It doesn't matter where Roy goes, as long as she can follow him in the form of a 'behind spirit', as long as Roy doesn't abandon her, it's enough.

Roy now does not need Aiwass to provide specific knowledge, or the source of Roy's power is... the philosophy from the Holy Guardian Angel, which is the Book of Law.

Aiwass and Aleister jointly created Roy's foundation, and Roy's own ability is needed to see which step he can go after.

"It's decided, it's here!"

Just like Athena, Roy stepped into the starry sky without hesitation.

tsarist princess

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:: Immediate top-up event time: August 7th to August 9th

Chapter 4 The Tsarist Princess

The picture shows the princess this month as a parallel world, a world where dead apostles and heroic spirits coexist. I will make some changes in some of the time. The moon world is a bunch of parallel worlds, and the time line is very chaotic.

The Church of the Holy Church does not fully represent the largest religion in the world, the Cross, it is just that... a secret department in the large religion, and at the same time the most important department, they are the dark sword of the cross, the cross The darkest part of the religion, eradicating heresies, eradicating non-human races that would bring disaster to mankind, and restricting those magicians who are madly chasing their roots, to a certain extent, the Holy Church is. ..a sharp knife that silently guards the principles of human beings.

In the dark Middle Ages, crucifixion was indeed a dark curtain that hindered the development of human civilization, but it is undeniable that the entire western history is inseparable from crucifixion. The history of teaching can undoubtedly be brought together into a Western history.

There are a huge number of more than 40,000 internal sects in the Crusaders, and the three most influential sects are called Catholicism, Eastern Orthodox and Protestantism. The sects are different, but all sects believe in the same god, and all miracles are attributed to the supreme 'one god'.

The Holy Church does not belong to any sect, nor will it obey the command of any one.


The sect was born from the common idea of ​​​​sects. It belongs to a part of Christianity. The members of the church church are people from different denominations, but at the same time, the church church also operates independently. There is only one source of doctrine and strength that the entire church follows. ——That is, the largest existing mysterious base in the world-the "Bible"!...On June 18, 1902, the weather was fine, in the Russian summer palace of the Romanov dynasty tsars.

The full name of the Summer Palace is Peter the Great's Summer Palace.



The city is 30 kilometers away and covers an area of ​​nearly 1,000 hectares.

This is the outskirts of the Russian Tsar's palace. It was built by the Russian Tsar Peter the Great in the early 18th century, so it is called Peter the Great Summer Palace.

The Summer Palace is the birthplace of the current Tsar Nicholas II, and it is also the place where he has lived for a long time. Today, many upper-class nobles of Tsarist Russia gather here. They do not come to participate in any dances, although there are often To hold such a large ball, but today these... tsarist Russian nobles who lived a decadent and luxurious life, came here to participate in a baptism ceremony.

Today is the youngest daughter of Nicholas II, Anastasia.


The first birthday of the Grand Duchess Romanova is also the day when the youngest princess was baptized. Just like all the tsarist Russian royal families, the royal family must also belong to the embrace of God. Faith is the largest and most important in Russia. An authoritative sect - the Eastern Orthodox Church! The meaning of the Grand Duchess is 'His Royal Highness, and this title also expresses this... Her Royal Highness' status is higher than all the princesses in Europe, which also reflects Nicholas II Love for this youngest daughter.

Nicholas II is thirty-four years old this year, a man of the most energetic and mature age. He has a handsome and dignified face, and his beard is neatly combed. He wears a coat similar to a military uniform, and his chest is full of glory. The medals, the ears of wheat on the shoulders, the exquisite belts and the intricate gold at the cuffs added countless wealth and majesty to this... tsar.

The royal family in Europe is almost... a couplet.

Just like this... The tsar's father was the last tsar, his grandfather was the king of Denmark, one cousin was the emperor of Germany, the other was the king of England, and her queen was also Grand Duke Ludwig IV of Germany. Daughter of the British princess, after marriage the queen changed her name to Alexandra because she was baptized in the Orthodox Church.


