Barthel Mello said coldly, he glanced around, and every magician present had used isolated magic on himself, which had the same effect as the baptism in the church, which was used as a 'gas mask' .

As a human being who has adapted to the modern source, magicians simply cannot expose themselves to the environment of true ether.

"However, in this environment, our magic will also be enhanced, but even then we cannot exercise the magic of the Age of God, because we are separated from the root."

The words of Bathermelo silenced the magicians present. This is the greatest pain faced by modern magicians, so that they can only pursue the root cause as their lifelong goal.

However, the magicians who followed closely became hot again, because in the ruins ahead, it is very likely that there were secret techniques and knowledge that brought them one step closer to the root, and even more huge mysterious resources.

"Wordam, start 'astrology' and prepare to unfold the great magic of the astronomical department!"

Bathemello ordered loudly that the monarch of the astronomical department did not come, but as a famous sect with a long history and famous, and in the astronomical department only under the monarch, the Wodim family also has the power to play a decisive role in the clock tower. .

It must be known that in the future, a certain head of the Wodham family can become the strongest of the forty-eight Masters of the Human Rights Protection Agency.

Chapter 60 Third Party Intervention


On the icy and snowy plain, the cold east wind blew through, and the tiny snowflakes fell on the blond hair. The princess of the true ancestor wore a pure white dress that was realized by fantasy. The snow-white fragrant shoulders complemented the beauty of the ice field. The two rounds at the open neckline are as clear and smooth as ice crystals.

The princess held a pointer in her hand, the pointer was shaking violently, and it was pointing in the direction of the... woman with the majestic figure of an older Slav.

When Roja saw Her Royal Highness, there was a flash of surprise and nostalgia in his eyes, the beautiful blond hair that reached his waist, and the pure and lily-like posture, just like it was there eight hundred years ago. In the real ancestor's royal castle, I was moved when the agent named Roja first met.

"Ah, ah, Your Highness, Princess, you are finally chasing after you. Looking at your current appearance, you are becoming more and more like a person. That guy is really unreliable. If he said he wouldn't hunt me down, he wouldn't give it to you. That... dress made you find me."

Roja's expression was distorted, he stood in the snowfield covering his face and laughed wildly, with joy and fear in his smile.

"Don't speak ill of Roy. He said he promised you that he didn't kill you if he didn't kill you. I asked him to let him tell me your location."

Hearing that Roy was choreographed by the original practitioner who deceived him, the dead man, Elquite said... unhappily.

Roja is filled with jealousy for some reason. Her Royal Highness will chase after him as long as she wakes up. When he dies, she will return to the Millennium City to sleep. This is their bond and is his most special feature. The place, because the princess of the true ancestor will only have emotional fluctuations and changes when facing him.

But now, there is another person who makes Her Royal Highness's mood fluctuate, and even makes the Princess speak kind words for him, how can this be, how can this be, how can there be a third party in the bond between me and Her Royal Highness Step in.

The original sin of jealousy has infected Roja's heart and body, the ... the ancestor of the non-commissioner shouted angrily: "...he is deceiving you, the people in the church are all liars, you are still so innocent , you will definitely be deceived by others like you were deceived by me 800 years ago!"

"...Princess of the True Ancestor, instead of...letting you be deceived again, let me tear your beautiful figure to shreds now!"

Roja laughed wildly and rushed forward fearlessly. Anyway... this kind of killing has continued for more than ten times in the past eight hundred years. He knew that this time he was reincarnated and still had not defeated the princess in front of him. It's possible, but to be killed by a beautiful princess like a moth to a flame, isn't it also a kind of romance.

Roja's words made Elquite's heart ignite with anger, her scarlet pupils turned into pure gold, the red lips were slightly open to reveal the sharp teeth of vampires, and even the slender fingers were transformed into full of brilliance. Evil claws.

Elquite didn't say a word, just rushed over like a chariot. Every step she stepped on the snow under her feet caused the surrounding earthquake to shake a few times.

Hair plays a very important role in the mysterious world and is a medium for accumulating magic power. Many female magicians who have long hair will accumulate magic power in their hair, which can be fatal at a critical moment. After Quait, the power of this... True Ancestor's princess returned to 10% again: and the consequences - in a single encounter, Roja's body was torn to pieces by her.

As the ancestor of the Dead Apostles, Roja certainly wouldn't die so easily, but from the very beginning of this battle, the strength of the two sides was extremely disparate. In this environment full of true ether, Elquette's fantasy manifested It has been greatly enhanced.


