Roy grabbed Yu Cai Haimei's neck with his left hand, picked up the lady's pistol that she had dropped on the ground with his right hand, and pointed the muzzle at her slender legs, "...Or, I'll shoot a few on you first. Hole?"

Roy smiled and looked calm, which made people subconsciously believe that what he said was the truth.

The drones and Gatling guns that should have been whistling did not arrive as expected, like a misfire.

Although Roy has the ability to solve people directly, for him, he only uses some abilities and methods that are slightly stronger than the other party, so that it is more fun to play with girls' minds and bodies. This is probably pretending to be a pig to eat a tiger. of fun. .

Chapter [-] The Three Sisters (Part [-])

(Prison Color Lu Li...)

The parking lot was very quiet for a while, and the people who were called 'Lu Li' and 'Yu Kong' by Yu Cai Haimei did not come out. After knowing that the people present had 'psychological mastery' in addition to 'psychological piercing' Yes, as long as anyone who understands the meaning of the name a little, will not show up in front of him.

Or the two of them didn't believe that Roy could really do what he said, but because Yu Cai Haimei became a hostage, the drones and Gatling's attacks did not dare to come.

"According to what you said before, it's your elder sister and younger sister who caught honey ant Ayu with you..."

At this time, Roy grabbed Yu Cai Haimei's fair and tender neck with his left hand and made her face him, because she was still being controlled by Shokuhou Cao Qi, but Yu Cai Haimei was unable to speak.

"Lu Li, Haimei, Yukong... Your sisters' names are really easy to remember."

Roy laughed and said that the parents of the three sisters really knew how to name them, so they took the name of the sea, land and air directly.

"But after you became a hostage, your sister and sister didn't continue to attack, which means that your feelings are sincere and real, not the kind of plastic sisters, otherwise they can completely ignore your life as a hostage. , in that case..."

Roy's muzzle gradually changed direction, aiming at Yu Cai Haimei's mellow dagger.

Yu Cai Haimei couldn't move her body except her eyes. She immediately guessed what Roy was thinking, but she didn't believe that Roy really dared to shoot.

This is Academy City after all. Most of the people living here are students. Except for special people like her who have undergone assassination training, most of them are actually good citizens who abide by the law, especially Academy City. It pays great attention to the moral education of students. It is necessary to know that if these students with superpowers do bad things, it is easy to cause extremely dangerous consequences.

"Your eyes tell me that I'm just frightening you?"

The corner of Roy's mouth twitched, and the strange heavy pupil suddenly became severe, and the next moment he pressed the trigger.


The sound of a gunshot not only shocked Yu Cai Lu Li and Yu Cai Yu Kong, who were hiding in the dark, but even Shi Feng Cao Qi and Mi Ant Ai Yu were frightened. They may have used their own weapons against humans. Superpowers, but things like firearms always have other meanings.

The power of the lady's pistol was not great, and it did not directly interrupt Yu Cai Haimei's Jian, but the bullet also penetrated her female Qiao Nen's skin, leaving a blood hole on Jian.


Painful stimulation coupled with the resistance of a fellow of the same kind, after being shot, Ayumi Prison finally got rid of Shokuhou Kaori's control for a while, and the girl in a foreign dress fell to the ground and rolled on the ground, with beautiful big eyes Zhong Yun was full of tears, she wanted to cover the wound with her hands but was afraid that it would make her hurt even more, so she could only sob and scream.

Although many people in Academy City have superpowers, those who have powers are some children and students. They are all following the laws of the city. It is also the darkness that Anbu brings to the city, because those Anbu people will always abuse their abilities and will kill without hesitation. They use the kindness of children.

Although Shokuhou Caoqi and Mi Ant Aiyu were also frightened, they did not have much fear. Girls are always willful and emotional. When someone pulls the trigger to protect you and walks into the dark, in exchange for more It is the longing and admiration of the girls, not the fear of that person.

Because Roy pulled the trigger in order to save the honey ant Aiyu, but in the girl's heart there was a feeling of a hero stepping into the dark in order to save.

After one shot, Roy aimed the gun at Yu Cai Haimei's thin arm again, and said again: "...Aren't you coming out yet? I'm going to hit her on the arm with the next shot. Her arms are so thin that they are likely to be interrupted. Although the technology in Academy City is very advanced, but this little girl is still so young, it must be very difficult to live with prosthetic limbs for the rest of her life."

