Just as Roy responded, Emilia suddenly grabbed his shoulder and raised her toes.

After a long time, Emilia took a step back, bent over and said to Roy with a brilliant smile: "...This is the daughter's parting kiss, Dad, don't forget me in other worlds ."

Roy stroked his lips with his hand, which contained the pouring out of all Emilia's feelings, whether it was family affection, gratitude, gratitude, or other feelings, which were complicated, even if Roy can't say enough.

end of this volume

Chapter 1 Aiwass? Rose?

A habitual feeling, an unfamiliar feeling, an indescribable feeling.

One second is still there: a world full of Western fantasy swords and magic, the next moment has returned to the modern society where the traffic is full of cars, the air is full of car exhaust, and high-rise buildings can be seen everywhere.

"Even though I've experienced it many times, to be honest, this momentary change of time and space and the change of the rules of the vague world always make people feel uncomfortable, it seems to make me feel that everything that happened before is a dream, but I My body, my soul, and the power that flows in my mind's will tells me that it's all true."

With his feet on the rug, Roy knew through his boots that the rug was not as soft as the 'Crawley House' in his 'from scratch' world.

Not modern is necessarily good, in the world from scratch, the carpet in his mansion uses a little bit of the softest part of each lamb, the down of a monster, and then it is used by real craftsmen for years Hand-woven, that kind of...luxury and historical heritage is not...modern mechanized products can match.

Even if the villa where it is now is considered a rich man's residence in modern times, it is still a lot worse than the gorgeous life when he was at the pinnacle of power in the world from scratch.

Fortunately, Roy is best if he has the enjoyment of the outside world. If he doesn't, it doesn't matter. He first quickly took a look at his modern residence, walls, tables and other furniture and carpets. Dust, looking at the electronic calendar hanging on the wall, Roy had an accurate time position after thinking for a moment.

"More than 40 days have passed since the departure time, but the time I spent in the world starting from scratch is more than 400 years. Compared with the world of Godslayer and the Moon, the speed of time has become slower. , from one year in the sky, one day on the ground, to ten years in the sky, one day on the ground, and the reason for it is temporarily unknown."

Roy thought for a moment, but couldn't find the reason. All this was not controlled by him, but by the mysterious 'ark' in his right hand.

After confirming the flow of time, Roy looked at the window sill again, and saw that the pot was still there: the strong blooming poppies, which did not wither even after more than 40 days, he showed a gentle smile.

"The magic of the plant family is still very useful. It can keep the flowers blooming, and it has not changed at all without watering and fertilizing for more than 40 days."

Roy Shishiran walked to the window to pick up the kettle, put it on clean water, and started spraying it in the flowerpot.

“Good harvest”

At this time, the figure of Aiwass appeared behind Roy, and said in a light voice that could already be fully understood by Roy.

It's just that although it is not as incomprehensible as the mosaics in the past, there is still a kind of detachment in Aiwas's voice. Although it is beautiful, it is like wandering among the snowy mountains, but it still reminds people of electronic mechanical sounds. .

"Good harvest."

Roy seemed to have known about Aiwas's appearance for a long time, he continued to water the flowers seriously without looking back, and pointed to his heart with one free hand: "...In the forbidden world, I left because I was 'killed', in the world of godslayers, I destroyed the last king and took Athena out of the world, the moon looks like the game has not been cleared, I can't take the poppy, and in this 'starting from zero' The world, I will make false history to be true, thus also satisfying the demands of the 'Ark'."

"...In the world of 'starting from zero', I'm still thinking about how lucky I can get the chance that the demons are looking for. Ram and Rem can take everyone as sisters, and Emilia must Staying there and becoming a king will alleviate Lugnica's racial conflicts, it is impossible for Felutona to abandon the elves and leave with me, as for the others, they have more or less reasons not to leave or not wanting to leave."

"But in the end, I found that I thought too much, and the technique of 'Golden Supreme Heaven', although it was only a basic technique, I thought that as long as I could be pulled into this 'mind-image world'.

Even if it is a part of my body, it won't take the place', just like you, Aiwass."

Roy put down the kettle, he slowly turned around to look at the Holy Guardian Angel, his tone was very serious, and he discussed the unknown 'ark' with the angel.

Even now, no matter what...

Whether it is Roy or Aiwass, it can only be said that some methods of using the Ark have been discovered, and its specific 'instruction manual' and the principle of purpose are still a cloud of fog.

"But the 'Ark' can't be deceived, it still treats the people in the 'Golden Supreme Sky' as a quota', not a part of my body, so it is the witch of sin who is free from the shackles of the world and the sea of ​​planes, The good news is that the 'Witches of Sin' were brought out as a whole, so I didn't lose the power of the 'Seven Sins'."

"...Oh, yes, the false witch Pandora was also regarded as a 'big sin witch, and was brought out by me as a prisoner. To a certain extent, this woman's wish has come true, right? She was free from the world, but now she is my prisoner."

Roy showed an extremely mocking smile.

"It can only be said that my 'Golden Supreme Heaven is only a prototype, maybe it will be recognized as a part of my body when I really evolve this technique to perfection one day, it's just Aiwass, why do you Can you follow me and be treated as part of my body?"

