
, so it returns again.

But back to St. Petersburg.



Afterwards, in order to prevent his two knights from seeing his miserable appearance as a nun, "Zero Five Seven"

, and in order not to let his two knights give away for nothing, Eltluqi also secretly sent them a message, letting her two subordinates only live in St. Petersburg.



The outskirts of the city, ready to be dispatched by her at any time.

"Lord Ji Jun said, let's go to the place of the incident first. It seems that Tefham Ottenloche finally couldn't help but prepare to do it, or that he was finally ready."

The black knight's tone was calm. He looked out into the distance to the horizon. There was their destination. Not long ago, there was an extremely large-scale magic explosion in the Siberia region of Tsarist Russia. The miracles that have appeared on the European continent are not too much, and what is even more incredible is that the flow of magic power in the Siberia region is also mixed with the true etheric breath of the Age of Gods! "It seems that all this is related to Tvham.

Otten Luoxie has something to do with it, especially since this so-called relic of the Age of God is actually real."

The white knight Brad frowned and whispered. As the two factions of the Dead Apostles, the Eltluce faction and the White Wing sect have been fighting for hundreds of years. It has been relatively disadvantaged for hundreds of years. It must be known that Duke Bai Yi, as a magician of the age of God, the oldest dead disciple is no weaker than Eltluqi in his heyday. In addition, there are a large number of dead disciples and ancestors under Bai Yi Gong. With the support of her, it's amazing that Aertuluqi has been around for eight hundred years.

"If this ruin is not real, how can it attract so many people, knowing that there is a conspiracy there, no matter...

Whether it's a magician or a church, it won't turn a blind eye..."

The black knight Rezovor sighed. To be honest, even after living for so many years, he was not good at those... plots and tricks. As a knight, he was even a little loyal sometimes, anyway. ..Regardless of....

Whatever happens, just listen to the words of Lord Ji Jun, Lord Ji Jun will not harm him.

"But Rezovor, we have left Lord Ji-kun in St. Petersburg.



Is it really good, will Lord Ji Jun be in danger?"

Although Brad's personality is a little too active..., but his loyalty to Eltluce is no different from that of the Black Knight.

"Master Ji Jun said that she has taken control and used the Patriarch of the East to let some of the church's representatives do things for her. Not long ago, the twenty-fourth Zuer.

The dead man of Nahat used the church's agent to do it. This... Zu always wanted to die with Lord Ji Jun. Now that he is sealed by the church, Xie has lost a weapon with great lethality. These are all Ji Jun-sama told me what to say"

Rezovor's tone was a little bit of admiration and respect. As expected of the great ancient red, he was able to easily do things that others could not accomplish. Not only was he surrounded by deep siege without any danger to his life, but he was able to use the power of the enemy to attack. To eradicate dissidents for himself, this ability was something that Rezovor would not have learned in ten thousand years.

"As expected of Mr. Ji Jun!"

Brad the White Knight exclaimed.

"That's right, so we just need to follow the instructions of Lord Ji Jun. Let's go to the place of the incident and stand by. Be honest, Brad, don't make any mistakes: Lord Ji's big business, be careful that Lord Ji let you go to Siberia. Dig potatoes!"

Rezovor glared at his colleague. Although his... colleague's loyalty can be guaranteed, he sometimes acts too erratically.

"Don't worry, Rezovor, I don't want to dig potatoes!"

...... Just when the black and white knights and a cat went deep into Siberia, they said that the great man who controlled the Patriarch of the East and took advantage of the church's dead apostle Heiji was skillfully wiping the prayer table. At the candlestick, Roy was sitting not far from her, flipping some messages from the agent in his hand.

With the annihilation of the burial institution, Roy performed miracles with the power of angels in the Bible. As a result, even the inside of the church couldn't say anything, because the power Roy showed came from the Lord. Gifts are not heretical magic, even if he kills all the burial organs, no one in the church dares to say anything gossip, because to go against this... God-given angel is undoubtedly... betrayal of their own beliefs. ...and the burial institution has a bad reputation within the church, and that institution is full of aliens who are not chaste. In the eyes of many practitioners, this must be the Lord's hand of the patriarch to put those... ....the purge of heresy within the church.