His finger was on the trigger again. This time, Yu Cai Haimei was finally afraid. She curled up and didn't dare to move. She was trembling, and her beautiful big eyes were full of fear.

"Wait a moment!"

A mature voice came and stopped Roy.

Looking in the direction of the voice, I saw two girls who looked similar to Yu Cai Haimei coming.

One of them is tall, plump and charming, with long golden hair scattered, wearing a purple dress with a starry sky printed on it, and wearing the same bracelets and necklaces as Yu Cai Haimei's neck and wrist.

The side of the dress has a fork, showing the slender pair of mature women. It is a little surprising that she wears the same purple stockings with starry sky on it, and the other has no inch strands. If it weren't for Luo Knowing that the other party is a capable person, Yi has to doubt whether this strange dress is the need for some kind of magic ritual.

This mature woman should be 'Sister Lu Li' in Yu Cai Haimei's mouth.

There is also a little loli next to the prison color Lu Li. The little girl is a female Qiao Xiao, wearing a red short skirt with a heart-shaped cardigan at the neckline. The girl is even more compact. Like the prison color Lu Li, she also wears a pair of Purple socks with a starry sky pattern and cute booties.

And the weirdest thing is that little Loli actually holds a Gatling gun that is about the size of hers. The combination of Lolita and the machine gun forms a beautiful scenery.

Even Shokuhou Caoqi and Mi Ant Aiyu looked at the little girl Joe in amazement, and no one thought that the one who was carrying Gatling and shooting wildly just now turned out to be such a little girl.

"Sister Lu Li...Sister Haimei was caught and seriously injured. What should we do?"

Little Lolita Yucai Yukong had tears in the corners of her eyes as she looked at Yucai Haimei who was writhing on the ground and said with a weeping voice. Seeing her anxious expression didn't seem like a fake, it showed that she had an excellent relationship with her two older sisters.

Prison Cai Lu Li was sweating all over her body anxiously at this time, but she pretended to be calm and said, "'... This gentleman, although my sister's injuries are not serious, she may lose too much blood over time. It's dangerous, can we do some first aid first?"

She didn't know whether Roy, who was extremely ruthless, would agree to her request. If the other party refused, she really didn't know what to do when she and her sister had already shown themselves and had psychological control in front of her. , she may have to kneel down and ask, although she doesn't know if it will work.

But Roy didn't embarrass him, but glanced at Shokuhou Caoqi.

Shokuhou Caoqi immediately understood what Roy meant, picked up the remote control and pressed the button on Yucai Lu Li and Yucai Yukong, which meant that the seeds had been planted in their hearts, Shokuhou Cao Qi has been able to control them to do anything at any time, and even carry out personality brainwashing.

The three sisters were all under the psychological control of Shokuhou Caoqi. It can be said that the mission has failed, and they have become prisoners.

Roy appreciates the decisiveness of Shokuhou Caoqi. Although she is kind by nature, she is not stupid and good. She knows that she cannot be soft-handed when facing the enemy, and Mi Ant Aiyu's performance is somewhat beyond Roy's prediction (Qian Wang Zhao ), this seemingly delicate big man was able to take the initiative to attack just now, it can be seen that there is a strong toilet in his heart that does not match his appearance.

With Roy's permission, Prison Cai Lu Li quickly came to her sister's side and took out some medical equipment from the bag she was carrying. She knew that this was not the first time she had done it, plus the three sisters before. The madness on the street is not fake, which shows that the three sisters' killer identities are real.

This made Roy even more sigh, is this Academy City?It's not easy to survive in this city for such a young and beautiful girl to be a killer!

Yu Cai Haimei's face was pale, and she was receiving emergency medical treatment from her sister with cold sweat on her head. She bit her lip and glared at Roy and said, "...Despicable!"

Unexpectedly, they missed their mission this time, and because of their own reasons, their sister and sister were also captured, and the other party used threats like this. Who knows how this ruthless man will treat the three of them. A prisoner.

Thinking of the things she saw in the comics, Yu Cai Haimei was trembling all over. This is Academy City, so that kind of thing shouldn't happen! .

