"I don't care what Command Spell you have in your hand, but you don't give it to me, and you look at me with such disgusting eyes. Human beings are still so disgusting after so many years!"

The fairy shook the broken arm in her hand, her tone was irritable, but the next second her expression became serious, and she carefully used magic to peel off the Command Spell from the broken arm and transplanted it to the back of her hand. .

The woman is the elf bred by the heaven and the earth, the poppy who was recorded in the "Historical Records".

After the establishment of the Han Dynasty, Concubine Yu agreed to the request of Emperor Gaozu of the Han Dynasty. At the end of the Western Han Dynasty, she used the genetic factors of the King of Chu and the King of Han, and used the magic left by the First Emperor to shape a test tube baby, that is, Liu Xiu, Emperor Guangwu of the Han Dynasty. After Xiu established the Eastern Han Dynasty, Concubine Yu wandered the world again. Until the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty, when the three kingdoms were divided, she believed that it was time for the Han Dynasty to perish according to the initial determination of Emperor Gaozu of the Han Dynasty. ......In the Northern Qi Dynasty, she was very quiet and thoughtful. She left the mountains and forests to meet Gao Changgong, the king of Lanling. In the rest of the ancient history, she almost lived in the deep mountains and old forests.

However, as history entered modern times and human science and technology began to develop, Yu Meiren gradually discovered that the place where humans set foot was getting bigger and bigger, and her habitat began to shrink. I want to see how human beings have developed.

Unexpectedly, she just came out of the mountain, just... met a magician who traveled to the extreme eastern island country by way of the ancient eastern country, and learned about the 'Holy Grail War' in his mouth, and even more that this war can summon the 'realm record' After taking the heroic spirit of the ancient hero of the human beings, she was immediately moved.

Secretly followed that... The magician who claimed to be from the Clock Tower ran to the far east island country. When he came to the place called Fuyuki, he determined that there was a huge spiritual vein here, and that the Holy Grail War was real, Yu Meiren was directly sent from the dark. Zhuan Ming ran to the magician and asked him to hand over his qualifications to participate in the Holy Grail War.

Of course the magician didn't want to, so the two had a conflict. Yu Meiren's temper was not good, except...besides being gentle and graceful in front of the king, the rest of the time she was violent and angry. Then I killed the magician and robbed his Command Spell.

"Well, this magic circle seems to be drawn like this."

Poppy came to a remote area outside Fuyuki. She carefully drew graphics on the open space, and even used her own blood to look solemn.

"Your Majesty...I, I can finally see you again, there is still such a way to summon the heroic spirits on the realm records to the world, why...why I have more than a thousand I haven't thought about it in years!"

Poppy was so excited, there was a little water mist in her scarlet beautiful eyes, she didn't know if she was crying, she wiped the corners of her eyes with force, the fairy tried her best to make her smile as beautiful as poppy flowers, she absolutely couldn't let it go. : When the king sees her crying, it will make the king feel distressed. She must use her most beautiful side... to meet the king.

Once again, she checked the integrity of the formation, and then began to inspect her clothes. In order to see the king again, she even dressed up, and even the tied ponytail was spread out, letting her hair like clouds. Scattered around her waist, because the king said that what he liked most was her beautiful long hair like a waterfall of stars.

There is no need for such things as holy relics. Yu Meiren believes that the bond between herself and the king is better than anything else. She gently strokes the silvery white in her black hair with her hand, and then... solemn chanting The incantation reads: "...declare!!"


"...Cross the wheel of inhibition and appear, guardian of Libra!"

Under the delighted and excited eyes of Yu Meiren, the summoning formation in front of her lit up, and a figure slowly emerged in it, but after seeing the true face of the figure, the gentle smile on Yu Meiren's face immediately became stiff.

"Under the whole world, is it not the king's land, the coast of leading the land, is it not the king's ministers! That is... Have you summoned me?"

Chapter 80 Interlude. Grandma Yu (middle)

It was a majestic figure. She was wearing the emperor's tiara of the Han Dynasty, with a red top and a red bottom. The crown was twelve, and it was made of jade. There was a scarlet long sword on her waist, and there was a piece of exquisite jade at the waist. , Yu Mei people know this sword, although not many people in China have seen it, but the name of this sword is like thunder, it is the sword of the emperor's way, Chixiao, which was used by the emperor to cut the white snake uprising.

