Chapter 109: Donna Tea and Roy Tea

Yesterday's can be seen, but the day before yesterday still can't.

Echidona, the witch of lust, was standing beside the castle wall in thin clothes. There was no light tonight, the sky was gloomy, and there seemed to be thunder.

"It seems to be raining heavily tonight."

Echidona raised her head, stared at the dark cloud, and muttered.

"It's cold outside, come back inside."

Roy walked behind Echidona and embraced her in his arms, lifted his shirt for her, blocking the white skin at her neckline and the cold wind outside.

Echidona leaned against Roy's arms and closed her eyes, enjoying his tender embrace. Joan sniffed and said, " want to continue drinking Donna tea."

"Natural and additive-free donna tea, the taste is really pure, um, with a citrus flavor."

Roy smacked his mouth and said aftertaste.


Echidona let out a coquettish snort, but she saw a smile on her face, letting her delicate body rub into Roy's arms.

"Didn't you also drink Roy tea, how does it taste?"

Roy's chin rested on the witch's fragrant shoulder, and he laughed teasingly.

"It's not good, I have to rinse my mouth."

Echidona raised her hand and hit Roy lightly, then broke free from his embrace, left the balcony, and walked to her bedroom, "...but it's quite nutritious, you can Go and try to feed Daphne."

"Ha, as expected of a **** witch, she even studies the nutritional structure during tasting."

Roy laughed dumbly, followed Echidona to the bedroom, and closed the balcony door, immediately.

The body is just... warmed up, and the faint thunder outside and the howling wind also subsided, "...This is what you asked me to feed Daphne, Donna."

"Even if I don't allow it, won't you do it?"

Echidona took off her coat and threw it on the chair casually, rolled her eyes at Roy and said, "...anyway...what you want to do is...get all the witches of sin. Bar."

"Who calls you the embodiment of 'original sin', for me, that's what I have to get."

Roy also threw away his jacket, watching Echidona wearing a **** cutout pajamas, her graceful figure and jade muscles were heart-shattering.

The night is still very long.

......"Boom ——————"

A bright light flashed in the cloudy sky, illuminating the envy witch's house, followed by... the roar of thunder, accompanied by the howling of the wind like the ancient giant beast.

In the light brought by the lightning, Satila saw the woman standing in her room.

A simple white cloth robe, a beautiful face, blue eyes that are terrifying for nothing, and a smile that seems to be absent from the corner of his mouth.

Pretend Witch Pandora! "Why are you here, Pandora!"

Satila restrained her mind, she raised her head, and stared vigilantly at the woman who was only a few steps away from her.


It was raining heavily outside the house. This was the first time I had seen such heavy rain since Satila lived in the witch's castle.

In the past, when living in that slum, Satila always felt very worried in the face of such heavy rain. She was afraid that her house would be blown away in this violent storm, that she would not have enough clothes to keep warm, and that she would not have enough clothes to keep warm. The rain didn't stop, and she couldn't go out to find food.

But after being taken out of the slum by Lord Roy and living in this castle, she no longer has to worry about these little things. She wears gorgeous clothes, eats delicious food, and has a warm house to shelter her from the wind and rain.

Satila has very low material requirements. For her, her current life is like a dream, and she doesn't want to wake up from this dream.

But when she saw the woman in front of her, Satila had a hunch that maybe her dream was really about to wake up.

"Why can't I be here... This is called the Witch's Castle, and I am a Witch too, jealous Satila!"

Pandora showed a coquettish smile, if a man would be fascinated by her, but now standing in front of Pandora is a woman, a woman no less beautiful than her.

In Satila's eyes, this pretentious witch showed more, that kind of... emptiness, unacceptable paleness.

"Does Donna know you're here?"

Satila asked cautiously, she is not afraid of Pandora, this is the instinctive reaction of the envy witch, the pretending witch in front of her has no ability to kill her, but the evil feeling this witch brings to Satila makes her very uncomfortable.

"If it was Echidona in the past, she could indeed find out my arrival, but now Echidona is with Roy.

Crowley is in the midst of joy, do you think she still notices me?"

Seeing that Satila's face changed greatly, Pandora's smile was even more malicious.

She just wanted to mention Echidona and Roy on purpose.

Jealousy erupted like a volcano, surging out from the deepest part of the heart, the jealousy that had just been suppressed by Satila captured her again, and this time because Pandora was right in front of her, Satila found out I couldn't help myself a little bit.

But Satila is not stupid, on the contrary she is very smart, she gritted her teeth and said: "...Impossible, even...even if Donna was in that situation, she would definitely be able to found your arrival."

"Heh... the lustful witch stole the man you liked, I didn't expect you to speak for her, should I say, you are too kind, or too stupid, jealous Satila! "

Pandora laughed, her eyes full of provocation.

"Then tell you the truth, it's impossible for Echidona to notice my arrival. If it was the past, I really couldn't do it, but the current pretend witch has such an ability."

Pandora crossed her hands in front of her, and her whole person seemed to be at ease.

Satila was unmoved, just bit her lip and asked: "...What is your purpose, Pandora, do you want to kill us and get the status of the 'Witch of Sin'?"

In the communication with Roy and Echidona, Satila also learned that there used to be nine witches, but with the melancholy and pretense being disqualified by the other seven witches, they have lost the right to live, So Satila first thought that the purpose of Pandora and Demon Hector was the same, to kill one of their witches so as to continue their life.

"I had this idea in the beginning, even I was afraid of death, but I was not as anxious as Hecht, but since I saw the 'door', I found that my thoughts were true It's too narrow."

" know what's behind the 'door', you don't know, it's actually another world, that world distorted the world we live in through the door, and I also gained a stronger Strength, with my current power, it is not difficult to replace one of your sin witches, but now I have a more noble idea, Mai."

"We are like caged birds, locked in this world, like frogs in the well that don't know the vastness and smugness outside, Roy.

Lee Hao Crowley is not a man of this world, no matter what...

Either you or Echidona already noticed it!"

Although Satila didn't want to pay attention to Pandora, she nodded slowly. Roy didn't take the initiative to say it, but from his few words, Satila could also guess the truth.

"Echidona also knows the truth, and for the **** witch, another unknown world is absolutely irresistible to her who is the incarnation of curiosity, so she will be against Roy.

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