If not through all this, Anastasia.

Hexin can't find his arrogant change yet, forgetting his tragic times, and laughing at those poor people with money.

His endless greed and desire finally brought disaster, and it was also the wake up of this twenty-two-year-old woman, it was just Anastasia.

Hexin knows whether it is still too late for him to wake up now, and does not know whether he still has a future to speak of.

Some mistakes can be forgiven, but some mistakes once committed, there is no chance to repent.

"From thrift to luxury is easy, from luxury to thrift is difficult, but such a simple truth has made me forget that it is not enough to have a huge chamber of commerce. In order to satisfy my greater desire, I have to go to a country."

The woman who curled up in the corner like a duck began to reflect. Even if she felt that this kind of reflection was useless, she could use her own ending to warn future generations. People can't be swayed by greed and desire. Bringing annihilation, she is... a prime example.

At this moment, the prison guards' loud respectful greetings and the sound of clear footsteps came from the prison.

Chapter 206 Visiting the Prisoner

The sound of crisp footsteps resounded in this quiet prison, and Roy, dressed in gorgeous aristocratic service, walked into the prison where Anastasia was being held under the diligence of the jailer and the warden.

In the prison of Hexin et al.

"Lord Roy, the people here are all trespassers. There are many magical barriers set up by magicians on the periphery of the prison. Without the order of the Sage Society, no one can enter this prison. Without your order, who can Nor can these prisoners be taken away!"

The warden bowed slightly, as a public official of the Kingdom of Lugnica, he certainly knew who the real king of this country was.

"...The prisoners in the prison have free time every day and have not suffered any abuse, but some of the prisoners here are powerful mercenaries and knights of Lugnica, so they cannot be allowed to full, and will also block their magic and stamina.”

The warden introduced everything in this prison to Roy in detail.

"Well, your work is fine."

The introduction of the warden is not important to Roy, but the other party works so hard and reports to work. As a superior, Roy will naturally give them some feedback. For the subordinates, they should know their own The work is not superfluous, the leaders see it, it is the joy of success for them.

"Lord Roy, we have been wronged! Our Karsten family has been loyal to the Kingdom of Lugnica for generations, no, it is the 'Crawley family' for generations, those... It's the selfish behavior of that slut, Quorsh, and it has nothing to do with our Karsten family!"

"...If we knew that the **** dared to do this, we would definitely tie her up and send her to you as soon as possible. Our Karsten family is really wronged!"

As the grand duke of the kingdom, the Karsten family can be described as one of the real powers, except for the so-called 'Crawley family' by Roy and the 'Aspen' where the swordsman is located in the past 400 years. Outside Trea's house, the Karsten family is the most glorious.

The grand duke is a hereditary noble with a rich territory. Every member of this family was born and raised with a golden key. They have lived a luxurious life since birth. The absence of any abuse, the loss of liberty, and the eating of meals that are usually absolutely unbearable, for these people is... the greatest suffering.

"Quiet me all, you're a disgrace to the Karsten family!"

The Grand Duke Karsten was sitting in a separate cell in a prison uniform, and when he heard the cries of family members begging for mercy, he was... roaring angrily.

This... Grand Duke is still very prestigious, immediately.

Everyone in the Karsten family kept their mouths shut.

The Duke took two breaths, and after smoothing the breath in his chest, he lowered his head and pleaded with Roy: "...Lord Roy, the crime of treason is the act of the little girl, if If you want to punish, please punish me and the little girl, the other clansmen are innocent, and it was my education that made the little girl commit such a rebellious crime."

This... Duke's face is much older, he loves his daughter deeply, and Curius has hardly made any mistakes in the past 20 years, such a worry-free child once made the old Duke proud, but who would have thought? Curius does not make mistakes, but if he makes a mistake, it is such a rebellious and irreversible mistake.

Subaru Caiyue used a photo of the stone to remember the conspiracy between Erxiu and Anastasia. This thing can't be faked at all. The 'crime of treason' is completely solid evidence. Rather, I can only let myself and my daughter bear all the sins.

"Don't get excited, Your Excellency, and respect Nika's fairness and justice. Before you are tried, you are only suspects, not real criminals. All conclusions will only be known after the trial."

Hearing that Roy was still speaking in an official tone, Duke Sten didn't know what Roy's true intentions were. He also knew that it was impossible to impress Roy with words. He sighed and bowed his head to show respect, Don't dare to say more.

"Hey, you are the speaker of the Lugnica Sages Association. The secret this time is our fault, and it has nothing to do with Lady Anna. If you want to kill or slash at us, don't shoot at Lady Anna!"

The imprisoned members of the orc mercenary group yelled at Roy in an extremely vulgar tone.

"These mercenaries are killing people like hemp, there is no one good person, and they are so rude, giving them a little pain."

Roy casually instructed the warden beside him.

The warden didn't say a word, and immediately dispatched professionals to come forward, and it didn't take long...he heard the screams of these orc mercenary groups.

"Master Roy!"

Taking two steps forward, Julius, the best knight, was kneeling on one knee on the ground, and beside him were some of his fellow knights, all of whom were excited and ashamed.

"Lord Roy, my colleagues don't know about Anastasia Hexin's treasonous behavior. They just thought they were going to recruit the Witch Cult to join it. I hope you can see it clearly!"

Julius bowed his head deeply and said sincerely.

"Then the best knight, you know that these things are going to rebel."

Roy asked with a smile.


Julius murmured a few words, but he couldn't say a word.

He only supported Roy when he heard that Roy might be the highest bishop of the Witch Cult, but now he wants to come here....... I just doubt, and as a knight, he is so rebellious, and Luo Regardless of whether Yi is the supreme bishop of the Witch Cult, as long as he is still the chairman of the sage council, as long as he has not done anything sorry for the kingdom, as a knight, he should be loyal instead of rebelling.

"What a disappointment, Julius! You have violated the dogma of knights."

Roy shook his head, "...Although I don't like Reinhardt's too conservative and stubborn, but that man is a real knight, abiding by the way of chivalry, and you are a rebellious knight ."

......Julius lowered his head even more ashamed when he heard the words, not even daring to look at Roy.

"I'll talk about your affairs later, I'll go see Anastasia first.

He Xin..."

Roy said and walked to the innermost part of the prison, Anastasia.

He Xin was sitting in the corner, her eyes were empty, her hands and feet were cuffed, and she slumped on the ground. Although she was not as arrogant and glamorous as she used to be in prison uniform, the petite girl still couldn't. Cover up your beauty.

She raised her head reluctantly, showed a sad smile after seeing Roy, and whispered: "...I blinded my heart because of desire and greed, and made such a big mistake, but honey Honey, they're innocent, they're just following my orders."

"...Lord Roy, I am willing to donate all the money of the Hexin Chamber of Commerce. There are some hidden funds that only I know where. I am not asking you to let me go, I just hope you can let them go. , I know that they may have a grudge against you, I will let them sign a contract before leaving, as long as they have any thoughts against you, they will cause a curse to die."

Even at this time, this businessman is still clear-headed and logical. She knows that money cannot buy her life if she wants to, so she hopes to use that money to save her subordinates.

"Money really isn't everything, there are some things money can never buy."


He Xin smiled lightly, at this time her money concept suddenly had a sublimated consciousness.

Chapter 207 The way of the emperor, money corrupts people's hearts

"You have grown up, Miss Hexin, you finally know that money is not absolute power, and the blind pursuit of money will only lead to loss of self..."

Roy strolled to Anastasia.

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