It was a scene that passed in the blink of an eye. Before anyone could react, time had flown forward for almost three hundred years.

Three hundred years ago, there was a witch of jealousy who tried to devour the whole world. When she devoured half of the world and the world was in despair, the legendary four heroes appeared, the dragon, the sage, the swordsman and the saint. Being defeated, her ambition to devour the world was shattered, and this continent ushered in new hope.

However, the witch's heart does not die. Afterwards, people who believed in witches gathered together to form the most terrifying organization in the past three hundred years. It was rumored that the purpose of the witch sect was to revive the jealous witch and wipe out the whole world again. .

Three hundred years ago, the era of the legendary Four Heroes can be said to be a great era in which the wheels of history are changing. The situation where the three kingdoms once stood on top of each other was broken. There was a capable man 'Waste Hexin' who established a commercial and trade country Carrara in the west of the mainland. base city-state.

This city-state composed of many small countries, under the leadership of the "Wasteland Hexin" and the state governance policy he established, broke through the siege and blockade of the Phalakian Empire, and completely established a firm foothold, turning the three major countries into four major countries.

As a result, this continent has become a situation in which the four countries are headed, and the rest of the small countries are numerous.

In the north, there is the oldest ancient Holy Kingdom of Gustik, in the west there is the commercial city-state of Karalaki, in the south there is the empire Falkia, and in the east there is the dragon-friendly kingdom of Lugnica. , but in the end there was no major war.

Three hundred years ago, there were four heroes, the witch destroyed the world, the 'Wasteland Hexin' unified the West, and the witch sect was established. Among them, there was a hero who also lived in that era, and that was the first pro-Dragon King.

This king changed Lugnica and used the power of the dragon to rejuvenate the decayed country. He should have been passed down as the founding monarch, but the ending of this king was not good.

The most correct but also the most wrong decision he made in his life was... to establish the 'Sage Society' and let Roy, one of the original four heroes.

Crowley became the Speaker, and the Crowley family controlled the politics of Lugnica Kingdom for three hundred years.

The reason for this decision is correct, because under the rule of the Crowley family, the Kingdom of Lugnica has become more and more powerful. This family attaches great importance to people's livelihood, and the living standards of the people are many times better than when Lugnica was still the Lionheart Kingdom. , Up to now, the Kingdom of Lugnica is also firmly contending with the Empire of Flakia for the title of the strongest country in the continent. The two countries have been battling each other for three hundred years.

The mistake of the Dragon King's decision is that his decision made the Lugnica royal family become the puppet of the Crowley family, but the Crowley family has a growing reputation among the people, because the family's **** always grows. They think for the sake of the people, so that the Lugnica Knights, who claim to be loyal to the royal family, dare not deviate from the public opinion, and are also loyal to the Crowley family.

There is no way to do this. Crowley and the patriarch are all born politicians. He perfectly balances the class struggle between the commoners and the nobility. When satisfying the nobility, he vigorously promotes the commoners and many others. The knights of the past were all promoted by commoners, and these... Knights promoted by commoners were almost born on Crowley's position.

And the pro-Dragon King, who had great political achievements but was blamed by the royal family for hundreds of years, didn't end well either.

The king originally thought he could be Crowley longer, but he didn't expect that one day the **** bishop of the Witch Cult would lead the Witch Cult to sneak into the royal city and assassinate him, which caused a big sensation at the time.

King Lugnica was killed in the palace by the witch sect. This was a complete slap in the face of the Kingdom of Lugnica. At that time, the entire kingdom was almost the same enemy. Under the leadership of the Lugnica Knights, the witches The teaching carried out a great siege.

However, the whereabouts of the Witch Cultists are hidden, coupled with the power of the Bishop of Sin, although the Knights have achieved great results, they also lost a lot in the end.

Of course, the reason why the Kingdom of Lugnica did not fight to the end with the Witch Sect was also because the identity of the Bishop of Lust was exposed. After everyone knew that Bishop of Lust was the daughter abandoned by the Dragon King, who was supposed to be the princess of the Lugnica royal family, This matter has also become a family affair of the Lugnica royal family, and even the Knights can only be embarrassed and not mind their own business.

As a result, after the death of the pro-Dragon King of the holy name, many black materials were exposed, which made his reputation suddenly become very bad, and even some ancient nobles and folks thought that the choice of the king was wrong. , should not entrust the national destiny to Shenlong, but should be self-reliant like the first Lionheart King.

But there are only a few people who have this kind of thinking. The pro-dragon kingdom of Lugnica has existed under this name for three hundred years.

In the past three hundred years, many things have happened, and one of the things that people are talking about is that each generation of the Crowley family patriarch is called 'Roy.

Crowley', and each generation of patriarchs looks very similar, it is said that this is the rule left by the first generation of Crowley, plus some magic reasons, will create this situation.

For .. this kind of fun, the people are just talking about after dinner. For .. common people, as long as the leader can bring them a good life, they will not care so much, not to mention the situation of the Crowley family. Nor is it the only one.

The frontier Bermezas family also has the same family motto, and each generation of the frontier is called Roswaal.

Mezas, the only difference from the Crowley family is that each generation of patriarchs of this family will add letters such as '' to their names to distinguish them from the first-generation patriarchs.

