Hearing this sentence, Fryugel's voice rose in vain, and his tone was excited.

The strength of the dragon Polkenica is definitely the strongest among these people except... Roy, even if the sloth witch once drove the dragon seed to the edge of the waterfall, that is Because Polkenica didn't take action, a single Polkenica can compete with the Envy Witch. If everyone has the power of Polkenica, then they will have the confidence to defeat the Envy Witch.

Roy was also silent at this time, he had been waiting for this blessing, listening quietly.

This is the 'golden foundation' that Roy has always wanted to get, so he can't be allowed to not be serious.

"Then Polkenica, hurry up and use this protection, why are you still dawdling at this time? After you use this protection, it has a great impact on you."

Fryugel shouted excitedly at first, but soon he was hesitant again, feeling that this blessing was so terrible, if Polkenica could pay no price, then it should be used at the beginning, and won't wait until now.

Before I thought about the 'death' that Polkenica said, Fryugel was just... his mood sank.

Sure enough, Polkenica opened the dragon's mouth and spoke the truth of the "Dragon Blessing" in her voice, "...This protection is not something that can be applied casually, I want to endure this first.

Those who need to be protected have enough power, and ordinary people can never bear the blessing of blessing..."

"No wonder you let me and Fryugel come here with you, in fact, you have planned to use this blessing for a long time."

Sword Saint Reid said at this time, he was quite puzzled why Polkenica urged him and Fryugel to come together before, but now it seems that he and Fleugel are the medium of protection that Kenica was looking for. .

Polkenica didn't say a word, it glanced at Roy, and the meaning in the dragon's eyes was obvious, that is, Roy was also regarded by it as the person he used to protect him.

"...Secondly, it is the side effect of this blessing. Those who receive the blessing will speed up the passage of life force, that is, life span. This blessing can only be used at the cost of life."

The words fell, and both Fryugel and Reid stopped speaking, and their expressions were extremely complicated.

Roy has been listening carefully, and after listening to Polkenica's explanation, he has such an expression.

The 'Blessing of the Dragon' really has a premise and a huge price. One is that the person who needs to receive the protection is not weak, so he can get the blessing of the Dragon's blessing, and secondly, in order to obtain the power far beyond one's own, it is necessary to pay. It's his own life! Roy has thought about the possible side effects of Polkenica's protection before. If this ability had no side effects at all, then Polkenica and the dragon seed would have ruled the world long ago, and they are high , where is it possible that the sloth witch drives the dragon seed to the waterfall.

'The perfect golden technique in my mind is that no matter how strong the opponent is..., it can accept my power infusion, and I will not lose a single cent of my power. At the same time, this technique does not have any sequelae. , will not be cast at the cost of life, as expected to complete such a perfect and powerful spell, it is not something that can be done overnight.

' Roy sighed softly, if he really completed the 'Golden Method', he would be able to go to this multiverse, both vertical and horizontal... But even so, the 'Blessing of the Dragon' It also made Roy envious. Now his 'golden spell' has not even completed the basics, and Polkenica is here to help Roy complete the most basic spell construction.

"I agree with you to use this blessing on me!"

Roy, who had been silent for a long time, suddenly spoke at this time, his expression was firm, and the power from "seeing the face of God" gave him a faint sense of sanctity and justice, and after these words of righteous sacrifice, his whole person became imposing. They are all in vain to become stalwarts, high-spirited and unbreakable.

Both Fryugel and Reid looked at him in amazement, and even Polkenica's dragon eyes flashed surprise.

No one could have imagined that this man who had such a close relationship with the Jealous Witches, who had nothing to do with him even if the world was destroyed, would make such a fearless sacrifice. The justice and holiness on his face, his persistence and determination made several people present. Shocked.

Of course, Roy didn't really want to sacrifice himself, nor did he think that his body of a godslayer could resist the 'Blessing of the Dragon' who lived in Polkenica. The ability of this protection is like that of Athena'. Like the kiss of death, it is directly poured into a person's body, and even a godslayer's magic power is absolutely unstoppable. Especially, this blessing requires people to take the initiative to accept it, which is no different from taking poison.

The reason why Roy is so righteous and awe-inspiring is because he has a power that has never been used before, that is, after absorbing the power of the Eastern Army God, he evolved from "Isaac's Redemption".

50% of the "Rest of the Son"! This is the power that reproduces the miracle of Christ Jesus' resurrection from the dead. It can be said to be the one with the highest authority among all Roy's powers, even if the protection of Polkenica plunders Roy. Life force, he can rely on this power to live to death.

And no matter what...

Whether it was Roy's perception of the crisis as a godslayer or the notification of human care, he didn't realize that he was in danger of death, which means that there was no problem with his decision! People are afraid of death, but when someone A hymn of courage for human beings when they are the first to stand up to death.

After a few seconds of silence, Fryugel and Reid looked at each other, gritted their teeth and said, "...We also agree!"

Can't let: This man is more beautiful than before, this is what the two think now, but it's a pity that Frogel and Reid don't know, they are completely cheated by Roy!!! Recommended,

Chapter One Hundred and Twenty Eight Thousand Years at a Glance

After obtaining the approval of Roy and the others, the Shenlong Polkenica was also relieved. What it was most afraid of was... These people did not agree. The 'Blessing of the Dragon' cannot be forcibly granted, otherwise this blessing It can be turned into a weapon for murder, and the blessing of the dragon must be approved by the person who accepts it.

