Roy looked at the organ that was stained with bright red blood on the tray, nodded and said, " all the agents, and let them perform baptism chant according to the structure diagram I drew. Process and make this ancestor of the dead into a weapon belonging to the church!"

"Yes, Your Majesty!"

"Well, then give the blood to Al.

Nahat drinks it and seals him four times at the same time."

Roy nodded lightly, and handed a small bottle to the clergyman in front of him, which contained Roy's blood.


Nahat is now in the recovery stage, and it may take years or decades for him to wake up, but Roy can't wait for him for that long, and directly uses the magic in his blood to wake him up ahead of time, so that Ai can't wait for him for that long. you.

Nahat's abilities can continue to be used.

This method can also be regarded as a kind of magic supplement. Thinking of a vampire with a distorted appearance, Roy is also a little weird, but in order to be able to test the ability of this dead apostle once, necessary steps.

Due to the existence of restraint, Roy will not shoot when he does not shoot himself, and let others fight for him as much as possible, just like killing Al this time.

Nahat, with Roy's strength, if he shot himself, he would naturally be able to capture it, but he still asked Eltluqi to kill this... Ancestor, and then take it back.

It's not about fear of restraint. If Roy ignores it, he will directly wipe out the human race and destroy the planet. At that time, no matter whether it is Gaia or Alaya, he can only accept his fate, but there are some people in the world that Roy cares about. , With his fetters, if it is not necessary, he is not willing to fight with the inhibition force to the death.

In any case, it is also the inhibition. If he really fights with his real sword and gun, Roy will also feel a headache. When the inhibition will choose to erase a target, it is usually the target who is trying to go to the root cause or attack human beings in vain. There is a huge danger to the planet.

So Roy knows that as long as he doesn't mess around in this world, no matter what...

Whether it is Gaia or Alaya will not care too much about him, because his own existence also threatens those two major inhibitory forces. Although the inhibitory force does not have subjective consciousness, it also has the instinct of existence.

In this case, Roy will try to take as few shots as possible to capture El.

Nahat also made it into a weapon so that he could give it to others as a weapon against the Dead Apostles. Of course, less shots did not mean no shots. When needed, Roy would have no scruples about taking anyone who dared to do anything with himself. behead the enemy.

Before long, a clergyman came out of the basement and handed a thick book into Roy's hands.

This book has a simple appearance and is very smooth to the touch. Although it was made from the stomach of the ancestor of the dead apostles, it feels more like a human skin book.

"Your Majesty, this is the use of Al.

A secret tome created by Nahat's doppelganger, it is related to El.

Nahat's body is connected, it is his terminal mechanism."

The clergy of the church bowed their heads slightly and said.

"Well, very good, I ordered to go on and send enough agents to monitor Al for twenty-four hours.

Nahat, until I use this scripture once to make him die again.... Temporarily imprison him under the Peter and Paul Church, and transfer him later when there is a chance..."

"As ordered!"

After the clergy withdrew to announce Roy's order, Roy also walked out of the basement of the church with this book in hand and came to the upper part.

It didn't take long for Roy to see Eltluce and Elquite again in the church corridor. After seeing Roy, the ancient red in a nun's uniform froze, her pure white pretty face froze. His face was slightly flushed, and even his eyes were dodged and he didn't dare to look at him.

Since that night from St. Petersburg.



After returning from the outskirts of the country, Eltluqi has always been in such a state.

Subconsciously, Eltluqi wanted to stay away from Roy, but the pride from the ancient red made her calm down and waited for Roy to approach.

"This is Al.

Hart's ability stripped out of the dress"

Eltluqi forced herself to calm down and asked.

The so-called ceremonial dress is the magician's argument, according to the church's name is... 'the canon'.

"Well, it uses Al.

The scriptures made by Nahat's stomach, so the name is going to be called "The Book of the Stomach"."

Roy raised the thick human skin book in his hand and said.

"Yeah, if it can really play Al.

As for Nahat's ability, it is indeed quite a powerful attire, especially when facing the Dead Apostles... That..., there is something wrong with the concubine.

Just leave first."

As if afraid of being asked by Roy more about her, Elterucci hurriedly 4.

1 leave in a hurry.

Looking at her back, Roy thought about it and didn't stop her. Although Roy couldn't fully understand the slenderness of the girl's heart, he could also understand a thing or two about the current state of Eltluqi... .,......

After pondering for a while, Roy said to Erquette: "...Alteroqi has been uneasy recently. As a younger sister, you should take care of her."

"Why should I take care of her?"

Elquette pouted and said, in a very willful tone, and did not consider Eltluce his sister at all.

"Altluqi's head is a bit stupid, of course you need to take care of her if you are so smart."

Roy said calmly.

"Haha, so that's the case. Roy, you're right. Since she's so stupid, I should take care of her."

The True Ancestor's Bai Ji grabbed the back of her head with her hand and said with a smirk.


Roy didn't want to talk to her.

Chapter 47 'Buried'

The Pavlovsk Palace is located four kilometers away from the Imperial Village. It is an English-style garden built by Tsar Paul I when he was on the throne. With hard work, the garden has been restored to a large part of its original appearance.

In the future, this palace will be used as a park for people to visit, but in this period of the Tsarist Empire, it is still a royal garden. Since the vicinity is... the hunting ground of the Russian royal family, this palace is generally used by the Russian royal family as a hunting ground. used as a resting place.

When no royal family was staying, there were only guards here, but on this night, a figure was walking in the royal garden, patrolling by the night.

This figure is Narubalek, the head of the church's burial agency.

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