Chapter [-] The Three Sisters (Part [-])

"Despicable? But if I'm not mean, if the little ant over there is caught by you, who knows what will happen to her, so it doesn't matter if you call me mean or shameless, as long as you can save the little ant over there Ant, no matter what you say about me, I can accept it."

Roy looked down at Yu Cai Haimei, the other party's face was pale because of the shooting, and her skin was dyed bright red. She was half lying in his sister's arms, and the blood was dripping on this place. In the parking lot, she looked pitiful, like a victim, but in fact she was the perpetrator.

Fortunately, her lady's pistol is not very powerful. If a 7.62mm gun is hit at such a close distance, it will definitely shatter one of her beautiful legs, but even so the bullet will completely penetrate her muscles. , leaving a bright red void.

Academy City's medicines are very effective. After Yucai Lu Li's emergency medical treatment, Yucai Haimei's wound is finally no longer bleeding, but this kind of penetrating injury must go to the hospital to find a professional doctor for a look, otherwise it will be very difficult. May leave scars for life.

For a young and beautiful girl, having such a scar on her face will definitely make her suffer.

Roy's words seemed to be addressed to Prison Cai Haimei, but in fact he meant that 957 was for Mi Ant Aiyu. The big heart with fluffy chocolate-colored hair was deeply moved, and she looked at Roy with an excited expression. A pair of beautiful eyes like water ripples, the girl who just entered the country is looking forward to a hero and a prince charming, and Roy's decisive heroic attitude that he is willing to fall into darkness in order to protect him is like an irresistible The thorns pierced into the girl's heart.

Shokuhou Caoqi gritted her teeth secretly, feeling that the enemy was controlled by herself, but why did this situation seem to have nothing to do with her? She didn't care about Roy taking her 'credit', she just saw Mi Ant Aiyu The expression on her face, she knew that the other party had become the same as herself, and this was the most depressing and helpless thing about Shokuhou Caoqi.

It's just that she, who is kind by nature, can't do anything like watching Mi Ant Aiyu being taken away in front of her, so she can only swallow all the bitter fruit by herself.

When Yucai Lu Li saw that her sister, Yucai Haimei, was not in danger for the time being, she also breathed a sigh of relief, and the little loli with the Gatling gun came over at this time and asked quite innocently: "...Sister Lu Li , Sister Haimei, what should we do now? Did our mission fail?"

Before, he was shooting on the street with a Gatling gun, but now he asked such naive and naughty words, which made Roy sigh even more for the education of Academy City and the darkness in it. He was brought up at such a young age. Well, what should I do when I grow up?

"Our mission is a failure. As for what to do next, leave it to my sister!"

Yucai Lu Li comforted her little sister in a warm voice, and then looked at Roy, she let Yucai Haimei lean on her body, tugged at the neckline of her white dress, and said to Roy: " ... Now that our three sisters are your prisoners, how are you going to treat us? Kill us, or imprison us..."

At the end of the day, there was a flash of crimson on Yucai Lu Li's mature and beautiful face, little loli Yucai Yukong didn't understand her sister's words, and tilted her head.

Prison Color Lu Li knew that although the legendary Level.5 mentality was in control here, the real person in charge was Roy, so she talked with Roy from the beginning, not Shokuhou.

She also knows that the three sisters don't have to worry about being caught and becoming 'untouchable' like this. Judging from the actions of Shokuhou Misaki and Miantai Ayu, they are still kind in nature and won't let them be in front of them. This grown man does so.

But it is precisely because the psychology is here that the prison Cai Lu Li knows that her three sisters are really unable to escape. If they are caught by others, she can also let the second sister prison Cai Haimei use the ability of 'psychological rules' The distance between the hearts of the two sides is narrowed, thereby creating an opportunity to escape, but in the face of the psychological mastery of Level 5 of the Psychology Department, this ability has become a toy.

"Killing you will not help, as for imprisoning you, what will it do to me?"

In front of Shokuhou Misaki and Mitsuya Ayu, Roy seemed extremely upright.

"Even if you kill you, it's just to let the black hand behind the scenes know that your mission has failed, and will send someone to catch the little ants again. Only a thousand days of thieves, there is no reason to prevent thieves for a thousand days, so the best way is to directly Get rid of the culprits behind the scenes, so it can be done once and for all."

