At this time, Roy stepped forward and rescued Emilia from the tangle.

He stretched out his hand, and five fingers dug into Emilia's waist-length silver hair, and then, under the surprise of Hughes and Filtona, grabbed something from the hair.

It was one with gray hair.

It was very cute, and after being caught by Roy, the cat was still there: cuddling and cute, with one eye closed, showing an expression of begging for mercy, and said with a smirk: "...hehe, Lord Roy, we meet again."

"What is this"

Hughes couldn't help asking, and looked at this strange cat with some vigilance. It could talk, fly, and a strange cat. This was the first time Hughes had seen it.

When Emilia saw the gray cat being caught by Roy and she knew Roy, she just... nervously said: "...this is Parker, do you know Parker, Dad?"

That nervous look, as if he was afraid that Roy would stew Parker and eat meat.

Felutona frowned, thoughtfully, and said uncertainly: "...This is... a big elf but I don't seem to remember that there is a big elf that looks like this."

"Accurately speaking, this is an artificial elf... it was created by a witch."

Roy explained it to Filutona.

"It turned out to be a big elf made by the witch-sama."

Hearing Roy's words, Hughes breathed a sigh of relief instead. From his attitude towards witches, it can be seen that he is different from the outside world. Not only does he have no fear of witches, but he even has a faint...  ..worship! Yes, Hughes or Felutona, in fact, they are all members of the Witch Cult, and there are even many elves who are members of the Witch Cult, and they belong to the moderate faction in the Witch Cult .

If the witch cultivators, who are dominated by bishops, follow Roy's orders and go around so that the world will not forget the witch's name, then the witch cultivators, who are mainly elves, hope to change the world's attitude toward witches. impression.

The elves are a grateful race, because Satila helped them back then, and Roy brought the visible changes to the elves in the past three hundred years, and it was the elves who spontaneously became witch cultists, Roy Although he knew that the history of the world was distorted by Pandora, these... The goal of the elves to change the world's impression of witches could not be achieved, but he did not refuse their participation.

Because Roy knows that those... crazy, persistent, twisted sin bishops will one day be eliminated by this world, and he needs a group of real and kind witch believers to change witches The meaning of teaching.

The establishment of the Witch Sect itself was only established under the circumstances of last resort, and the fear of the world is only to maintain the existence of the witch, until one day Roy will reshape the 'Earth, Water, Fire and Wind' and make the world distorted and return to normal. , there is no need for this crazy witch sect to exist.

Roy is also planning for a rainy day.

"Lord Emilia was able to control many micro-elves before, and now there are still big elves appearing. At this age, she really has the outstanding qualifications to become an elves!"

Hughes said happily as if he had encountered a good thing, this young elf actually does not have any talent in martial arts. He has learned the most and has the highest talent in business. He is also a rare type among elves. .

"The elf... aptitude, can I become such a person?"

The young Emilia took over Parker from Roy. For a girl of this age, a cute cat like Parker must be her favorite animal.

Emilia has no concept of a big elf at all. In her opinion, Parker is... Parker, a cat who can play with her.

Parker, who was held in his arms, was very well-behaved. He really regarded himself as a good money and became a cat, mainly because Roy's eyes made him timid and afraid, and he didn't dare to jump at all.

At the cost of his own memory, Parker was freed from Echidona's hands, and it moved around in this world, and even defeated the real fire elf with the ability of artificial elf, occupying the opponent's position.

Then it started wandering aimlessly, until it met Emilia in the forest of Elior, and that kind of intimacy made it close to Emilia and became friends with her.

That is Emilia's real mother, jealous of the good fate left by the witch Satila, the former Satila rescued this great elf from Echidona, and the powerful great elf lost even if she lost it. The memory, but the perception is still there: like a cat's repayment, it has returned here again, and now really likes the kind and pure Emilia.

Of course, Roy wouldn't say such things. He looked at his daughter who was holding the cat tightly and had a happy smile on her face, and he felt relieved.

Chapter 155 She is the wife, she is the daughter

"Okay, Hughes! Don't talk about elves, Emilia is still young, and now is not the time to discuss her future."

Filtona interrupted Hughes's words, she felt that Emilia should be happy in her childhood, don't think about those things in the distant future, and don't go I think that should be something adults should think about.

"But Lord Filtona..."

Hughes couldn't help but refute, he didn't understand Felutona's true meaning, just felt it was a waste for Emilia to have such a talent, but not cultivate it since she was a child.

"Don't say it, Hughes! I know where Emilia's talents are, and I will also cultivate her abilities. I don't need you to say anything. She is my daughter after all, isn't she?"

Filtona interrupted Hughes again, she knew that as a brother and sister, as Roy and Satila's daughter, Emilia was born extraordinary, and her future will inevitably experience ups and downs, more experienced than others. A complex and turbulent life.

Since she knew that her future would not be ordinary, wouldn't it be the best memory for the future Emilia to give her a trouble-free childhood.

As for the danger or something, Filtona is confident to protect Emilia from harm.

"Mother Felutona, Hughes, don't quarrel... If it's because of me, I'll apologize to you."

The young and innocent Emilia raised her head and said worriedly.

"You are not too young, and you have to let the child Liya talk about you 827s, and you don't know how to be ashamed."

Roy also helped Emilia scold the two of them, and then clapped his hands to Emilia: "...Come, Liya, come to Dad, don't be angry with them."


Emilia smiled coquettishly and ran towards Roy cheering, leaping with a quick leap, her small body just... flew into Roy's arms.

Roy supported her little **** with one hand and her back with the other, making her feel more comfortable in his arms. He held Emilia, Emilia held the cat, and the little one held Emilia. The girl's crisp and sweet laughter echoed through the jungle.

Emilia kissed Roy's cheek and smiled innocently: "...Well, discord: Mama Filutona and Hughes are angry, I want to accompany Dad!"

After Emilia said this, Filtona and Hughes couldn't quarrel anymore. The two bowed their heads a little embarrassedly. This time, not only did Roy see the joke, but also Emilia Saw the joke.

After all, they are for Emilia's good, but in different ways.

"Lord Emilia looks like her mother..."

Hughes looked at Emilia, who was deeply in love with Roy's father and daughter, and just... sighed, just halfway through his words, his face panicked, and immediately.

Covering her mouth, Filutona on the side glared at him fiercely, complaining that Hughes couldn't speak.

Sure enough, the smiling Emilia looked a little lonely. Her age already knew the difference between an adoptive mother and a biological mother. She wrapped her arms around Roy's neck and couldn't help asking: "... What does mom and dad look like?"

"She looks as beautiful as Emilia."

Roy smoothed her back and said with a smile.

Of course they look the same, because Emilia's body is... Satila, it can be said that Emilia is Roy's daughter in personality and soul, but her body is Yi's wife and lover.

"What kind of person is that mother?"

"She is very gentle and gentle."

Thinking of Satila's original personality, Roy just... said softly, living in such an environment, but developing such a kind and gentle character, Satila can be described as an outlier among witches.

"Then... Mom, like me, is in love too"

The little Emilia gathered up her courage and asked innocently again.

"Of course, like Liya, my mother loves my father deeply, and my father loves you both deeply."

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