Fryugel was in a hurry for a while, jealous of the countless shadow hands released by the witch, and he also used 'yin' magic, but the magic of yin is good at even some offensive magic. Regarding, in the face of the envy witch's power, it seems a little overpowering.

The power sequence of this world is probably an analogy that the power of the witch is greater than that of the world and that of other magical combat skills. The magician who masters powerful magic and the warrior with combat skills rely on their own abilities to fight against some people who are born with strong protection.

Those who have strong protection also use protection and self-training to fight against the power of witches.

Just like the "faceless goddess" of the **** witch Camilla, it can be ineffective against witches, but it is a natural disaster in the eyes of mortals, and the sloth witch can defeat all the dragon species alone, so she knows the power of witches in this world. How high is the authority.

Roy was in a bad mood at this time. He never thought that the envy witch would be jealous not only of women, but also of men. At the beginning, he was only a little closer to Fryugel and Reid, and chatting with them was more enjoyable. Even let the envy witch keep in mind and regard them as 'rivals in love'! "I don't do shit."

Roy sighed helplessly and felt a headache.

There is such a woman who loves you madly and is jealous for you. To be honest, Roy is still a little fortunate and proud, but if this jealousy reaches the extreme emotional level, it is really terrible.

Fortunately, the jealousy witch Satila's jealousy is not a complete pervert. She will only kill other people related to Roy instead of doing anything to Roy. It is estimated that now his head has been comforted by the envy witch in her arms.

Echidona, the witch of lust, saw that the witch of jealousy had temporarily left them to find the trouble of Fleurygel and others, she also relaxed a little, and glanced at Roy with a wink, and there was still a trace in those dark eyes. With a deep smile.

Even Echidona did not expect that Satila's jealousy and jealousy would not spare even men.

Roy shrugged at Echidona, indicating that his love was helpless, and the two exchanged glances. Fortunately, Satila was not paying attention at this time, otherwise Echidona would have to face the desperate pursuit of the jealous witch again. .


Freugel, watch out!"

At this time, Reid and the others didn't have time to think about what they had. When they saw the envy witch coming, this... Juggernaut just... shouted loudly, raised the love sword in his hand, and smashed Huashan with force. cut down.

The 'Blessing of Severing Blessing' played a role. The ability possessed by this sword saint has given Reid the upper hand in fighting any strong enemy in the past, but this time Reid finally encountered an unattainable one. opponent.

The power of the witch is the ability on top of the protection. Reid can no longer tear apart the shadow of the witch as easily as he could easily tear apart the protection of others. This sword cut can only temporarily slow down the momentum of the shadow of the witch. boast.

The swordsman was shocked. This was the second time he encountered this situation. The first time was when he faced Roy. However, he didn't expect that this blessing would have no effect on Roy, and now facing the jealous witch, his blessing has failed again, so Li Hao does not have this blessing, Reid's swordsmanship.

Although it is still the strongest in the world, the overall combat effectiveness can be said to be greatly reduced.

Seeing this, Fryugel didn't even think about it, and directly used the magical auxiliary ability of the Yin attribute on Reid. During the previous trip to the Great Falls with Reid, the two cooperated in the battle like this.

But even so, the combined power of the sage and the swordsman is just like a turkey in front of the jealous witch, and it will collapse at a touch.

Countless shadow hands smashed the sword sage's sword energy and broke the sage's magic, and the hands as huge as a mountain were about to crush these two people into pieces.

At this time, the divine dragon Polkenica finally shot, its dragon claws stuck out and collided with the hand of the envy witch's shadow, the two hands collided, and a violent storm and shock wave came out, which was enough to shatter it. The hand of shadow on the mountain was finally blocked by Polkenica.

It is indeed the legendary dragon, but the strength shown by this little test is enough to be at the top of the world.

Chapter 125 The False Hero

Immediately after being touched, the divine dragon Polkenica stayed away from the envy witch after a single blow. With her huge body and strength, she protected Reid and Fryugel from the envy witch's attack range temporarily.

Although he doesn't want to admit it, Polkenica can only sigh at this time, she is not the witch's opponent! In a collision, it came to this conclusion, and Polkenica at this time was very fortunate to find it by herself. 'Foreign aid' has come, if I really come to trouble this witch, then it is very likely that this dragon will perish today.

Under the **** of Polkenica, Reid and Fryugel fell beside Roy and the witch. After seeing Roy, Fryugel couldn't help but wanted to go and catch him. His collar growled loudly, but the strength Roy had displayed before him a year earlier had made Fryugel suppress this dangerous and foolish thought.

