Nayuki Subaru at least used hundreds of death returns to understand the characters of Curius, Anastasia and others, and when trying to gain their trust, he also experienced many language failures to find the correct one. For this reason, Subaru Nayuki died hundreds of times before he succeeded. It was impossible not to be deceived in the face of someone who cheated like this.

Because she wasn't deceived...historical, all were replaced by Nayuki Subaru's death return.

But Roy's consolation would not make Cuirxiu feel any better at all, and the Karsten family's war otome struggled again and shouted to Roy: "...No matter....

What is the reason, this is all my failure, it is my reason that has caused the sacrifice of so many people!"

The sound of the iron rope colliding with the cross reverberated, and there were bloodstains from the iron chain on the wrist due to too much force, but the pain would not make him forgive himself, it would only make her torment even more. Own.

Roy didn't stimulate Curxiu too much. After a long time, this... the daughter of the duke's family calmed down a little, she was tied there and gasping for breath.

At this time, Roy spoke again: "...Curse Karsten, her mother died when she was born, and the eldest daughter, Khursh, was raised by Duke Karsten as his heir, but it was just that This... daughter of the duke's family is different from ordinary noble girls. She doesn't like flower arrangement, jewelry and other things that girls love, and prefers swordsmanship.


"...I met the fourth prince of Lugnica, Friel Lugnica, at the age of nine. This prince... who could have inherited the position of the 'Dragon King' deeply influenced Kurossi's outlook on life. and worldview.”

"At the age of ten, he rescued Felix, a cat-eared boy with atavism who had been imprisoned at home for nine years.

Argyle, and adopted him to the Karsten family, made him his own knight, and trained him to become the most powerful 'water magician' in the kingdom."

"... At the age of seventeen, Chorus.

For the first time, Karsten appeared in the kingdom. There appeared 'multiple rabbits' on the edge of Karsten's territory. Oh, you call them the traces of monsters called 'big rabbits'. Duke Karsten led himself with death intent. The confidant knights went to fight against the rabbits, and fought to protect their territory and people."

"Kursius, after learning the news, also rushed to the edge of the Karsten family's territory with his knights overnight, rescued his seriously injured father, and led him with genius command and great strength. The knights drove Duotu' out of the Karsten family's territory and won the first victory in their lives. From then on, the Karsten family's war otome"

The name was famous all over the world, and the injured Duke Karsten passed on the title of the head of the family to his daughter.

Roy slowly told the life history of Curiosus, and even Cursius himself forgot some details, but Roy remembered them clearly.

"Duke Karsten is a great father. He has a sense of justice and the integrity of a knight. As a duke, he can sacrifice for the territory and the common people. Presumably this... Duke has a great influence on you, Miss Curius. Well, there is... Flier.

The prince of Lugnica, his love for this country, his dedication to giving everything for this country, also affects Miss Currius, your outlook on life and world outlook is the convergence of the two of them."

"...Oh, yes, in Flier last year.

His Royal Highness Prince Lugnica died because he also suffered from a strange disease of the royal family. It is rumored that he sent you a love letter before his death, so you should be in a relationship, right?"

Cursius, who had been listening to Roy's words with his head down, suddenly raised his head, glared at Roy, and said in anger: "...don't mention Father Father and Forlier, you filthy witch Bishops who teach big sins have no right to mention them!"

"You are so protective of His Royal Highness Prince Flier, it seems that he is really your sweetheart."

Roy asked very gossip.

"No, we are not a couple, Felier did confess to me before he died, and it was the first time I knew his heart, but I always regarded him as my best friend, and my feelings for him were deep friendship rather than love ."

Crusius categorically denied Roy's words.

"Oh, that Prince Felier is really miserable."

Roy sighed.

"Don't insult him. For the sake of this country, he has studied everything hard since he was a child, in order to become a qualified king and save Lugnica from demons like you!"

