Lord Hexin died here, so don't blame us."

The mercenaries didn't listen to the Knight Commander's words, but looked at Anastasia collectively.

This... the president of the Chamber of Commerce from the city-state of Kararaki sighed and said: "... Put down your weapons, resistance will only cause unnecessary casualties... Sir, can you tell me Who the **** reported and submitted evidence?"

"...Forget it, I think you won't say it, but I guessed it, it should be that...the man named Nayuki Subaru."

The Knight Commander didn't speak, but silence was... acquiescence.

Hearing Anastasia's words, the best knight widened his eyes, he was a good friend with him, why did he betray everyone.

No, no, I didn't rebel! This... the best knight's face was full of anxiety, he only felt that the society was sinister, and he was completely played by others.

Chapter 202 The Captured Curius


Curr Xiu's unconscious consciousness gradually recovered, and the sound of water droplets dripping into the pool could be heard in her ears, and the sound echoed in the empty cave.

'I was caught by the Witch Cultists' gradually sobering sanity reminded Curius of the scene before he fell into a coma. consciousness.

Kurossi tried his best to open his eyes, but found that his eyes were completely dark.

'My eyes are blind' As a girl who just turned 20 and 20 this year, even if I usually give the impression of being strong in style and strong in character, suddenly faced with this situation, there is no reason for it to arise from the bottom of my heart. A pan of fear.

But soon Crusher was... at ease, she found that she was not blind, but was covered with a black cloth on her eyes, and a cloth was wrapped around her mouth.

"Seven Five Zero"

Her arms are crossed: open, tied to a metal rack, the skin on the back of her hand can touch the coldness of the metal rack, and on her wrists and ankles are metal chains made of a magic material Bind her, not to mention her weak state, it is absolutely impossible to break free from these metal chains even if she is intact.

'What are you thinking about, you have been caught by the witch believers. Unless there is a miracle, it is impossible to live at all, and it is very likely that you will be caught by these witches before you die.... Christians torture and abuse.

' After struggling for a while, Cuirsch found that he couldn't break free, and then... gave up and laughed at himself.

She led the army to kill many witch cultists and wiped out the two major sin bishops. She didn't think that under such circumstances, she would have any way to survive, unless someone from Lugnica was able to survive before she was killed. Find her and rescue her, but Crusch feels it's just a dream after all.

The Witch Cultists have been known for being secretive for hundreds of years. This time, it was Nayuki Subaru who was able to find an important stronghold of the Witch Cultists. It would be so easy to find her again.

'As the head of the Karsten family, as a knight, even if the witch cultists torture me severely, I cannot beg for mercy.

' Cuirxiu cheered himself up in his heart, but more than that, he still felt uneasy in his heart.

As the daughter of the Grand Duke's family, it is impossible for Curius to have any training in the face of torture.

"you're awake"

Just when Crusius was in a state of confusion, a low and slightly frantic voice came from her ear, but the voice was still sensible on the whole.

"Hey hey hey brain... The brain is shaking... ah ah ah... No, no, I have to introduce myself first, let me introduce myself, I am in charge of the "lazy" of the witch teacher! "

The voice was a little frantic at the beginning, but it quickly calmed down and began to introduce himself in a straight-forward manner.

Sloth Bishop! Although Curius was blindfolded and couldn't see in front of her, she knew very well about the Sloth Bishop. It could even be said that the bishop who knew the most about the Witch Sect was... this… Sloth.

He has been active since more than a hundred years ago. It can be said that he is the most active priest of the Witch Sect. It is completely inconsistent with his name of 'lazy', and the most incredible thing is that what this ... lazy priest has done It's not pure evil, although he has committed many evil things, he has also done many good things.

There was an earthquake in the border between the Flakia Empire and Lugnica, and the rescue of both countries was ineffective. In the end, it was this... the lazy bishop led the witch cultivator to save the people, and gave them enough food and food. water, and even helped them rebuild their homes.

Everyone thought that this was an illusion made by the Witch Cult for missionary purposes, but these... Witch Cultists left immediately after they had done good deeds, and did not ask those... ...what do the affected people do.

And after things subsided, that generation of people... There are many people who secretly believe in the Witch Cult, and they are all voluntarily sincere.


What is the purpose of the Witch Cult, they have indeed saved many innocent people.

"Ah, I know you can't speak right now, but you don't have to. I'll... I'll take you to see the Supreme Bishop!"

The Sloth Bishop continued to talk to himself, and Curius felt that the metal frame that bound him was being grabbed by some strange force and moved forward.

'The most mysterious and supreme bishop in the Witch Cult...Is I actually going to meet the legendary big man today?' Kurossi thought to himself, without any excitement in his heart, only the gradually sinking. Heart.

This mysterious figure, who has never been seen in public for 400 years, can be seen by sight, which almost means that Curius has been sentenced to death.

'Regardless of....

That...what the Supreme Archbishop wants to ask me, I will try my best to keep it a secret!' Curius was so bound with his hands and feet, blindfolded and pushed by some kind of force from the lazy Archbishop, this is a very strange feeling. The common method, because you are blindfolded, you won't know where you are now, and you won't remember any road, so you won't reveal any secrets......I don't know. For a long time, there was only the sound of the metal chains crashing in her ears. When Curius felt that her body was getting more and more tired and she couldn't use any strength, she realized that she had finally stopped.

'Are you there?' the girl let out a sigh of relief, but felt a little relieved, that kind of... walking on the road, I can't see anything, I can't feel the passage of time, knowing that there is... a sharp knife in front of me, but it is... The feeling of not being able to wait is even more frightening.

It's like when the doctor raises the needle but doesn't stick it down. Looking at the sharp needle tip, the fear of the mind is more unbearable than the pain of the body.

"Lord Supreme Bishop, someone has already brought it here."

Bishop Sloth was putting away the cross that bound Crusius, that is... said respectfully.

Immediately, this... bishop just... bowed and walked out.

'The Sloth Bishop walked on the ground without any footsteps, and there should be a carpet here.

' Since the eyes can't see, Curius can only try his best to use his ears to get more information.

Then, she felt someone approaching her, standing not far in front of her, and even Kurossi's cheeks could feel the heat spit out from the other's nose and mouth.

The hot air on his face caused goosebumps all over Kurossi's body. It wasn't the girl's shyness, but a fear of the unpredictable future.

The person in front of her took off the blindfold she was wearing. Due to being in the dark for a long time, the sudden light made her eyes feel extremely uncomfortable. She closed her eyes and turned her head to avoid the shot from the ceiling above. The light source, there are a little bit of stimulated tears flowing out from the corners of the eyes.

However, in order to be able to see the true face of the Witch Sect's "Supreme Bishop", she still endured the discomfort in her eyes, diligently widened her orange pupils, and looked forward fiercely.

When the red figure reflected in the pupils of Curius, this… 'The War Goddess of the Karsten family was dazed, doubted, and shocked, until it turned out to be the case.

‘As expected, it is you, the supreme bishop of the Witch Cult, the president of the Lugnica Sage Society, Roy.

Claier! '"Hey ----"

The girl wanted to say those words very much, but she could only make such a 'woohoo' sound when her mouth was entangled.

Kurossi looked at Roy with an expression that she didn't know what to expect. There was frustration, despair, anger, confusion, and complexity that even she herself couldn't understand.

Chapter 203 There is an inner ghost!

"Miss Crusius, your expression is really complicated."

Roy looked at the girl bound on the cross in front of him, and smiled softly.

His smile is extremely contagious, as if it can melt people's cold hearts, and it is as gentle as the spring breeze blowing across the cheeks, making people feel happy.

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