, this... sage suppressed the irritability in his heart, and asked fretfully: "...what happened, Roy! Why did Satila become like this, why didn't you protect her well!"

Roy's brows were furrowed by the words that he completely regarded himself as someone close to Satila, and he never thought that Fryugall would say something about himself as soon as he came up.

However, Roy is after all the overlord of Western Chu who once reigned on the top of the world of godslayers and once lived on the top of China. His emotions and anger have long since disappeared, and he will not be emotionally fluctuated because of a trivial matter, even if he is a little unhappy in his heart. , but on the surface he still has a gentle expression, giving people a sacred feeling of spring breeze.

Echidona on the side looked at Fryugel with interest, and then looked at the jealous witch who was silent after colliding with Polkenica. The Witch of Desire found an interesting place. Unexpectedly, this sage, who is quite famous in this world, has such feelings for Satila the Witch of Jealousy.

However, with the jealous witch's obsession with feelings, no matter how hard this man tries, it is impossible to achieve results.

Echidona smiled, and it is interesting to see the miserable life of others, this is the witch's philosophy.

Roy just wanted to talk to Fryugel about Satila's situation calmly, but who would have thought that the envy witch was staring at Fryugel at this time, and shouted resentfully: "... Don't get so close to Lord Roy, that's the distance only I can get close to!"

The shadows that smeared the whole world roared down again, as if a meteorite hit Fryugel.

Fryugel was stunned for a moment, and then... his expression changed greatly, and he complained in his heart.

I just said a few words to Roy, why are you like this, I really have nothing to do with him! Fryugel roared in his heart, and another kind of sadness was brewing in his heart, no matter... .

Why did Satila become like this? Just because she cared about Roy made Fryugel feel suffocated in his heart, just like watching a girl in love fall into someone else's arms, which made people want to go crazy.

But no matter...

What was Fryugel thinking in his heart, he didn't dare to be careless in the face of the envy of the envy witch, and if he was careless, it would be his death day next year.

"Red, Polkenica!"

Fryugel knew that he was jealous as small as an ant, because he anxiously called his comrade-in-arms, and after hesitating for a moment in his heart, he shouted at him: " Come help too!"

"Oh, you guy."

Roy laughed. Fryugel is really egoistic and arrogant. Although his heart is not bad, his emotional intelligence is really problematic.

But Roy didn't refuse, Fryugel couldn't just die like this, before Roy could achieve his goal, he had to live and still be alive.

Reid and Polkenica didn't say a word, one person and one dragon just... each came up with unique tricks to help Fryugall block the angry blow of the jealous witch, Roy was not idle either, he also took the initiative to take action , intercepted in front of the jealous witch.

The jealous witch is not angry about Roy's 'betrayal' behavior, she is just more and more jealous, screaming loudly, like a mad woman who has lost her mind The witch slanted her shadow, and there was ice enough to freeze the earth.

This is the 'fire attribute' magic that the Envy Witch is good at.

Anyone who is close to Lord Roy and makes me jealous will die! The jealous witch is splitting, this is her only purpose! "Polkenica, the jealous witch is too powerful, none of us belong to her. Rival, we must unite to be sure of defeating her!"

Roy said with a heavy face, of course what he said was a lie, but in order to achieve his goal, he had to use the method of showing the enemy to be weak.

The dragon with golden red scales glanced at Roy with its upside-down dragon pupil, and then... nodded, for... With the help of a strong man like Roy, of course it would not refuse, facing enough The envy witch who devoured the world, can only compete with her if many strong people join it.

"Understood, I will try my best to hold back the jealous witch, so that she will not cause too much damage to you, and leave the attack to you, unknown hero!"

Divine Dragon Polkenica said in a low voice.


Roy laughed at himself, he knew he was not a hero, but in order to achieve his goal, in order to be able to cross the abyss, no matter what...

Whether to be a 'false hero' or a 'messenger of justice', he is willing to give it a try.

The divine dragon Polkenica waved his dragon wings and rose into the sky, making a loud dragon cry. The dragon tail, dragon claws, dragon breath, and even the magic that only the highest-ranking dragon species could master were all in hand. The **** of dragons who has lived for thousands of years, Polkenica itself is... the highest fantasy species, and the dragon's body accumulates suffocating magic power. If it is in the moon world, it is only Polkenica. Standing there, Nika can annihilate all modern mysteries.

And just as Shenlong said, it blocked all the attacks of the envy witch with its own absolute strength, making the situation into a confrontation, and at the same time creating conditions for others.

'If the envy witch is the strongest person in this world, this dragon's strength will definitely be ranked among the top three in the world.

' Roy thought to himself.

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