Roy showed a stunned look.

But Roy also knew that this Enola.

Baru Yereta.

Another identity of Artolohom, that is, the teacher of the famous 'crown magician' Aozaki orange in the future!

Chapter 18 The Princess of Balu Yereta

The girl in front of her is very beautiful. She is seventeen or eighteen years old. Although she wears simple clothes and does not have any accessories on her body, she has an elegant and extravagant aura. She has long golden hair and blue eyes, which is impressive. Although she is a magician with delicate facial features, she is different from those... old magicians, she does not have any rotten aura, and also lacks the inhuman feeling of lack of morality.

A magician will reveal his inferiority as a magician only when he seeks the "root". In normal times, most magicians are relatively normal, and it is difficult for abnormal people to survive in human society.



Atolohom, who is the current monarch of the Creation Division?"

There are twelve monarchs in the clock tower, and the names of the members of the monarch faction are also very distinctive. The first is their real name, the middle is the name of the faction, and the last is their family name.

Just like Inola in front of her, in her name Balu Yereta represents that she came from the creation of Kobalu Yereta, Atolohom is one of the many families in this faction, and Luo Yi remembered very clearly that Artolohom was the highest-ranking family in the Creation Division, that is, the monarch's family, and the other families could be said to be branches of Artolohom.

As long as Artolohom is not in decline, then generally speaking, the monarch of each generation of Creation is a member of this family.

Inola knew that the more negative she was at this time, the safer her relationship with the monarch of Creation, because if she was an important member of the Artolohom family, she would likely be a prisoner, but Inola's pride made her Disdain to lie in this regard, she straightened her chest and said solemnly: "...the current creator of the division, Balu Yereta, is my father!"

"Ha, it turned out to be the princess of Balu Yereta, or maybe, one of the twelve monarchs of the future Clock Tower"

Roy squinted at Enola in front of him, which made the girl feel extremely nervous, and even began to think about whether to take the initiative to escape from this inexplicable agent.

He said so much to himself, could it be that he was gathering people? Inola was a little uneasy, and his mind was full of thoughts.

"I know what you're thinking, ma'am...but don't worry, I'm not calling on other agents because..."

Before Roy finished speaking, his body was...with a flicker, and in a flash, it was...come to Enola, and the distance from her was less than fifty centimeters.

Enola's eyes widened, astonishment flashed in her eyes. The speed of the other party was really too fast, and the speed was unbelievable, even making her magic circuit and nerves unable to respond, let alone mobilizing magic power.

"Because as long as I am alone, I can easily judge you, and I don't need other agents."

As Roy spoke, his hand fell on the girl's fragrant shoulder, and with the physical contact between the two, some kind of magic also caused a reaction.

"Hey, as expected of the princess of Balu Yereta, she actually wears such a powerful magic dress."

A piece of sand emerged from Enola's shoulder in vain. These sands formed a protection like armor. At the same time, the sand seemed to have its own will. Following Roy's hand on Enola's shoulder, it was about to cling to it. .

At this time, Enolai also came back to her senses. As a genius of the Clock Tower and the next head of the Creation Department, she has received the most orthodox education of magicians in the basic subjects of the Clock Tower, and she also studied imperial studies in the Law and Politics Department. At this time, he didn't panic, and took advantage of the opportunity created by the magic attire to start chanting the mantra with a stable mind, and there was an extra handful of sand in his hand.

Those...sand is what she paints with.

For a magician, in order to activate magic, in addition to...the magic circuit needs to provide magic power and connect the magic base, the most important thing is...the high concentration of the spirit is required, so calmness is magic The qualities that must be possessed in warfare, and emotions such as tension are completely unnecessary things.

However, the incantation of the one section of Enolai has not been finished, and the strange pair of eyes of the agent in front of him suddenly flashed an ominous brilliance, and the sand clinging to Roy's palm stopped abruptly in the middle of the climb. At the same time, Enolai lost control of her body, from the surface of the skin to the internal organs of the nerves, it seems to be salting! "Magic Eye!"

The next-generation monarch of the Creation Division exclaimed, "At least a gem-level magic eye!"

Inola didn't dare to say the legendary level of the 'Rainbow' level, but gem-level magic eyes are like rare treasures in modern times, and each pair of such magic eyes has magical powers.