Crusius scolded loudly again, insulting her dead friend like this, and she was very angry.

"Rescue Lugnicaha from my hands, and take back the power that belongs to the king from the hands of his purpose."

Roy sneered, "...In my case, Lugnica has been prosperous for four hundred years, the people live and work in peace and contentment, prosperous and strong, ordinary commoners have a way to become knights, aggressive Buddha The Rakia Empire never dared to invade, and among all the countries on the continent, only the people of Lugnica have the highest happiness index."

"...Put down the pride of your nobles, go to the gathering place and ask them, and see what the people say to me, Roy.

Crowley's love, go and ask them if they will give me the power of king! Curius, I ask you, do you mean the ruler of the country, or all the people of the country!"

Roy snorted loudly, and the deafening voice shook her head, and she was not the kind of noble... who was aloof and didn't understand the suffering of the people at all, but because of this, she knew what Roy said. All the words are true.

Whether the country represents the king or the people, Curius, who wants to make the people self-improvement, knows that the country is of course the people, just like the country she guards as a knight, that is... those people.

But precisely because he knew the correctness of Roy's words, and that he had indeed brought Lugnica to prosperity, Curius was even more guilty, and even more angry with himself, because she could not find words to refute, Roy can only be allowed to trample her self-esteem like this.

Roy's tone gradually softened, "...I don't want to kill you, Miss Curius, your talent makes me a little sad, if you can promise me something, I can Let go of you."

Roy picked up a clean damp cloth on the table, and he slowly walked to Curius, who was tied to the cross, and wiped the blood on her cheek with the utmost gentleness.

"what do you want to do"

Curius raised his head and looked at him coldly.

"Help Emilia become a king, then serve her, protect her in the name of a knight, and work hard for her policy to come true."


Kurossi frowned at first, and then... suddenly said: "'s that... naive half-elf, you actually support her as king"

Crusius looked at Roy incredulously. In her opinion, among the five royal candidates, Emilia and Feirut... the last descendant of the royal family is the least likely to be a king, one is naive, the other is simply playing make trouble.

"Cursh, you don't seem to see what Lugnica needs, and you don't know what its biggest contradiction is. It does not lack money, nor does it lack powerful soldiers. Its biggest contradiction lies in race. Your character and policies will not solve the racial problem, but will only deepen the contradiction and make this country go to ruin faster."

"...Among the five king candidates, only Emilia's identity and character can really solve this biggest contradiction, and even she needs at least twenty years to do it."

Roy wasn't in a hurry, he was just giving Kuror a political lesson.

Kurossi looked at him indifferently, smiled and said: " are really bold, I don't know what relationship you have with Emilia, but if you dare to let me go, you are not afraid of me. Spread your identity everywhere, and you won't be afraid that Emilia and I will go against each other."

"You are very honest, Curius, I believe in your integrity and also in Emilia's charisma. If you really have been in contact with her for a longer period of time, I don't think you would be willing to hurt her."

"Your confidence makes me sick, and your words are too arbitrary!"

Curius said to Roy mockingly.

"Hey, some people say good things just...don't listen, they always like to hear bad things..."

Roy sighed faintly, he picked up a stack of newspapers on the table, which was Lugnica's characteristic, and threw them at Curius' face.

There was not much pain when the newspapers hit her face. When the newspapers slowly fell to the ground, when Churxiu lowered her head and saw what was written on it, she immediately.

His face changed suddenly, and his expression changed to panic.

"Shocked: Curius.

Stern and Anastasia.

Hexin conspired to rebel, the evidence was conclusive, Duke Karsten was deprived of his title, and his family was thrown into prison!"

The newspapers were accompanied by pictures of angry people on both sides of the road facing the Karsten family and Anastasia.

Hexin and others threw rotten eggs and vegetable leaves. Just from the expressions of these people, they knew that what Roy had said before was correct. All the people supported him. Katah is... the symbol of undefeated.

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