"Yeah, Anna, if you don't go to North America with us, we'll be one less person."

Maria, who is closest in age to Anastasia, also persuaded her.

But who knew that Anastasia was stubborn at this time and retorted: "...even if the sisters go to North America, we will not see each other again, we can write letters to each other, and then... I can also go to North America to visit you!"

Anastasia's persistence made the two persuading princesses speechless. In the past, although this younger sister always liked to be mischievous, she has always been a little cowardly. As older sisters, they have always taken good care of her. Can you imagine that her younger sister has become so stubborn at this moment? Is this also her change? The oldest Olga is the most prestigious, she interrupted several people's words, stared at her younger sister and said: "... Anna, have you really decided?"

"I've decided, my lord! I don't want to go to North America, I want to stay with the godfather."

The eldest sister is like a mother. In the absence of her mother, Olga is as majestic as her mother, but Anastasia has a hunch that if she leaves her godfather and goes to North America, she will be able to meet her godfather in the future. chances are less.

She finally returned to her godfather, and she was unwilling to leave him.

Just staring at Anastasia for a while, Olga suddenly looked back at Roy and said, "...Your Majesty, if Anna wants to stay by your side, will it cause you trouble?"

This... the eldest princess bit her lip and said that her sister's stubbornness made her a little moved. She didn't want to go to North America, and she also wanted to stay by this man who took good care of herself and was like a prince charming, but She also felt that she could not be self-willed like her sister. Among the four sisters, only Anna spent the longest time by His Majesty's side and had the deepest relationship with him.

Besides, the ambiguous words in the letter written by the two people, if it is not related, Olga will definitely not believe it.

"The trouble is.... nothing, if you will."

Anastasia's little bit of care, how can Si Luoy not understand, he is not one of the male protagonists in Japanese light novels...... No need, he was already married, but thinking about it, if he said these words, he would probably make the child cry.

"Then please take care of Anna, Your Majesty!"

Olga said flatly.

"elder sister!!"

Tatyana and Maria exclaimed, not expecting their eldest sister to make such a decision, "...then we also..."

"You two don't make trouble!"

Before Tatyana and Maria could speak, Olga just... interrupted them.

My family is too deeply entangled with this man, if it continues like this...isn't it right... Olga thought a little sadly, so as the eldest sister, she must give The sisters make a decision.

Roy just stared at Olga and was amazed at her decision. After a pause, he asked again, "...Then the three of you will continue to convert to the church and become nuns?"

"Yes, Your Majesty! We still have to be nuns and give our all to the Lord!"

Olga said reverently, for these princesses who lost their parents, lost the glory of the royal family, and lost everything, perhaps only faith can be the driving force for them to live.

"Giving everything to the Lord..."

Roy's expression is a little weird, because he has always regarded himself as the 'lord' and regarded himself as his own god. Do they mean to dedicate their body and mind to themselves? There is not much choice for Roy for the three princesses. What to say, as Anastasia said, this is not a life and death, these princesses may not know now, when technology develops again, the whole earth is equivalent to a village, from Europe to North America, it is just A few hours of effort.

"If this is the case, then you must remember that as a nun, you must be absolutely wealthy, beautiful, and desperate, that is, you must be poor for the gods, chastity, and obedience!"

Roy's expression gradually became serious.

Becoming a real nun is the same as being a monk in Buddhism, except that being a monk means being born, but a Christian nun still has to join the world, maintain a cheerful mood and a kind heart, and guide the Lambs of the Lord.

"We have discussed it yesterday, and we have already made preparations, even the money left by my father..."

"No, that wealth still belongs to you, the church will not have any greed, you can use that wealth to set up a foundation to carry out charitable causes, don't reject them, and don't be afraid of money, you just need to keep holy Heart, money can only be the power to do good 777!"

Roy interrupted Olga's words, just as the good and evil of power depends on the person who uses it, in Roy's view, money is also the same. Do more good.

He is not a person who is not evil, nor dare to say that he is a good person. He mocks the ignorance and the good and reprimands the extremely evil, but without involving himself, he also wishes more people in this world to be redeemed.

That is probably what Mencius said, 'If you are poor, you will be good at yourself, and if you are good, you will be good in the world.