Magic eyes are not unique to magicians, many people are born with magic eyes, so it is not a big deal for an agent to have magic eyes. What shocked Enolai was the level of Roy's magic eyes.

"Is this the magic eye of salt that reproduces God's punishment for Sodom in the Bible? It can rival the petrified magic eye of Medusa, and it is really a magic eye suitable for an agent."

Enolai has a wealth of mysterious knowledge, and immediately saw the root of Roy's magic eye. She bit her cherry lips and squeezed out these words, but she didn't dare to move her body. She was afraid that as long as she moved her body, it would be pierced from her internal organs. The skin is completely turned into a column of salt, thus losing its life.

"Ma'am, I have no intention of killing you, so this is just a warning, I hope you don't make any small moves, if you can agree, I can spare your life, know that even if I kill you here, it will only be To eradicate heresy."


A gun sword slid close to Enola's ear, cutting off the hair on her temple, that is the black key of the agent's standard weapon.

The princess of Balu Yereta looked at the black key beside her ear with a cold sweat, and nodded with difficulty: "...Okay, I won't have any drastic actions!"

"Very good, that's a smart choice, ma'am!"

Roy nodded with satisfaction and retracted the black key, along with the power of the magic eye.

Seeing that the salt stain on the surface of his body has turned into his own skin, Enolai's surface is calm, but in fact his heart is shaking. Generally speaking, when the effect of the magic eye is exerted, unless it is the kind of... continuous casting spells The magic eye, otherwise the 'result' has already appeared, it is irreversible, and this person can recover her body while withdrawing the magic eye, which means that the agent has used the magic eye like an arm! At least the 'gem-level' magic eye is so easy to use, it is incredible for a magician, you must know that the more powerful the magic eye is on the brain, the stronger the pressure on the eye nerve and the magic circuit.

But recovering her life made Enolai heave a sigh of relief. She gasped violently, and Su Hung rose and fell with her breathing. Although the coat was a bit thick, it was difficult to hide her wonderful figure under her clothes.

Roy admired the trembling of the girl's delicate body. Balu Yereta's creation is based on the purpose of pursuing beauty. The people of this faction can be said to be all artists, painters, musicians, and calligraphers. It is not surprising that a magician of this faction appears to play rock and roll, because that is also art.

Naturally, people of this faction are not ugly, and the beauty of the human body is the most important kind of beauty.

"I heard that the Izaluma family of Balu Yereta is creating 'Golden Princess' and 'Silver Princess', hoping to achieve the root of winter with 'beauty'"

Roy asked curiously.

Although Enolai is a little strange why Roy, the agent, pays attention to the research of magicians, shouldn't he read the "Bible" and cut them all....... The research of the Izaluma family is not a secret, it is well known in the clock tower, so she nodded and said: "...that is indeed the Izaluma family's attempt to reach the "root place" direction of effort.”

"So did they succeed?"

Roy asked again.

"How could it be so easy to succeed? The current golden princess and silver princess are both unqualified products. It may take several generations, or even a dozen generations, to find the right path."

Enolai shook his head, and then asked strangely: "...Aren't you an agent, why are you interested in the root cause?"

"No, I'm not interested in 'root', I'm only interested in 'beauty'."

Roy's eyes flashed with playfulness. The concept of being able to 'beautiful to the root' is interesting to think about. Is it possible to ask, 'Who is the most beautiful between me and the root' to throw out the strange thoughts in my mind, Roy sees Facing Enola, who was extremely vigilant about herself, she just... smiled and said, " should thank me, ma'am! I will save you because of your kind thoughts that you want to eliminate the dead apostles and ghouls. If you die, you must know that you are in St. Petersburg now.



The Dead Apostle is not... a simple guy, if you walk down the street alone and come across 'it, it's going to die, it's not a gentleman like me!"

Chapter 19 You can join the Clock Tower and re-enter the clan!

Saint Petersburg at the beginning of the twentieth century.



From the modern point of view, it is... a small country town. For someone like Roy who has traveled between different worlds and has experienced the baptism of modern society, there is nothing to see here, the only interesting thing is. .. the strong Tsarist Russian style in urban construction.

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