Secondly, what the Witch Sect fears is the Bishop of Sin, these... Bishops are truly exceptional powerhouses, and even the weakest Bishops can almost rival a legion.

Now that the stronghold of the Witch Cult has been exposed, giving the allied army a chance to besiege, and the support of the Sin Bishop has been held back by a number of strong men in Lugnica, it is the situation in which the Witch Cult is losing ground.

"You bastards, these bastards, dare to do this, dare to treat me like this!!!"

The lustful bishop, Regulus, with red eyes, spittle, and the one-legged man roars with claws and claws. That attitude makes Subaru Nayuki look a little contemptuous and funny. This is not the same as the past self, it is like that. The weakness is simply... incompetent and furious.

More than a hundred years ago, because of obeying Pandora's orders, Regulus invaded the Erior Forest and was cut off by Roy. The power of that sword has the power of 'judgment', Pandora. Ra was frightened and ran away and it was impossible to cure him, and since that day Regulus became disabled and has been living on one leg.

"The trash of 'Gluttony' was actually killed by you! But it doesn't matter, even if 'Gluttony' dies, you can find a new 'Gluttony', but being a 'crazy' is absolutely impossible for you to overcome, you rubbish, these Bastards, today I'm going to let you know the fate of daring to be the enemy of 'strong desire'!"

With his jaw cracking, Regulus, who fell into madness, kicked the ground and kicked the dirt away.

Subaru, who had seen this scene from the return from death, hurriedly shouted 'Be careful', but he was still a step behind. He had been fighting with the previous 'Gluttony Bishop' for a long time. Dodging the piece of mud and sand that was almost invisible to the naked eye, after groaning, he made a 'crackling' sound like popping beans, and countless holes appeared in his body, and blood splattered. .

Seeing this... one's strongest man flying on the ground like a rag doll, his body was densely covered with terrifying wounds, the whole person had lost consciousness and fighting ability, and Nayuki Subaru was also cold.

Regardless of....

Whether it's 'gluttony' or 'strong desire', these two bishops are much stronger than expected. At first, Subaru Nayuki thought that the strengths of the two sides were the same and could cause both sides to suffer, but he never thought that, When they faced the 'Gluttony Bishop' before, they had already paid a huge price to defeat the Gluttony Bishop.

But now there seems to be a more powerful 'bishop of strong desire', which makes Nayuki Subaru feel a sudden fear in his heart. He finds that the development of things is not going forward as he expected, and he still can't do it as the mastermind behind the scenes. Master everything that way.

It took more than 600 times of death and return to understand the power and function of the three siblings of the 'Gluttony Bishop' and found a way to win. After paying a certain price, he defeated the 'Gluttony Bishop'. How will the remnants of the army be defeated and also kill the 'strong desire'? The goal has almost been achieved.

Karsten pushed her out to get her killed by lust, and if I could get out of there it was... victory.

' Dark thoughts appeared in Nayuki Subaru's mind. The reason why he instigated the allied forces to attack the Bishop of Sin was not to frame Cuerxiu.

Karsten and Natasia.

He Xin, and now this situation is not the best outcome.


Karsten's crusade against the Witch Cult's sin bishop died, and even lost a lot of the living strength of the Karsten family, and even the Astrea family's sword ghosts' and knights were killed and injured, presumably this news came back The king will cause an uproar, the entire Karsten family will immediately fall, and even the seat of the nobility will be deprived. In this case, Emilia's most terrible opponent will disappear.

Yes, Emilia, I remembered, the lazy bishop once said that Lust had the plan to capture Emilia and use her to revive the 'witch of jealousy', so I can't just run away, I want to kill Lust Bishop, kill this sinful bishop who is malicious to Emilia! Subaru Nayuki's mind became hot again, and his eyes that were shrinking were once again full of surging fighting spirit.

As long as there is a return from death, as long as you make good use of this ability, even with this little combat power, you can still be victorious, no matter...

A hundred times, a thousand times, or ten thousand times, I will definitely be able to find a way to win in this endless death.


Roswaal, where are you hiding, come and help!"

Subaru Nayuki looked around, the so-called strongest magician in Lugnica was just a supporter when he fought against the 'Greeting Bishop', and helped the 'Sword Demon' Wilhelm and Curius to kill.' Gluttony', the current Roswaal and Wang Qianhao are not injured, he still maintains a strong combat power, and his combat power is an indispensable neighbor for defeating lust.

"I'm sorry, Subaru-kun! In order to save the teacher, I must preserve my useful body and cannot die casually, unless you, Subaru-kun, find a way to absolutely defeat the 'Forbidden Bishop', or find a way to be resurrected. Teacher's method, I will dare to sacrifice my own life."

That... a voice full of funny clowns echoed in Subaru Nayuki's ears, but Roswaal's answer caused Subaru Nayuki to rise again with a nameless anger.

This guy Roswaal didn't listen to his orders and commands at all! The feeling of powerlessness once again swept the mind and body of Nayuki Subaru, that is Nayuki Subaru who has done many great things with the return of death and arrogance since the time of crossing, and should have forgotten it long ago but it was only at this time that he realized that he was still the weak one, the poor person who was... powerless and could only be incompetent and furious.