There was a huge roar in the snowfield, and the reincarnation of the Akashic Serpent was only a matter of time.

...... Tomorrow is hanging in the air, since I know that the enemy is a dead apostle, then I don't care...

Whether it is a church or a magician, they will definitely choose to march at noon, and now is the time of noon.

However, at this noon, a unique miracle occurred, a blood-red moon rose at this time, and appeared together with the sun in the sky, looking forward to the beauty of the sun and the moon.

The appearance of the blood moon dimmed the brilliance of the sun a lot. In this spectacle, a beautiful figure in pitch black came walking on the white snow, and the noble and elegant Heiji of the Dead Apostle stood in the white, black and white. The seductiveness of her makes her like a fairy in the snow, so delicate that it is difficult to look away.

However, no one dared to look at this beautiful girl at this time. The black and white knights and many dead disciples were all kneeling on the ground to welcome their master.

"Master Ji-kun! Your body...!"

The black knight and the white knight were excited. They hadn't seen their lord for a year. After seeing that Eltluqi was intact, the two knights finally breathed a sigh of relief, especially since the lord's old and dark wounds had recovered After a lot, the surging magic power tells others that although the ancient red has not completely healed, it is no longer as weak as it used to be.

The two knights were overjoyed by Ji-kun who showed his existence in this way, and the dead disciples who belonged directly to Kuroji bowed their heads humbly.

"Mr. Rezovol and Sir Brad, you have done a good job this year."

The ancient red sandalwood's mouth was slightly open, and there was no smile on the cold face, and it was completely different from when Roy was by his side, but her praise made the two knights excited and fighting spirit.

"Lord Ji Jun, all your dead disciples who can reach here have already arrived, please give an order!"

...........Black Knight Rezovor.

Tulute performed the knight's salute and respectfully waited for the master's instructions. As for why Lord Ji Jun's body had recovered to such a degree, if Lord Ji Jun didn't say it, they, as subordinates, would not ask more.

"Wait, what we have to do now is to wait! Let the church and the clock tower go and fight with Otenroche first, and wait until their power is almost exhausted. We can intervene, and we can also let the church and the clock tower try to find out the mystery. Tenrocher's trump card!"

Even if she has an inexplicable relationship with Roy, even if her feelings are somewhat ambiguous, the ancient red will not let her men help the church because of her emotional problems. Now she is a dead disciple. Of course, the safety of the dead apostles should be the top priority, and the order of 'wait' is the most correct order at this stage.

"However, the concubine is a little uncertain whether this order is really correct. If you want to stop the people from the church and the clock tower, Otten Roche must send a large number of dead disciples. Perhaps at this time he was in the ruins of the Age of God It's really empty."

Aerteluqi felt a headache, it was like Zhuge Liang and Sima Yi in the Three Kingdoms period, whether it was an empty city or a trap, it is impossible to determine if you don't really enter it.

The Red of the Ancients never dared to underestimate another existence known as the King of the Dead Apostles. As the most ancient Death Apostle, Duke Bai Yi was unique in terms of strength, wisdom, and ambition among the Dead Apostles.

Underneath the chaotic battle is a turbulent undercurrent.

Chapter 61: Meteorite Fall

The huge fortress rises from the horizon, occupying half of the sky, even the wonders of the sun and the moon are obscured by the shadow of the fortress, making the world become pitch black.



Vandil Sutham!"

Bathemello stared at the huge city floating in the air, and solemnly read out the real name of the fourteenth ancestor of the dead apostle.

"Brahma of the Demon City.

Bathermelo of Fym's ancestors had hunted him down, but in the end he was defeated."

The current Barthemelo's face remained unchanged even in the face of the huge air fortress that came from the sky, and he could tell the past events that happened a hundred years ago in a relaxed tone.

Because the oldest dead disciple, White Wing, was originally a member of the Bathermelo family, the largest noble family in this clock tower believed that the existence of Whitewing Duke was... an insult to Bathermelo, so much so that every generation of Pakistani Semelo is keen to kill the dead apostle "Nine Thirty"

The king, and even the entire Bathermelo family, disgusted the entire tribe of the Dead Apostles.

The Bathermelo family knew the information about the ancestors of the dead disciples very well, second only to the church. Occasionally, the Bathermelo family would even join forces with the church to kill the disciples.

However, among the clock tower nobles present there was a lineage against Brahma.

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