"...the so-called "exhausting magic" is what it means, Aiwass, I have already seen the "path to God"!"

Roy laughed out loud and was extremely happy, even at this time he couldn't restrain his inner ecstasy.

Chapter 69 Everything is in ""!

Roy's expression was extremely cheerful. He had never felt that the "Demon God" was so close to him. It turned out that the so-called "traveling" of the "Ark" that resided in his right hand was here.

The corner of the root, the power of gods, the gods who lived on the earth in the age of the gods, the magicians of the age of gods, etc... Roy already knew the knowledge, but just knowing this knowledge did not allow Roy to deduce any East and West, until Duke Baiyi, the supreme **** of Slavic mythology, the figure that should have been in the inner sea of ​​the stars but disappeared from the earth once again appeared on the surface. Yi finally finished the last piece of the puzzle.

"No, not the last piece, it should be the penultimate piece, but I already know where to look for the last piece of the puzzle."

Roy turned over and dismounted, and stepped on the ground like this, staring steadily at the place where the root breath opened.

Behind Roy, Aiwass once again appeared as his radiant figure, and with Aiwass' appearance, the church members near Roy once again had a commotion.

Except...the ones who followed Roy's Peter and Paul Church early in the morning...the clergy, the other agents and the Templars were seeing Ai Hua for the first time. s posture, but Roy used the spell to call the doomsday scene and call the Angel Legion as the premise. These.... The clergy soon... calm down and put Aiwass bowed down as a true angel.

Of course, Roy would not explain to these people that although Aiwass is called an angel and is conceptually an 'apostle of the sky', his true form of existence is far from the angels of the Cross religion. Those . . . knelt on the ground and prayed devoutly beside the clergy 407, and came to the dense forest of people.

Without the interruption of others, Roy happily joked to Aiwass behind him: "...you are teasing those... clergymen again. ."

Aiwass had frightened the clergy in the church before, and the believers of the Crusaders, especially the devout believers, were too obsessed with the concept of angels.

But although it was a joke, Roy didn't mean to blame Aiwass for appearing at will. On the contrary, it was her random appearance that made Roy more realise his name of 'angel'.

"Let's not talk about this, you saw it just now..."

Aiwass appeared again in the form of Rose, her golden eyes flickering, and Roy stared at the ruins of the Age of Gods with great interest.

"Ah, of course I saw it, otherwise how could I... can't help laughing for a while, look, that's the so-called 'Extreme Magic'!"

Roy pursed his lips, his mood gradually calmed down, he pointed forward with his hand, and communicated his understanding and all the information he had obtained with Aiwass, "...Aleister He is a genius, and he clearly recorded in his book the stages and steps of human beings, making them easy to understand."

"...Everyone's ultimate goal is the same, all are to achieve 'self', but each person's path is different, it is a unique characteristic, according to the East, It's probably... 'the same destination'."

"Some people may be walking on this road with the system of Norse mythology, or they may be walking on this road with the system of Greek mythology, and I am definitely walking on this road with the system of "", as for Asian mythology. I don't know about Resta, he may have been influenced by your "Book of Law", or his rewritten 'Totter Tarot' came to this point."

"Well, this is the so-called pinnacle of human beings, because I am following the "Bible" road, and the easiest way is... to eliminate my 'original sin', but this method sounds simple, and people who can do it There were a few, even I had no clue before, until in the world of "Starting From Zero", I saw that under special rules, the 'original sin' appeared in the form of a real witch, which made me easy to eliminate the original sin, became innocent, an 'angel'."

Roy walked leisurely in the snow, leaving a footprint, and he exchanged his experience with Aiwass behind him in a brisk tone, "...Then I saw the relationship between the root and God here, and suddenly it happened again. After understanding the last step to achieve "Devil God", in simple terms... let yourself enter the root, so as to obtain the endless knowledge in the root and the method of manipulating them, so that the amount of knowledge of oneself can be increased by the big bang of the universe, When all the information, phenomena, structures, interactions and laws of the universe can be understood and mastered, that is the evolution of the gods."

"...Of course, when you enter the sea of ​​roots that contains such a huge amount of information as a human being, you will inevitably be assimilated by the roots. Even if I am now compared to the roots, it's not as good as it, in an instant. They will be overwhelmed by those knowledge. Many magicians in this world have opened the door to the root and entered it, but they have never come back. They are naturally assimilated by the root, but at that moment, they also understood the truth. , became a demon."

Roy said with a smile on his face, this is probably... the so-called Chao Wen Dao Xi can die.

"Therefore, if you want to bear all the knowledge in the root, you must have a premise, that is to say, you don't reach the root and get everything there and become a devil, but you should have the ability to become a devil to reach there. The causal relationship must never be reversed!"

"...And what is this premise? In fact, my master told me a long time ago, that is the abyss that is now in front of me, and I can't cross! I have reached the edge of the abyss, but the face For that dark and bottomless place, my 'spirit' is warning me that I have no ability to cross it now, if I forcibly cross it, I will be dragged into the abyss and never come back, but as long as I cross it , the human spirit will inevitably get an evolution, enough for the living beings to withstand the evolution of all knowledge in the root!"