Roy showed a rather interesting look. He looked up and down... The holy guardian angel in front of him was not a suspicion of Aiwass, but a scientific worker's exploration of unknown laws, a magician's pursuit of mystery .

Aiwass was wearing a simple and monotonous white robe without any decorations on her body. Her skin did not look like a real person, but shimmered with a faint brilliance like jade, like a polymer of light, which the simple white robe could not cover. Aiwass's exquisite and delicate body, long pure golden hair scattered in the void, and the halo above her head added mystery to her.

Her jade feet floated slightly off the ground, and her petite feet were also glowing with a faint golden light. Her facial features had become more three-dimensional from the blurred in the past. The eyebrows, eyes, nose, mouth, ears and other parts were like sugar water from the past. The blurred film of her became clear, and with the beautiful face made up of her facial features, Roy knew who she was even if she had never seen it before——......... ...Rose, Aleister's wife, can also be said to be Roy's stepmother! As a high-ranking angel, Aiwass has no gender and appearance, and according to records, Aiwass is... Possessed Rose imparts knowledge to Aleister, and teaches the Book of Law. The blank angel with no emotion and appearance overlaps with a human being. What is the relationship between Aiwas and Rose now, it is worth making people wonder. Have fun.

"My body is still in what you call the 'magic forbidden world', and the me who follows you can't be regarded as a clone, nor can it be said to be pure consciousness, as for why I was recognized as a part of you by Ark, even if As an angel who symbolizes '93', I can't explain it."

"Is that right"

Roy retracted his thoughts, and he was not ready to get the answer from Aiwass. As for who Aiwass's will was, Roy didn't want to care, anyway... Just know that Aiwass has no ill will towards him.

If Aiwass is malicious to her, then he doesn't have to save him from Aleister's hands at the beginning, and he doesn't have to prepare angelic spells for him to complete the feat of killing gods, and now Roy has stepped into the realm of '4' , Even if there is still a gap between people like Aleister... who can break through this realm at any time, but at least it is not too far from Aiwass in terms of rank.

This weak Aiwass clone can't have any bad thoughts about the current Roy at all. In addition to getting along with her for so many years, Roy has long trusted her.

'Regardless of....

Whether you are Aiwass or Rose, or you are alone, you have already gained my trust.

' Thinking like this, Roy looked at the room strangely, "...Where's Athena?"

As soon as the voice fell, the silver-haired goddess of victory was... a sudden appearance in front of him.

Chapter 2 The Golden Athena

Athena who suddenly appeared in front of Roy made him squinted involuntarily.

The dazzling gold color like the sun fills the whole house, it is as if it came to the treasure of the dragon and was completely buried by the golden mountain. Under the golden light, the surrounding walls, furniture and other decorations are like turned into pure gold.

Athena suddenly appeared wearing extremely complex and gorgeous golden armor. The shining golden light did not have any sense of nouveau riche, only absolute sacredness. She held a golden scepter in her right hand and Medusa's head in her left hand. The golden shield, the golden armor and skirt are scattered on the ground like scales, dignified and fearful, and the divine power is awe-inspiring.

Roy quickly got used to the beautiful kryptonite light, and tentatively called out, "...Athena"

The eyes of the goddess Yeshi in front of her were full of killing intent, and coupled with the blinding equipment, Roy's title was a little hesitant.

After hearing Roy's voice, the goddess of wisdom froze for a moment, and then she wore "two two seven three" on her body.

The gorgeous golden armor disappeared and changed back to the goddess Roy was familiar with.

Pure white Greek style toga robes, olive branches on her silver hair, snow-white jade feet on the dusty carpet, but no thin ash can fall on the toes of the goddess, She raised her slender and white fingers and folded her hair, and after looking around vigilantly, the meaning of war on the Goddess of Wisdom disappeared, revealing a shallow but noble smile: "... .It turns out that the concubine is back."

Athena was as proud as ever, but Roy could sense that the power contained in her divine body was stronger.

"where did you go"

Roy knew that the sudden appearance of Athena just now was the same as when he often traveled through the world, which means that Athena did not leave the house just now, but left the world, and where she went, Roy faintly There is already speculation.

Behind Roy, Aiwass also showed a curious look, Athena's experience must have a secret about the Ark'.

Athena sat lightly and gracefully on the edge of the bed, and sat down with the goddess: The bed that had been stained with dust became clean and tidy, as if the goddess had the ability to purify everything. Dirt can't touch her body.

"After you left, the concubine tried to unify the Athena of all the worlds in the 'Ark'. At the beginning, the concubine went very smoothly. The Athena of many worlds was just a 'God's name'. There are no real gods, and the concubine replaces them one by one."

"...things are going very well, and the concubine thinks that the so-called 'uniqueness is...something so simple, when I finally run into trouble in one of the worlds, the 'Athena' of that world is... A conscious real god, according to what you said, the upper limit of the world's level is also very high, and the concubine cannot replace her purely by relying on the power of the 'Ark'. To replace her, you must become her and fulfill the fate of 'Athena'."

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