Although the dragon Polkenica admires the fearlessness and courage of these people, as the last guardian of this world, Polkenica's most important duty is to protect the stability of the world. For the stability of the world, it can sacrifice everything, no matter what...

Is it a recognized friend or its own life.

"It's not too late, the witches can't hold back the envy of the witches for too long, so I'll start protecting them."

Hearing this, both Fryugel and Reid became nervous, and even Roy was a little worried about gains and losses. How can I say this feeling? It's like getting an injection. When you see a needle, you will always be afraid. You know that. The needle will not kill you, but you will also worry about whether it will hurt too much.

Seeing the expressions of several people, Polkenica's dragon head couldn't help laughing, and said in a low voice: "...don't worry, just relax, don't do it when I am protecting you. resistance!"

"Come on, come on!"

Fryugel's jaw trembled, and the first thing that flashed in his mind was his apprentice Shaula.

In the past, he was nothing but the world: a small citizen of the island country, and he had no heroic feelings, but Fryugel also knew that if he did not sacrifice here, then in the world swallowed by the jealous witch, Shaula would not be able to. will also die.

'Sorry, Shaula! The only thing I can do for you as a master is... let you live.

'Thinking of this, Flougel's mood stabilized instead, he looked at Roy, and he was able to make this choice without hesitation. In fact, there is a big reason for Roy's decision, only this man, Fryugel did not want to fall behind him.

Like Fryugel, Redd's mind flashed with his wife and newborn child. He had no interest in being a hero to save the world, but if he just died, he could save his wife and child. If so, his determination is firm.

'As for the others, ha, just think that you are lucky enough to be saved by this uncle!' Thinking of this, Reid also smiled heartily.

Unlike Fryugel and Reid, Roy's mind is not so complicated. He just concentrates and waits for the arrival of 'Blessing'. At the same time, a lot of learning in the moon world and the godslayer world flashed in his mind. With this knowledge, we can comprehend the 'Blessing of the Dragon' and complete the 'Golden Foundation'.

At this moment, Roy only felt a chill on the top of his head, and mysterious and mysterious mysteries appeared in the void above his head. There seemed to be many knowledge and mysteries hidden in it, just like the Daigo empowerment that the Buddha said, those. ........Mystery poured directly into Roy's body from the top of his head, stimulating his brain.

Roy shivered, and his body felt as comfortable as if he was soaked in a cold pool in a hot summer day, which almost made him groan. At the same time, many things he had never seen before suddenly appeared in Roy's mind. With the knowledge and skills, the body also magically emerges powerful power.

These knowledge and skills belong to Polkenica, which belongs to Polkenica. Power alone without sufficient skills and knowledge cannot fully exert the power. The 'Dragon's Plus' light will give others pure power , will also give others ways to use these powers, Jane's perfect one-stop service.

Reid and Freugel also showed a comfortable look. This blessing has no earth-shattering wonders and rays of light covering the sky, only the mystery and magic that only those who receive the blessing can perceive.

"That's the power Polkenica has to think I can hit ten now!"

Fryugel's face flushed with excitement, he clenched his fists, sensed the power that suddenly emerged from his body, and shouted loudly.

Then he quickly covered his mouth again, feeling that what he said was a little too blunt.

Even as a magic genius, known as a magician, and mastering extremely complex 'yin attribute' magic, Fryugel is still a human being, with an upper limit of magic power, and the functions of his body are no different from ordinary people.

But after accepting the protection of the 'Dragon', he not only obtained the massive magical power of Polkenika, but also the body of a dragon. Now Fryugel is simply a humanoid dragon.

Of course, the price he paid is also very high, that is, the loss of vitality.

Roy frowned, compared to Frogel and Reid who were excitedly experimenting with their powers.

The body of the dragon is comparable to that of his holy son, and even stronger in some respects, but Roy doesn't care about this.... As for what Polkenica has The huge magic power of .. is not a big deal for Roy who masters the "Humanity Correction Formula", and Polkenica's knowledge is no more than that, because the overall strength of this dragon itself is not comparable to Roy.

What Roy realized was the concept and mysteries revealed by the roots of this world at the moment when the blessing came to him, that was what Roy wanted, the mystic principle of this blessing!' , Time is too short!' Roy felt a little depressed. At the moment when the protection came, he seemed to see the root of the world and knew the mystery as vast as the stars in the universe. No wonder magicians have to pursue the root. Roy wanted to pursue it.

Of course, what he pursues is not the origin of the moon world, but the origin of this world, that is, the source of blessing. As long as he can understand and analyze the "Blessing of the Dragon", Roy can make it his own. .

'If you do it again...it won't work, even if you let me feel the arrival of blessing again, it will not be enough...I will remember that feeling, the time of blessing is too short, unless it is given to me Ten or eight times is about the same.

' Roy glanced at the dragon Polkenica, and let the dragon activate its power ten times and eight times in one breath, not to mention whether it can do it or not. Suspect.

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