Of course, this "goodness" is not pure goodness or moral cultivation, but a kind of self-will.

Seeing Roy's persuasion and affirmation, Olga did not argue with Roy in this regard, but accepted his ideas and concepts.

Only Anastasia was expressionless on the side, holding back a smile, with a little guilt and sadness in her heart, so she stayed by the godfather alone, making the sisters leave, but there was also disappointment and shame in the joy .

Her heart was beating violently, and she was afraid that she might become a bad girl.

At this moment, Roy frowned suddenly, he turned his head sharply and looked out of the church window, there was a figure standing there like a ghost.

Several princesses looked back in confusion when they saw his actions. After seeing the shadow outside the church, the four princesses also exclaimed and felt uneasy. Could it be that the four of them were discovered by the authorities! Swept over the hearts of the queens.

However, Roy knew that it was not a search agent sent by the authorities. He looked a little puzzled and recited the name of the figure, "...Red Shadow, or I should call you a cleaner."

Chapter 101 My Tsar


Seeing the ghostly motionless figure outside the church window, Anastasia curled up and hid behind Roy in fear. Her expression was frightened, and the dull aura of the other party seemed to make her return to the basement. That night, I heard the mourning of the family, and saw the **** eyes and the darkness and despair that gradually sank.

The other princesses also flinched and hid behind Roy, shaking their bodies to look at the figure.

Roy has a strong body, a red long coat made of holy corpse cloth, bronze skin and short white hair. Even if Roy has not seen him, Roy already knew when this figure appeared. its identity.

'Why did the lackeys of restraint appear here?' Roy was a little strange. Could it be that restraint finally couldn't bear it, and wanted to drive him away... a visitor from another world, without waiting for Roy to think more, it was like a machine. The figure standing outside the window with an expression... raised his hand, and a longbow appeared between his hands.

Bend the bow and set the arrow in one go, the huge magic power is gathered on the arrow, and a spiral-shaped long sword' is also turned into a 'long arrow'! "Whoosh——"

The arrow that gathered a huge amount of magic power pierced the glass window of the church, and the crisp sound of glass shattering resounded in the office. Documents and other utensils were blown in a mess.

A gust of wind blew the curtain of Roy's hair, and he looked slightly angry, and snorted: "...but the restraint force only sent you here, isn't it a bit too arrogant."

Roy's right hand seemed to be slow and fast. When the tip of the spiral arrow was still more than ten centimeters away from him, it was...accurately grabbed it in his hand, the arrow trembled slightly, and the powerful magic was captured by Roy. The right hand pressed down, so that the energy inside could not explode.

But then, following the gesture of the figure outside the window, the magic power in the arrow in Roy's right hand suddenly shrank, and in an instant it swelled again.

"I remember it's called 'Fantasy Collapse'... It's just a trick."

Roy raised his brows and whispered: "...'Gluttony'!"

The dense white mist filled Roy's right hand, as if a giant beast from ancient times had appeared in this small room. One bite was... the arrow in his hand was about to explode with... The magic power swallowed it.

The red figure outside the window is still expressionless. As a thug with restraint, the red shadow has no extra consciousness. It is more like a puppet manipulated from a distance. A pair of black and white double knives emerged, and rushed in directly through the broken window.


Roy thought for a while, in order not to let this... Mr. Guardian's blood stain the house, he used the jealous words, furniture, humans, chandeliers, etc. in "Original Sin"... The shadows began to expand in an instant. , enveloped the entire room, turned the world into pitch black, and stretched out a clear chain from the shadow to catch the red figure that jumped into the room, and the shadow of the space suddenly grew sharp teeth, a bite That is... swallowing its shadow slowly dissipated, and the house returned to its previous appearance, with broken glass windows and a mess all over the floor, and it even made people suspect that what appeared before was just an illusion.

"Godfather, he's dead"

From the little head behind Roy, Anastasia, as the princess of the Romanov dynasty, knew that there was a mysterious existence in this world. Although this was the first time Roy showed her power before, Her Royal Highness did not have any Panicked and afraid, she believed in Roy, that he would definitely protect herself, and that he would never hurt herself.

The other three princesses also looked at Roy with an inquiring look, waiting for his answer.

"If it's just the...cleaner, it's definitely been resolved...but..."

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