Seeing that she was honestly not crying or making trouble in Roy's arms, but always Anastasia, Her Majesty the Queen had a touch of maternal love in her eyes, and said softly to Roy, "Haha, this is exactly what shows Anna's love for her godfather. Love, all this must be the Lord's will, all under His witness!"

Nicholas II laughed loudly, the emperor was very rhetoric, and he turned his rhetoric to religion in a few sentences, which directly brought the relationship between the princess and Roy closer.

"Yes, it must be the Lord's will that I can meet this child!"

Roy replied softly, he teased the baby in his arms with his hands, and smiled as he watched... the young princess grabbed his hand and gnawed it in her toothless mouth.

Babies are like a piece of white paper, so pure and pure, as if they are not polluted by original sin, they will arouse the love of all people.

"The baptism ceremony can begin, Your Majesty!"

Roy carried the princess to the pure golden baptismal basin inlaid with many precious jades, while the tsar and his queen pulled the other three daughters back. This important religious ceremony, even if he was the emperor, was not enough. There can be no overstepping.

"Whoever believes and is baptized shall be saved, and whoever does not believe shall be condemned!"

Roy stood in front of the baptismal basin with the princess in his arms, and he recited the chapters of the Gospel of Mark aloud.

To be baptized means to wash away all sins with the precious blood of Christ and to become holy. It means to die, be buried, and live with the Lord. It is in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit that one expresses one's own recognition of the Triune God and belongs to Him. in his name and share in his life.

Roy first stained some clean water in the basin with his fingers, and drew a cross on the forehead of the princess in his arms: Then he just grabbed the fleshy calf of the princess and lifted her from the silk Come out and hang upside down to show people, immediately.

The princess who hadn't been noisy before was...'Wow' and cried.... Seeing Roy's slightly rough action, no matter...

Neither the tsar nor the guests watching the ceremony felt any discomfort, but took it for granted.

That's right, even if we are baptized, our fighting nation must be different. What we need is... this sense of fighting! If Roy knew what these people were thinking, he would definitely complain, Nicholas II was a German, not a Slav. Ah! "Thank you, Lord, our God, the Savior who gave his life for the church! Today we are in the presence of you and all the witnesses, for these.... Hear the gospel and be you The friends of my sons and daughters hold the ceremony of baptism, please come and bless us!"

"...Lord, you have moved your servants to preach and convince them that the Lord loves them, and since you have moved them to join the church, strengthen them forever, and Keep today's baptisms according to your promise, that baptized and baptized will be blessed in your presence, in the name of Christ our Lord, Amen!"




As Roy recited the prayer of baptism, all the spectators, including the tsar, bowed their heads to show their respect for the Lord, drew a cross on their chest: and shouted 'Amen'.

Then, people saw a miracle coming, and the crowd began to riot. A cross: a halo appeared on Roy's head. Behind him, there were six flaming wings floating to the endless distance and the void. He was wearing religious robes. Majestic and solemn, it really turned into an angel who came to the mortal world, and that stern represented the divine might and holy breath of the Lord 3.

0 Make the tsar's summer palace a paradise.

Many believers, those who believed in shallowly turned into those who believed deeply, knelt on the ground and wept bitterly, reciting the name of the Lord aloud.

And Roy grabbed the crying princess and shoved her into the big basin in front of him.


It was the sound of the princess being submerged in the water and spitting out bubbles.


That was the miserable cry of the princess after being lifted from the basin.

This is the baptism of the fighting nation.

After three times in a row, this... young princess finally lost her strength to cry, and at this time, the queen lowered her head and stepped forward, walking to the sacred figure, a little in awe as she completed the baptism ceremony. The Queen was placed in the new clean silk cloth.

Roy looked at the praying and submissive figure under his face, and he knew that his new journey in the moon world had begun.

'It's just... getting more and more cunning.

' he muttered to himself.


Chapter VII Patriarchs and Agents

1907 - Peter and Paul Cathedral is St. Petersburg.



The oldest church, with a history of more than 200 years, is dedicated to the saints apostles Peter and Paul.

The appearance of the church is solemn and solemn, and a towering bell tower stands upright. In this era, this bell tower is St. Petersburg.



The tallest building, and on the top of the bell tower, there is a statue of a golden angel with a height of three meters.

The interior of the church is magnificent, with copper-plated chandeliers and colored crystal lamp stands hanging in the church. Many tombs of tsars and grand dukes are buried here, with marble tombstones carved.

And this church was established as the main church of the Eastern Orthodox Church by the current Patriarch of the Eastern Orthodox Church, only because the incumbent Czar Nicholas II had a good relationship with the current Patriarch, the Czar lived in the Summer Palace for a long time, and the Summer Palace was located in St. Petersburg.



, so the church also became the residence of the patriarch.

In addition to...the inside of the church for people to pray for mass, there is also a luxurious residence in the backyard of the church, which is where the current patriarch lives.

Outside the church is guarded by the army sent by Nicholas II, and inside the church, from time to time, you can see clergymen wearing black uniforms and solemn expressions. If a magician is here, you will find these. ...........The clergy are the representatives of the Church of the Holy Church, and their task is to...protect the Patriarch's safety.

An Oriental man in his twenties came to the Peter and Paul Cathedral in a hurry. He was wearing the same color and style of teaching uniforms as those of his delegates. Outside the church, he smiled and nodded at the guards who were protecting the church. Those... ......The guards also bowed their heads reverently in response.

Although this church is now the residence of the Patriarch, the Patriarch never does anything special and likes to have contact with the commoners. Except...special times, this church is open to the public. Civilians are allowed to come here to pray and visit, and because the Patriarch lives here, many devout believers regard it as a holy place.

After entering the Peter and Paul Church, this... Oriental man in a teaching uniform subconsciously slowed down, bowed to the icon in the center of the church, and then... left the church from the side and walked to the back.

"Yofeng, you're back"

When I came to the back hall, the oriental man named Kotomine was... I saw many agents, some in the light, some in the dark, and he was also a member of the agents, and Kotomine was also the first. I sensed the breath of these people for a while.

Everyone is a believer, and every agent is polite when they meet, even if they are solemn when they are tasked, but at this time everyone will draw a cross on their chest: and show a soft smile on their faces.

If the magician is at most a family unit, closer to a lone wolf who explores the mysterious world, then the church is... a group that hugs each other, although there are many factions within the Crusaders and there are contradictions. But because they believe in the same doctrine, the Bible, the church is more united.

Comparing the Magic Association and the Church of the Holy Church, it is like the comparison between a sloppy army and a regular army.

"Yes, this is my new book for the Patriarch."

Kotomine held a cloth bag in his hand, and from the opening of the cloth bag, you could see the neatly stacked books inside.

"The Patriarch has always been interested in the history of the East, and first of all, he wants the glory of the Lord to shine completely on the land of the East."

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