There is a lush forest on the square of the Russian Summer Palace. There are 64 fountains and more than 250 gold and bronze statues forming a stepped waterfall. The composition of sprayed spring water is as luxurious as one can imagine.

In the upper garden of the summer palace, many nobles dressed in gold and silver, listening to the wonderful music accompanied by the band and the ding-dong of the spring water, walking on the square made of white jade, or in groups of three or five, or They were whispering to each other, greeting each other with the noble etiquette, socializing, and chatting about recent major events.

Those who can participate in this baptism ceremony are the great nobles of family origin or the courtiers trusted by the tsar. Even though everyone may disagree in political opinions, everyone here is smiling and polite.

Under the golden domes of the two wings of the Royal Palace of the Summer Palace, a large golden basin filled with precious jewels such as jasper, sapphire, green onyx, emerald, onyx, and yellow tourmaline is placed there. The instruments used for the baptism ceremony.

"It's almost time"

Nicholas II asked the attendants beside him in a low voice. With a smile on his face, he stared at the social activities of the many nobles under the white jade stairs. When every noble raised his head and accidentally looked at this... Czar, he would be respectful. Bow your head in a salute, and His Majesty the Tsar will gently nod his head.

"Yes, Your Majesty, there are only two minutes left."

The attendant took out an exquisite pocket watch from his bosom, and after confirming the time, he replied respectfully in a low voice.

"My most trusted wife, and my dearest children, get ready, our beloved spiritual leader, His Excellency the Patriarch, is coming, remember to show your humility in the face of the Lord, even if you You are already at the top of the world, and you should also offer piety and respect to the Lord.”

With a soft smile on his face, Nicholas II whispered to a graceful woman and three little girls beside him.

This woman and girl are the Tsar's empress and their three princesses, Olga, Tatyana and Maria.

And in the empress's arms was a baby wrapped in luxurious and soft silk, that was the youngest daughter of the Tsar, the protagonist of today, Her Royal Highness Princess Anastasia.

And just as the tsar ordered his wife and children, the nobles below who were chatting in twos and threes in a low voice also quieted down. Standing on both sides, they looked at the junction of the upper and lower gardens of the Summer Palace together with the tsar.

There, a man dressed in green, red, white, and gold religious costumes and a pure white hood, whose age was indistinguishable, was walking with vigorous steps.

He is the supreme leader of the Russian Catholic Church, the Patriarch of the Orthodox in the world.

At the same time, those bands who were playing the extravagant sound immediately changed their style of painting, played sacred music, and there were even more hymns in the air.

"What day do I decide today to choose my God and my Savior!"

"My heart is full of joy, and I will share this joy everywhere!"

"The covenant of joy is with my Lord, who alone is worthy of all love and adoration!"

"May I never sing praises as I walk toward the throne of the Lord!"



Chapter 5 Angels on Earth

This volume will probably write a 100-year history of the 100-type moon, and it is expected to write about the appearance of Chaldea.

The holy figure who appeared in the summer palace had his hands folded in front of him, and if he was helped by the wind, he seemed to come to the mortal world from a distant horizon, and when that figure appeared beside everyone, no matter what...

The sound of the hymn, the singing of the sacred music, or the water flow of the fountain in the garden all seemed to be reduced, and a merciful, holy, soft and warm atmosphere permeated this summer palace.

Whether it is a dirty-minded politician or a melancholy aristocrat, at this time, they all feel that their hearts are empty, and their demeanor becomes soft, as if the person who came is not an ordinary person, but an angel who came down to the world.

In front of him, all sins and troubles will disappear, as long as you believe in the Lord, everything will be at peace.

Yes, that figure seems to have no original sin, greed, lust, arrogance, laziness, jealousy, anger and gluttony are far away from him.

Everyone respectfully or curiously looked at this... the patriarch who came over, he was wearing a traditional Orthodox bishop's robe and had... soft silver short hair. Looking at his face, everyone felt that A trance.

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