After the burial institution was destroyed, the Russian front-line church lost a convincing commander. As the Patriarch of the Eastern Orthodox and possessed the power of God, Roy became the commander of course. There is no affiliation for independent operation, but it will inevitably cooperate with him at this juncture. For Roy, after the power is in his own hands, he cannot return it. I am afraid it will not be long before this ancient organization that has been operating for two thousand years. , there will be a real leader.

'Even if the great achievements of the Age of God are displayed in modern times, there is no movement in the restraint force, it seems that no matter what...

Whether it's Gaia or Alaya, it's actually quite conscientious.

' Roy looked at the information in his hand and thought, to others, the act of crossing the European continent and burning down a mountain and river is a natural miracle, but for Roy, it is a basic operation. Activating the spell can even directly remove the human beings on the surface, making the surface of the earth blank. This is the power of the pinnacle of human beings. The firmness of the material world is too fragile for such people. 0.

8 weak.

Just as Roy was quietly looking at the documents, and Eltluqi was quietly cleaning the church, the arrival of a pure white figure broke the peace.

"Roy, Roy! Hurry up and tell me where Roja is, I'm going to kill him!"

The innocent and lively voice came, and the white princess wearing a nun's uniform walked into the church carelessly. Her Royal Highness had no self-awareness that she was actually a prisoner. When she had nothing to do, she would leave the church and go for a walk in the city. Roy didn't either. To stop her, compared to the troubled Ertuluqi, Erquite lived extremely relaxed and freehand.

But when Roja was mentioned, this... Her Royal Highness, who had a cheerful tone, also had a touch of dullness.

"You finally figured out what you should do, idiot sister of your concubine!"

Ertuluqi put the utensils in her hands and turned around and mocked her sister.

Chapter 52 The Princess's Initial Appearance

"You are such a nasty person that you will scold people!"

Elquite put one hand on his waist, and said to Elterucci in dissatisfaction.

"The concubine is only telling the truth, how long do you want to pretend to be stupid, Elquite!"

The ancient red turned around and looked at her sister, with a provocative smile at the corner of her mouth, her pretty face raised with pride and disdain, "...In the past eight hundred years, every time you were in Luoyang, After the reincarnation, you will use: the fastest speed to wake up, then kill him with the fastest speed and return to sleep in the Millennium City, but this time you are actually outside: You have been delayed for a year and haven't completed your mission, but It's really rare."

Eltluqi looked at Roy, who was sitting quietly on the table watching the report, and said in a tone that seemed to be guessing but was actually positive: "...because being by his side made your The power will not be lost too fast, so that you can more easily restrain the urge to **** blood, his whole body exudes the atmosphere of the environment of the gods, and these...... True ether is for you It's a great tonic, ah, although the concubine thinks that you actually let go... the blood-sucking impulse will come faster."

When talking to her sister, even if she was in a good mood, Eltluqi always sneered, which made people feel very annoyed.

The breath of the age of gods is highly poisonous to modern magicians, which is similar to the fact that modern humans have adapted to the oxygen content of today. Oxygen poisoning is the same, but for a true ancestor like Elquette, the true etheric breath of the Age of Gods can actually restore his magic power quickly.

The appearance of the true ancestors was in the age of the gods, and they were more adapted to the environment of the age of gods.

"Because it's really good here, there are delicious things, there are fun things, and you can talk to other people. Although seeing you makes me a little upset, it's still bearable."

Elquite smiled refreshingly, and said unceremoniously that what he hated the most was... Elter Luqi.

"I never knew that this world is so interesting, but in order to be able to control my blood-sucking urge, I will try to reduce the activity time as much as possible, hoping that I can kill Roja a few times before I can't restrain my blood-sucking urge. , Now I have finally found a way to temporarily suppress the blood-sucking impulse, so I have to pretend to be stupid in order to be afraid of Roy blowing me away."

Elquite grabbed the back of his head with his hand, and a bright and radiant smile appeared on that perfect moon-like face.

"No, you're not pretending to be stupid, you're stupid in the first place."

Ertuluqi continued to complain without giving face, which made Erquette's smile froze for a while.

"Do you want to fight?"

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