Now this... Trinity of the Magic Association is still there: Atlas Academy is doing its own research, but Aertuluqi, who paid a great price, got nothing, and was about to vomit blood, this dean is completely Taking advantage of the ancient red, not only did he get the body of a dead apostle who could continue his research, but when he found that he could not achieve his wish with the help of ancient power, he kicked her away with one kick. Heiji, a...dead apostle, is completely used as a tool person.

Now, there is another person who uses her as a tool person, but he is more arrogant than Tsbia. After all, after Tsbia ran away, he stayed in Atlas Academy and did not come out to prevent retaliation. People are almost blatantly telling you that I use you as a tool person, but Aertuluqi still can't refuse, and can only do things for others honestly.

Thinking of the ancient red here, she couldn't help but looked beside her, and when she saw the man... who always smiled warmly, she really wanted to punch him, wanting to see if he could still laugh at that time. .

"What's the matter, Lucy... watch what I do."

In the prayer room, Roy was sitting in front of a piano playing the third movement of Mozart's Piano Sonata No. 11, which is the famous "Turkish March". The lively and cheerful rhythm resounded in his fingers. During the time, he closed his eyes and smiled and immersed himself in the piano repertoire, but he was extremely sensitive to Eltluqi's small movements... "Why do you like to bully your concubine so much?"

Elter Luqi opened her mouth slightly, and somehow she asked such a question that didn't fit her identity.

"Boys always like to bully the girls they like. Although they are naive, but...they contain the most sincere feelings of human beings, right?"

Roy didn't open his eyes, ten fingers fell on the black and white keys like butterflies, and said softly.

"Are you trying to say that you like a concubine?"

Eltluqi laughed a little and was a little angry, but she didn't think the man in front of her was such an ignorant child.

"That concubine really should be proud of her charm, even you, the patriarch of the church, Roy, who is called the angel of the earth.

Crowe was captured by the elegance and beauty of his concubine."

Eltluqi's expression was mocking, rather than boasting, it was a mockery and irony of Roy.

Roy's fingers rested on a piano key, and the sound of the piano echoing in the prayer room slowly dissipated. He turned his head to look at the beautiful, flawless and beautiful picture of Eltluqi. The face is...with a smile: "...I don't like you, I just crave your body."


Eltluqi was angry and embarrassed for a while, she looked at Roy suspiciously, trying to find his true thoughts on his face, but soon Eltluqi gave up, the man's Thinking patterns and whether she is telling the truth cannot be seen through her abilities.

This man is really 1.

0 is those...the common people are also interested in her body, it is not impossible, sometimes what this man does is such commonplace, but the ancient red is more I don't believe it, if he is really only interested in his own body, then in the past few months, he has countless opportunities and enough ability to make himself submit.

Ertuluqi, who couldn't understand, didn't think about it, she just asked with a sullen face: "...

where is Nahat?"

"He's in St Petersburg.



The outskirts of the city, I will tell you the exact location, this… the ancestor of the dead apostles will be handed over to you to solve.”

Roy retracted his gaze, and his fingers landed on the black and white keys again.

This time, Eltluqi didn't make a sound, just listened to the music he played in a daze. The art of human beings is really amazing, and the music he played is really nice.

Chapter 42: Black Blood Moon Eclipse Ji

1908, St. Petersburg.




Even in the modern age of the 21st century, there are no street lights in the suburbs of many cities, not to mention Tsarist Russia in the early 20th century.

Today's moonlight is bright and bright, covering up the brilliance of many stars, as if telling the world that such a night is most suitable for... the actions of vampires.

St. Petersburg.



The suburbs are desolate, shadows can be seen in the woods, and many pale shadows are walking under the night.

"Ah, those... hateful agents, how did they find me."

A figure that can be described as 'twisted' and 'twisted' is moving in the woods, this is an extremely weird person', or he has lost his appearance as a 'human'.

His body is twisted together, moving in a twist that is absolutely unacceptable to ordinary people. His waist is folded into 90 degrees, like a monster on all fours, and his limbs and head are also bent in different directions. , The body and these organs are not connected in any way, as if the space between the organs and the body has been folded, and although they are not connected, they can still move freely.

If this monster is placed in human society, it will definitely be a ghost in a horror movie without makeup.

Beside this twisted monster, there are more than a dozen pale, scrawny humanoids following him, and these monsters are ghouls transformed by him.


Nahat, the twenty-fourth ancestor of the twenty-seven dead ancestors, possesses an ability that is well-known among ancestors, that is, the ability to wipe out opponents in a one-on-one situation.

Even the dead disciples and true ancestors, who are said to be extremely immortal, will lose a lot of power if they are affected by this ability. Even if they do not die directly like ordinary creatures, they will become weak for a long time. It can be said that It is the ability to injure the enemy by a thousand and lose a thousand by itself, which is close to the ability of 'direct death'.

Of course, when using this ability, El.

Nahat would also 'die' and then take decades to come back to life.

As a dead apostle, Al.

Nahat's strength is not outstanding, but his special ability makes even the ancestors reluctant to provoke him, and none of the twenty-seven ancestors of the dead have no enemies. So no one wants to die with this ancestor.

The same is true for the Church, Al.

After all, Nahat is also one of the twenty-seven ancestors. It is impossible for ordinary agents to beat him, but if the church sends those strong people who are strong enough to annihilate the ancestors, those strong people can also They are all precious living strengths of the church, and if they cause their own losses, they will lose more than the gains.

And as Duke Bai Yi's weapon, this... Ancestor will receive the attention and attention of Duke Bai Yi, and even if someone really perishes with him, Duke Bai Yi will take him back in time.

It is precisely under the constraints of many parties that this... Zu has lived extremely unrestrainedly for hundreds of years.

"You are too careless, Al.

Nahat, no one has provoked you for hundreds of years, making you arrogant and lazy, and you are so blatant when you come to the territory of the church, you should say, are you bold or too stupid."

Just in Al.

Nahat was complaining, complaining that he was discovered by the Church of the Holy Church and that he had only killed a dozen people and could only escape from the village he encountered before, when a cold and arrogant voice came from the quiet woods.

As this sound appeared, the bright moon in the sky seemed to change, as if pitch-black blood was climbing on the surface of the moon and swallowing it like a 'tengu eclipsed the moon'.

This is exactly the vision that the Black Princess of the Eclipse will cause when she shows herself all the time.

When Al.

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