In this way, the whole world has been developing smoothly for 300 years, and the business of the city-state of Kararaki has grown bigger and bigger, and even achieved the Northern Kingdom. more, yet remain strong.

And although the pro-Dragon Kingdom Lugnica is inferior to the Volakia Empire in terms of its apparent military strength, under the rule of the Crowleys, this country has followed the path of hiding wealth and enriching the people, with a rich national life and a peaceful life. The city-state of Kararaki has also maintained a prosperous trade relationship.

Compared with the empire where the weak cannot survive, the kingdom of the North with harsh living environment, and the western trading city-state with scarce natural resources, the Kingdom of Lugnica today can be said to be the happiest country in which its people live.

...After a lapse of 300 years, in the Erior Forest, a charming and crisp little girl laughed from the forest, "...Hughes, your movements are so slow. Ah, hurry up, okay?"

"My princess Amelia, you should slow down a bit, be careful not to fall!"

The handsome elf young man shouted in a hurry.

Chapter 151 Dad and Adoptive Mother

"Hughes Hughes, I'm here!"

The charming laughter of the little girl came from the woods from time to time. The little girl with beautiful long silver hair and beautiful eyes like amethyst shuttled between the branches, occasionally revealing a touch in the lush foliage. The corners of the clothes are like smart butterflies, shuttling through the colorful flowers.

"Slow down, Amelia-sama... Where are you, Amelia-sama!"

The young elf behind the girl complained a lot. He had... emerald green hair. Like all elves, he was as handsome and handsome. A corner of a butterfly.

"Hee hee I'm here, here I am, Hughes hahaha"

The little girl's laughter is innocent and a little willful, and her quirky appearance makes it hard not to like her.

Although the young elf named Hughes has been complaining all the time, but from the excited look on his face, he knows that he actually likes this little girl very much.

Seeing that Hughes really couldn't keep up with her pace, the girl slowed down, and when Hughes pushed away the branches and leaves in front of him with his hand, she just... saw the true face of the little girl.

She is wearing some old children's clothes, her hair is like clouds, like pieces of silver light, her cyanotic eyes are full of innocence and agility, her flawless jade muscles are as moist as water, and under her straight nose is a smiling face. Red lips, white teeth revealed between the lips.

This is a beautiful woman who will be amazed by anyone who sees it. The small face is not as big as the palm of a person. Although the pointed ears are shorter than those of pure-blooded elves, they are also similar to the delicate body of a girl. complement each other.

"Lord Emilia, if you are running around, Lord Filtona will be angry, and it will be bad if you are seen by other people in the village."

Hughes covered his head and muttered, "...And if you run around like this, I'll be taught by Lord Filtona too."

Although young Emilia was sometimes mischievous, she was very well-behaved most of the time. When she heard that her running around would bring trouble to Hughes, she just stood there with her hands on her back and bowed her head. Staring at her little feet in white stockings, her delicate toes were upturned, she swayed and said embarrassedly: "...Sorry, Hughes, if I let you be exposed by Fei Lu for my reasons. Mother Tona scolded, and that was my fault."

Seeing such a well-behaved and obedient little princess, Hughes' anger will disappear no matter how big it is. What's more, he is not angry at all. To be bullied by Lord Emilia like this, it is only a person who has a very close relationship with her. Some honors.

But soon, the young Emilia just... sadly whispered: "...Why is it bad for me to be discovered by everyone in the village, do everyone hate me?"

"Of course not, everyone loves Amelia-sama, everyone loves you, but it's too dangerous outside, and now there are occasional humans who come to Arior Forest, if you let them see Amelia-sama, you , then..."

Having said this, Hughes' expression stagnated and understood."

"Hughes said the same, Archie, and Mother Filtona said the same, and I'm going to be mad! I'm going to find Daddy!"

Emilia puffed out her cheeks, and her little eggs were red with shame, but she looked like a squirrel that didn't eat hazelnuts, and it only made people feel very cute.

Hughes just...was amused by Emilia's cute appearance, and said funny: "...Even if I ask Mr. Roy, Mr. Roy will answer like this."

"Well...then I'm going to grow up quickly. When I grow up, I can help Feltona's mother, and I can go outside to find my father. By the way, I can also help Take Hughes to deliver the goods."

Emilia clenched her little fist, jumping, jumping, and giggling.

Hughes warmed his heart, hehe said with a smirk: "...Then I really want to thank Lord Emilia."

Hughes didn't tell Emilia why everyone wanted her to hide and try not to appear in front of people, because she looked exactly like the jealous witch.

Three hundred years ago, the envy witch almost devoured the world, causing everyone to panic. After that, the witch cult became famous. The witch cult committed many evil things in the name of the witch, so that the witch became a witch in three hundred years. With a taboo name, just mentioning it seems to be cursed.

Because of this, she was jealous of the witch's appearance, that is, the silver-haired half-elves were rejected by all races. Fortunately, there were not many half-elves, and silver-haired ones were even rarer, so no one was persecuted.

But Hughes knew, and all elves knew, that the so-called jealous witch devoured the world was an illusion, a false fact created by another witch named Fake.

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