The urge to Bishop said triumphantly, his expression seemed to say come and praise me, you see how smart I am, and I suddenly understood the true meaning of the existence of the Witch Sect.

But Hughes was stunned, he murmured, "'s impossible for the witch to make you come, it's impossible, the witches should have all died, they have already three hundred Year has not appeared in this world."

"...Which witch made you come?"

Hughes exclaimed in anger.

"—he was acting on my instructions."

At this moment, a female voice interjected the topic of the two, and after hearing this voice, everyone's expressions were different.

The bishop forced to show the look of respectfully welcoming the witch, while Hughes was at first at a loss, but when he saw the true face of the person who came, he lost his voice: "...pretending to be the witch Pandora!"

The long white-blond hair shone lusciously under the brilliance of the shade of the tree, the long eyelashes had a pair of navy blue eyes, and the upright face had a delicate beauty that made people want to touch but hesitate.

Qiu Xian, she is a fake witch who has not appeared in 300 years.

"Oh, it looks like that guy Roy told you about me."

For Hughes to be able to recognize himself at a glance, Pandora was also stunned, and then said...indifferently: "...I was hurt by that guy, what happened in three hundred years? I can't do it, I can only groan in pain every day and night, waiting for my body to recover, and I have suffered such a huge price, but I finally got nothing, which makes me very dissatisfied."

Pandora's eyes turned to Emilia, with excitement and joy in her eyes.

The young Emilia stepped back in fear and looked at this woman who had no good intentions towards her.

"But... I still found it, this body I want! You want to inform Roy that he can't do it, you weak ones don't even have the ability to inform him!"

...........Seeing that Hughes and Archie seem to want to use some magic to inform Roy and Filtona, Pandora just...showed an ominous smile.

Hughes froze, his plan was seen by Pandora, he surged up in fear and shouted to Regulus: "...You idiot!! Why do you listen to this woman, You've been tricked by her, you bastard, idiot, idiot!!"


The bishop of **** with insufficient intelligence showed a puzzled look, aren't we the witch sect? Don't we want to follow the witch-sama's instructions? I'm listening to the witch's instructions now, what's wrong with this?

Seeing that Hughes was still there: he yelled at him, and he was also angry: "...I'm angry, I'm really angry!! You dare to scold me, dare to scold such a powerful me, which makes me My dignity has been insulted, and my personality has been insulted! I will teach you a lesson, I will break your limbs, for the sake of the highest bishop, I will not kill you, but I will make you feel Pain, to repay my humiliated dignity!!"

It can be seen that even at this time, the bishop still has a deep fear of Roy. Even if Hughes yelled at him, he didn't kill him directly.

Pandora ignored the quarrel between the two at all, she just walked towards Emilia with a smile, stretched out her hand to her and said, "...Are you called Emilia, come to my sister, Sister will love you very much, if you come to my sister, nothing will happen, if you don't come..."

Pandora's eyes suddenly turned cold, with the use of her power, the forest began to be distorted, and a terrifying big snake appeared in the forest in vain! "...I let the black snake sprinkle venom, Turn the land on which the elves live into nothingness!"

Chapter 157: Weakness is the greatest original sin

Standing upright behind Pandora was a giant snake with a length of 100 meters. It had dark scales and an upside-down: triangular evil head. The tail as huge as a hill twisted back and forth, and every time it collided, many ancient tree trunks were smashed, and the letter it spit out contained evil.

This is one of the three major monsters that the glutton witch Daphne created when she was alive. , But judging from the results, these monsters did not fulfill Daphne's wish, but instead became a nightmare in people's hearts.

"This is the black snake created by the gluttonous witch. Compared with the other two beasts, this snake can cause greater damage to the land. Its toxins will cause the land to lose nutrients and become barren. In a hundred years, this land will regain its vitality again, and even become more luxuriant, but in these hundreds of years, your elves will lose their habitat!"

"...How can an elves without a habitat survive in this cruel "May 83"

To survive in this world, little girl, follow your sister, only in this way can you save your clan!"

Pandora was very tempting, she walked forward step by step, getting closer and closer to Amelia, although she was persuading, but Pandora was not ready to let Ami really rely on her ability to talk. Liya is obedient, anyway... just take this little girl away and use her body to unseal the 'door'.