Roy squatted down, and a finger tugged up the charming chin of Yu Caihai. The girl had a beautiful face and delicate facial features. Her complexion was like snow in her open-back dress. Now, the girl's bleeding and weak look made it even worse. It is to add a piece of my sympathy.

Looking closely, the three sisters of Prison Cai are all beautiful girls no less than Tokiwa Taida University, and they are definitely the best choice among the [-] million capable people in this Academy City.

Yu Cai Haimei wanted to bite off Roy's finger in one bite, but she also knew that if she was showing her power at this time, she would only cause trouble to the three sisters. The urge to kill the elder sister and younger sister, Roy also saw the strong feelings of the three sisters, and used this method to let the three of them be captured directly.

And the most mature prison color, Lu Li, doesn't have as many girlish ideas as her sister. She is thinking more about Roy's words, and she understands what he means in an instant, "...You want to use the three of us sisters. Lead out the mastermind behind the scenes?"

"That's right, since the LSS organization wants to catch rather than kill the little ants, it means that the ability of the little ants is useful to them, and they send you here to catch them. If they succeed, they need to be handed over, as long as you pretend to catch them. The little ant, whether it is the person behind the scenes who come to receive the body in person or send someone else, there is a beautiful little bee here, they can control the other party, and easily extract the other party's information."

Roy, who said this, glanced at Shokuhou Caoqi, and the girl with the beautiful stars in her eyes raised her head proudly, with a little joy in her eyes.

When it comes to the human species, mental mastery can really do whatever you want.

Then Roy pinched the prison Cai Haimei's chin again, and smiled: "...although your sister has been bandaged, but the gunshot wound will always go to the hospital. If you continue to delay, who knows what the consequences will be, if you agree With this proposal, we can take her to the hospital now."

Prison Cai Lu Li agreed without any consideration. Although her occupation made her not to betray her employer, since the three of her sisters have acquired the ability to control psychologically, even if they refuse, psychological control can forcibly give them to her. Brainwashing, instead of rejecting and turning the three sisters into dolls with no self-consciousness, it's better to just agree.

Besides, her second sister really needs to go to the hospital to see the wound and needs a blood transfusion.

"Okay, I agree, I'll contact my employer and send my sister to the hospital first!"

"No problem at all."

Roy nodded lightly with a smile that was not a smile, which made prison Cai Lu Li a little uneasy.

Roy didn't say that as long as the other party agreed to the proposal, he would let them go, but because there were bee-eaters and Aiyu, some things were not easy to show between the two girls.

'These three sisters can use it to help me do something. Anyway, their job is to be hired, and it is not a problem to be hired by anyone, even if they are hired for life. '

Roy thought happily. .

Chapter [-]: Jumping left and right between the two girls

In the Netherworld Chasing Soul Hospital in the seventh school district, this frog-faced doctor is very popular among some special groups, because he never asks the source of the patient's injury, and only uses the medical technology he has mastered to help him. The patient, to a certain extent, is a black doctor, so this has become the main medical choice for some specific people.

In the eyes of the Underworld Chaser, there is no difference between the size of the disease and the identity of the patient. He can help Aleister to build an academy city, and he will also rescue a beggar on the street for free.

"Okay, this guy, there's not much problem with your injury, you can recover after a few days of rest, but don't do strenuous exercise during this time."

Netherland Chasing Soul ordered after bandaging Yu Cai Haimei. From his experience, of course he could tell that the wound was a gunshot wound, but Netherland Chasing Soul would never ask about the source of the injury.

"Doctor, I won't leave a scar on it, will I-?"

The girl wearing a pink dress with a fair and beautiful back asked tearfully, if a girl leaves an ugly scar on her skin, she probably won't dare to wear a skirt in the future.

"Don't worry, the wound is not too big, and the emergency medical treatment was done in a timely manner, without leaving any scars!"

Soul Chasing Netherland understands the girls' fear of scars very well, laughed heartily, and said with a ticket.

Yu Cai Haimei was relieved. She limped out of the door of the medical room with a cane. Netherworld Chasing Soul sent her out, and when she saw Roy in the hospital corridor, she shook indistinctly. He shook his head, but he didn't say much. He sighed and went to receive the next patient:

"...Sure enough, girls in nurse uniforms are even more beautiful!"

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