It turns out that he and the lustful bishop in front of him are actually just as pitiful.

Chapter 200 The Death of the Bishop of Sin

Subaru Nayuki was in a turbulent mood, and decided to continue to use the ability to return to death to explore the ability of 'strong desire'. He once heard the lazy bishop tell him that Regulus, who was in charge of **** for the Witch Cult, was the most powerful of all bishops. One of them, and has a very mysterious undead body. If you want to crack this ability, you can only rely on Nayuki Subaru to work hard.

Just when Nayuki Subaru made up his mind, the lustful bishop in front of him suddenly changed his expression very badly. ...that group of... sluts, that group of... sluts, what the **** did they do to my heart!"

At this time, Regulus found that his heart had returned to his body, which was impossible.

Regulus captures so many women to become his 'wives', not only... is the embodiment of lust, but also to activate the 'protection of the witch of lust' so that he can live forever source of power.

The bishop of strong desire can stop time, and then use sand, soil and other things to penetrate all substances in the still time, but when time is still, Regulus's own heart will stop beating, so if you use it for too long , he would first die of cardiac arrest himself.

So Regulus put his heart in his wives' body like a lich and fused with their hearts, so that when he activates his power, he can pass the consequences of 'heart stop' to his 'wives' To undertake, and then hide the heart in different 'wives' bodies, 01 uses it as the force that can always activate power.

But now, he was horrified to find that his heart had returned to his body, and he had no one to die in his place.

The first thing that came to the Bishop's mind was... those women had all betrayed him, and would rather commit suicide together than be his scapegoat.



Karsten Kazami Kahu immediately sensed that the lustful bishop's mood was not right, this... the dignified girl who was scarred by the previous battle with the 'gluttonous bishop', once again seized the opportunity, the beautiful eyes in men's clothing turned into a sharp sword.

She originally used the sword to stand on the ground to force her body not to fall, but at this time she didn't care, she would rather suffer more serious injuries than waste time.

The sharp sword qi was swept out by Korxiu. This was a stunt capable of beheading a hundred people with one blow. It was with this stunt that she was called by the people of Lugnica as the 'Battle of the Duchy of Karsten'. Otome'! The half-moon-shaped sword qi swept towards the waist of the lustful bishop with an unprecedented momentum. At the critical moment, Regulus activated his power again, escaping the sword qi of Cuerxiu by a tiny margin.

After this move, Cursius, who had been seriously injured, was even more shaky. Cursius' knight, Felix, a young man with cat ears, hurried forward and used his magic to ease the injury for Cursius. It is precisely because of the efforts of the strongest medical magician in the kingdom named 'Blue' that these people who fought against the sin bishop were only seriously injured and did not die for the time being.

On the other hand, the best knight Julius also hurriedly summoned the micro-elf, and cut out a rainbow-like sword brilliance with the ability of his elf knight.

The arrogant bishop who was besieged by this group of 'ants' was furious at this time, fighting the consequences of cardiac arrest, and activated his power again. body penetrates.

Felix, who had just pulled Wilhelm back from the gate of **** and stabilized Erxiu's injury, rushed to Julius again in a hurry to treat him.

And using the power for many times in a row made the heart of the strong desire to die, and the mouth even spurted blood.

Seeing this scene, Subaru Nayuki realized that this... the state of the greedy bishop seemed to be a bit wrong, he was not as powerful as the lazy bishop said.

'I don't know what happened, but it's a godsend' "Elsa!"

Nayuki Subaru hurriedly greeted the female killer who had helped him a lot, but this time Elsa was not on call as before, and Nayuki Subaru felt a chill in his heart for a while, and began to wonder if Elsa betrayed him. took him.

In fact, the half-vampire girl at this time was thinking about whether Mr. Roy had... ordered her to kill her lust, so it was only half a beat slower.

However, thinking that Lord Roy seems to have had the idea of ​​letting Subaru Nayuki go and become an enemy of Kazuya from the beginning, such an association means that Lord Roy has sentenced the Bishop of Kazuya to death.

If that's the case - "Then let me kill you and become the new 'strong desire'!"

The half-vampire girl showed a coquettish smile, her body hidden in the shadows suddenly appeared beside Regulus, under the panic of the forcible bishop, a whip kick kicked the forcible bishop's legs fiercely. between.

As a killer, Elsa never cared about how bad her methods were, but after this kick, Elsa was stunned, because she found that there was nothing where she kicked.

Could it be that the idea that the bishop of **** is a woman just came to her mind, and Elsa just... quickly denied it, and she suddenly realized when she looked at Regulus, who only had one leg. When his leg was cut off, he was already castrated by Roy! Although there was no vital place, Elsa's foot also made Regulus unbearable. He staggered back while clutching his legs. Shang cold sweat broke out, and he roared with a ferocious expression: " **** are nothing, you dare to leave Lao Tzu to seek death without authorization!"

He first abused his 'wife', and then yelled at Elsa, " are also a bitch, what kind of thing are you, and you are not happy for your behavior... ..."

Before the word 'regret' could be uttered, Elsa kicked Regulus on the cheek again, kicking the forcible bishop into the air. Several broken teeth fell out of his mouth, and his mouth was full of blood.

"Bitch, bitch!"

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