Pandora didn't dare to waste too much time here. Her power has not recovered at all even three hundred years later. She can use her power to temporarily block Roy's perception, but she absolutely cannot block time. too long.

Of course, if Emilia could leave her obediently, that would be the best, but she didn't need to use some terrifying means.

"Lord Emilia, hurry up! Go to Lord Roy, go to your father!!"

When Hughes saw that Pandora was about to approach Emilia, he shouted in panic, but he could only do this step, because Hughes didn't have much... combat power.

Archie, who was beside Hughes, made a direct move. He rushed towards Emilia and Pandora without saying a word. As the guardian of Feltona and Emilia, he was in the elf. It also has one of the best fighting powers.

"Hey, hey, I didn't let you go. Lord Witch is working, so don't make trouble."

When the bishop saw that Archie wanted to leave, he shouted loudly, and at the same time squatted down slowly, grabbed a handful of sand under his feet, and sprinkled it on Archie at will.


Archie, who was approaching Emilia, felt that the crisis was coming. He turned from extreme movement to extreme silence, dodging them by a tiny distance... being spilled by the forcible bishop of sand.

These...the gravel is like a bullet, it flies very fast, and its penetration is incredible. With Regulus throwing it at will, these... ...the gravel turned a large forest into dust.

Luckily, Archie used his fighting instinct to dodge before he wanted the bishop to pour out the sand, otherwise he would have turned into a sieve like those trees, but even so, he was sweating coldly.

Seeing that Archie was in danger, and the terrible woman in front of her was about to persecute her clan, the young Emilia gathered up her courage and glared at Pandora.

At this time, Parker, who was on Emilia's shoulder, flew up directly and said anxiously: "...Lea, hurry up and sign a contract with me and use our strength to defeat this woman!"

Although Parker has lost his memory of the past, when facing Pandora, he also instinctively knows the strength of the other party and has anger from his heart.

Because its mother, Echidona, was...killed by Pandora.

"I see, Parker! We make a pact!"

Emilia didn't care about the contract at all, she just bit her white red lips, the corners of her eyes were watering, and she shouted to Pandora under her fear, "Bad woman, I won't let you hurt." Archie and Hughes, won't let you hurt Feltona's mother and everyone in the clan...and won't let you hurt Dad!"

Pandora felt that Emilia was superfluous at the end, and she had no ability to deal with her father Roy, otherwise she wouldn't have to be so sneaky and waited for three hundred years.

"Disobedient little girl, you need to know the cruelty of society, and you need to suffer some hardships."

Pandora was impatient, and after dragging Roy down, she was not sure to face that... terrifying man.

With a wave of Pandora's hand, the black snake behind her opened its fangs, and spit out a stench of poisonous gas from its mouth, just... biting towards Emilia.

"I will stop you, I will defeat you, I ... I will not go with you, bad woman, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah,

Emilia recalled the magic that Filutona taught her, and she mobilized the magic in her body with her eyes closed, and let out a shrill cry.

The magic power was transformed into absolute ice through a ritual, and with Emilia at the center, an unprecedented terrifying ice storm swept towards the black snake.


Pandora was stunned. She didn't expect Emilia to have such power. The only way to protect her body was to activate her power in a panic, but the black snake and the large forest behind the giant snake almost became It transformed the face of the Holy Kingdom of Gustik into pieces of ice crystals.

This one of the three great monsters was instantly killed by Emilia! "How could it be... Could it be that the artificial elf is wrong, this is the power of Satila, yes, this is Is it the envy of the power that witches possess, even without the powers of witches, can they cause such terrible natural disasters at such a young age?"

Pandora looked at the large frozen forest behind him, and the black snake that had turned into an ice sculpture, just... let out a sigh and a sound of fear.

Three hundred years ago, if it wasn't for the legend that the Four Heroes had fought a battle with Satila, and then split the personalities of the jealous witch and Satila, Pandora would never have been able to defeat that... terrifying jealous witch..." But that's the end of it, little girl, you have no strength."

Seeing Emilia sitting weakly on the ground after the terrible blow, Pandora smiled again.

At this moment - "Don't touch the beautiful skin of Emilia-sama with your dirty hands!! I'm going to kill you, I'm going to kill you!!"

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