation. Although the Holy Grail from the Godslayer world is only a part of the body, the magic power contained in it is as much as the sum of several Godslayers. This huge magic power is not to be said to be maintained. A Heroic Spirit has appeared in the world, and there is no problem with activating 'Humani Burning' as a reference point.

The power of the Holy Grail also merged with Anastasia, becoming her energy source, turning it into a walking magic furnace.

Anastasia's body, the power of the Lostbelt, the spiritual base of the main **** level, and the Holy Grail, which is a near-perpetual energy source, I am afraid that Roy did not expect that, under his own precise calculation and some coincidences, he created a A monstrous 'King of the Lostbelts'.

The summoning ceremony is over, and the figure that appeared there is the complete fusion of the Lost Belt and Pan-Human History, the real 'Queen of Permafrost'! Kadok is really green.


Chapter 104 The Queen of Permafrost

The velvet-like pure white long skirt is embroidered with many starry crosses: the star, the lotus leaf-like skirt flutters, and the waterfall-like long hair that reaches the waist is a graceful and luxurious cape.

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