The solemn and solemn figure profoundly interprets the power of the emperor, and people can recognize her as the emperor at a glance, but the face of the emperor with the crown is slightly blurred, and it is difficult for people to distinguish between men and women for a while. , but probably looks to be a male.

However, if someone can see through the wonderful camouflage of fairy magic, they will find that the real body of the emperor is actually a beautiful woman with a slender figure, a slender waist and a majestic crisp that are enough to make many women jealous , and the ruthless majesty of the aloof is enough to make anyone in awe of it.



The figure who had just emerged from the summoning formation was about to use the arrogant and cruel voice of a monarch to describe his position, but when he saw the face of the woman who had summoned him, he was stunned for a moment, and then this… The majestic woman's whole person has become loose, like a strong woman who has turned into a street gangster in the blink of an eye, and the speed of her temperament transformation is simply jaw-dropping.

"It's you, Yu Meiren, why did you think of calling me..."

When Emperor Taizu Gao saw that it was Concubine Yu who had summoned him, he suddenly became lazy. Although she became an emperor in the second half of her life, the prestige of the Son of Heaven was hard to predict, but her career as a hooligan in the first half of her life still had a strong influence on her. Influence, if she is in front of someone she doesn't know or is a subordinate, she will naturally show the momentum of the emperor, but if it is an acquaintance like Yu Meiren, pretending to be in front of her will appear to be a little bluff.

Yu Meiren just had a gloomy face and didn't speak, but her blood-red eyes were also shaken and unbelievable...... I believe, why, why was it not the king who was summoned by himself as a holy relic , but is this woman's bond with Liu Ji more than that of the king? How could it be possible, I never said a few words to her when she was alive, where did the bond come from!! The whole person's heart is full of irritability, and her heart is even more screaming, a pair of jade hands clenched and loosened, she is just forcibly suppressing her inner irritability.

After Liu Ji was summoned, she first looked around, and then immersed herself in her own world. The Holy Grail told her a lot of modern knowledge. In an instant, this... Emperor Taizu Gao understood the cause and effect.

"Hahahahaha!! Yu Meiren, you want to laugh at me, I understand, you actually want to summon the king of Chu, but you summoned me, come and come, let me tell you What's going on? In theory, the relationship between you and the King of Chu is more than that of me, but why is it not the King of Chu who appears here, but I It's a pity for you to answer your call, hahahaha!!"

Liu Ji laughed out loud, tears of laughter flowing out. Before she was alive, she couldn't compete with this woman, and she just calculated her before she died. I didn't expect that she would encounter such funny things now after her death. , It's really worthwhile to come to this world and walk for a while.

Yu Meiren, who was suppressing herself, was immediately... furious, and said angrily: "...Then let me send you back, Liu Ji!"

Yu Ji summoned her two blood-colored long swords, and without thinking about it...killed at Liu Ji.

Emperor Taizu Gao's expression froze. As an emperor, she couldn't kill herself before she could pull her neck out. She immediately pulled out the Scarlet Heaven Sword around her waist, and two 'friends' who had known each other during the Qin and Han dynasties immediately started fighting in the suburbs of Dongmu City. .

No one could have imagined that the first battle of the Second Holy Grail War would appear between the 'master and slave'.

Although Liu Ji had the bloodline of a red dragon before his death, Yu Ji was a born elf and a real fairy, so Emperor Taizu Gao couldn't be her opponent, but Liu Ji after his death became a heroic spirit... .. still not Yu Ji's opponent.

There is no way, if the 'true ancestor' is in a state of incompleteness, even if Liu Ji is only a Servant, he can fight with him, but Yu Meiren has eaten the elixir made by the first emperor and survived the 'five declines of heaven and man'. , without any blood-sucking impulse, she has been able to exert her full strength. She is a perfect fairy. From this era alone, Yu Ji, like the reluctant Sventowert, has absolutely no modern mystery. confrontational.