Roy licked his lips, he looked up at the sky, his eyes seemed to penetrate the surface of the world, and saw the outside of the world, "... Of course, how big is the origin of this world, and whether it only includes the solar system, I am not sure about that. I don't know, I can't know for the time being, but one thing I can be sure of, at least the root of the forbidden world' is absolutely able to affect the entire universe, and that's why those... Demon Gods can be so arrogant Ah! But it doesn't matter, even if the origin of the moon world is really small, there are always other worlds that are vast enough and can easily open the door to the origin."

"The rules of each world are different. There will always be simple and difficult places on the road to God's will. I boldly guess that the most difficult part of the world of magic is how to open the root. This is the case in the moon world. Simple.

The most difficult estimate in the moon world is how to cross the abyss, just like my master Skaha, she spent thousands of years, but she is still wandering on the edge of the abyss, and there is no possibility of crossing. Therefore, it is outside the world and does not enter the inner sea of ​​stars, because the outside is closer to the root!"

"...so the most powerful part of my right hand is...it can always lead me to the weakest point in the multiverse, allowing me to move forward with ease, and I am in the midst of killing gods. The world of the writer has the foundation of the Bible, I have eliminated my original sin in the world that started from zero, and I have seen the true face of the root in the world of the moon, so maybe my way of crossing the abyss is hidden in the forbidden."

"God got the corner of the root and mastered the power of God, and a magician stole the corner of the root and became a magician, no matter...

Whether it is a magician or the power of a god, they are all connected to the root. The so-called parallel world interference, the so-called sky cup, and the so-called time interference are only a tiny part of the root cause, a tiny part of magic, but if someone masters it. All the 'magic', wouldn't that be... 'the ultimate in magic', to become the 'magic god', that is, the 'magic god!'"

"...then finally, I'm going to ask you, Aiwass...what is crossing the abyss?"

Roy suddenly stood still with a hand on his back, and he questioned the holy guardian angel who imparted knowledge behind him.

The Holy Guardian Angel showed a faint smile, and she solemnly announced: "...when you cross the abyss, your spirit' will reach the top three 3-points, seventy-eight cards on the tree of life. The knowledge of cards will open to you, and the wisdom beyond the abyss will give you!"

"...As for how to obtain the knowledge and far-reaching wisdom of the seventy-eight cards on the tree of life, as you said, it is in the ""!"

Chapter 70 The View of Cosmic Balance

Aiwass's words made sense, Roy turned his head to look at the holy guardian angel with an elegant and noble appearance behind him, laughed and said, "...So you know everything, then I will do it again. Let me ask you a question, how do you cross the abyss?"

Unsurprisingly, Aiwass shook his head and said: "...there are some things I can't tell you in words, it's like you found out that entering "" is...the last step to achieve the devil, but If I say it ahead of time, chances are you'll never make it."

"...everyone who can reach the magic peak has his own way, and you should follow your own path, so I didn't tell you anything, but only the necessary knowledge of the necessary" , Some things you know too much are not good for you."

Roy raised his brows, and suddenly said, "...That's right, do whatever you want.

That is your way!"

This is the first sentence of the Book of Law. It turns out that Aiwass actually told him from the beginning how to do it, that is to go his own way.

It seems a simple sentence, a sentence that seems to be easy to understand, but it contains extremely profound philosophical truth.

So Aiwass never clearly told Roy how to do it. Only when Roy found out, she would explain it to him in a more profound way.

"I fully understand the form of your existence, Aiwass. You were born in a high-ranking world, and a high-ranking spirit has actually crossed the abyss since it was born."

"Of course!"

Aiwass nodded and smiled, admitting Roy's speculation.

"Then since you have already crossed the abyss, why don't you have the expressive power of the devil?"

Roy knew that Aiwass was very strong, and her body was definitely stronger than him now, but her expressive power was at most...74 levels, and she couldn't reach the power of the devil to destroy the universe at all.

"This is the concept of balance in the universe. As a spiritual body that is born on the other side of the abyss and can accept wisdom outside the abyss, when you gain some things, you will also lose some things. This is the reason for the existence of the universe. It seems that you have opened the door to the root of this world for me now, and it is of no use for me to enter it, because I am a 'spirit', and I am only a 'spirit'."

Aiwass is neither proud nor regretful about his form of existence, but only tells a fact in quite calm words.

"Finally, let me tell you something, Roy! You want to ask me how to cross the abyss, in fact, you already have the method, the method is by your side, as long as you can understand the abyss in mystery It means knowing how to do it.”

Aiwass suddenly blinked at Roy and smiled ambiguous.

"Just by my side, I've already got..."

Roy was thoughtful, but he didn't seem to understand anything.

Aleister once said that when you get some information but you can't parse it, don't pay too much attention to it, you should find a way to get more information. When you know enough things, you will naturally be able to understand what you don't understand. The place is completely resolved.

So Roy didn't delve into Aiwass, and he knew that it would only make him distressed. When he went to the 'Magic Forbidden' again, maybe some things could be understood.

"Well, let's solve the problem first, Teffam.

Otenro probably feels that he is invincible in the world, so let me break his illusion... The power contained in Tovit's spiritual foundation is really quite good, and I don't know how long Otenroche has used it. It will take time to complete the construction of this spiritual foundation, so I will get it, and maybe it will be useful in the future."

It can be said by Roy that the power is quite good. The spiritual foundation constructed by Bai Yigong is really strong, enough to swept away any mysteries in the modern world.

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