After a battle, the suburbs of Fuyuki City were almost destroyed by two people, Yu Meiren's complexion remained unchanged, and Liu Ji, because she was only a Servant, could not be replenished without her rapid consumption of magic power, and was close to running out of fuel.

"Stop, stop!"

Liu Ji supported his body with the Scarlet Heaven Sword and raised his hand panting to stop Yu Meiren.

"Do you want to beg for mercy? Even if you kneel down and beg me now, I won't let you go!"

Poppy's head is full of hair and no wind, and a powerful magical power that is so terrible that it is almost cursed circulates in her body. This woman dares to say that the king doesn't want me anymore, this is really a sin and deserves death! "Okay, I'm just joking, If the King of Chu initiates the summoning and summons me, then I will naturally be excited, but if you perform the summoning ceremony, even I will admit that you should have summoned the King of Chu and not me."

Liu Ji was the Taizu Gao Emperor who founded the Han Dynasty after all. At this time, he began to analyze it with absolute seriousness. Of course, it may also be that Liu Ji felt that he had already taken advantage of his words. At this time, he should not continue to stimulate this fairy, although Yu Meiren is powerful, but if she talks about conspiracy and tricks and the twists and turns in those words, she can't compare to the emperor of Shanghan.

Sure enough, with Liu Ji's voice, even if Yu Meiren was still irritable in her heart, she still suppressed her anger, and tried her best to calmly say: "...what are you trying to say, Liu Ji, hurry up and finish me? Good to send you on your way!"

"What I want to say is that there must be something strange in this, and I have even guessed why you were able to summon me, because I and you should have the same wishes, we both want to see the King of Chu again!"

Liu Ji's words silenced Yu Meiren, because she was right, the Holy Grail War summons heroic spirits, of course it is best to have holy relics, and if not, it will naturally match the master and the servant, and If the wishes of the Master and the Servant are exactly the same, then it is naturally the most perfect match in terms of matching value.

Because the apparent purpose of the Holy Grail War is to fulfill the wishes of the Master and the Servant.

"I'm interested in this Holy Grail War. Of course, I'm not interested in the... broken five, the cup, but if the so-called Holy Grail can really come true, then maybe the two of us should work together to get the cup, as for what we promised later. Wish, I don't need to say more."

Asking for the suggestion of Emperor Xianhan made Yu Ji feel that it was the most reasonable even if she felt unhappy in her heart. If she wants to participate in the Holy Grail War, she must have followers. Although Yu Meiren can continue to take followers from other masters, but if she wants to participate in the Holy Grail War, she must have followers. Whoever has the highest affinity with her is undoubtedly... the 'rival in love' in front of her, who knows what other Servants have wishes, but she knows the wishes of the woman in front of her.

"Okay, then we'll make a contract and get that...the so-called Holy Grail!"

Yu Ji also made a decisive decision and signed a contract with Liu Ji directly.

Feeling that she had got Yu Ji's magic power, she didn't have to worry about disappearing, and Liu Ji was relieved. Fortunately, Yu Meiren was not dazzled by anger and made the right choice.

Regardless of....

Is it she or she, in fact, both want to see that man... Ah, even the two who can't get along can fight side by side, the irritable fairy can soothe their mood, and the arrogant emperor will lower his stance .

.........."Grandma Yu, your temperament is still so irritable after so many years, have you lived on a dog?"

Without the fear of death, Liu Ji has become that...a lazy female hooligan. She was a lily who liked women at first, and especially developed a strong interest in Yu Ji, although in the end she changed from curvy to straight. , but now there are only two people, without the King of Chu behind, she also began to talk, and wanted to molest this... fairy.

"You're the grandma!!! I'm not old at all!"

Women are all sensitive to their age. If it was Yu Ji in the past, she might not care, but since she fell in love, she also began to learn how to dress up, and she will care about her age.

"Ha, I am only a young girl in my fifties. For me, the last second of memory is still in the Changle Palace, but unlike you, Grandma Yu, you have really lived like this for two thousand years, right? Knowing how many years you lived before Qin Han, calling you Grandma Yu has already called you young, but you are still not satisfied, you just don’t know if your Xiong has fallen seriously, do you want me to check it for you?”

Emperor Taizu Gao sneered, she was not afraid of anyone when it came to playing hooligans.

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