But Roy doesn't care about Felutona's identity, he cares more about the news of the 'door', "... Felutona, since your elves can't solve the 'door' thing, you Have you ever thought of going to the outside world to ask for help?"

The elves in this world are not... completely isolated from the world, they will also trade with other races living in the forest, otherwise the elves cannot survive with these forest resources, such as the one in front of Felutona. The gorgeous clothes they wear are the exclusive use of human nobles, and they are not produced in the Erior Forest.


The patriarch also thought about asking for help from outside, but every clan member sent out will disappear for no reason, and we simply can't pass the news of the 'door' to anyone outside."

Felutona sighed and felt a little disappointed, but she soon became excited: "...Big brother and big sister, since you know the existence of the 'door', you must know what it is, there must be a way to solve it Bar."

Roy pretended to be distressed: "... We do have some ideas about... that... 'door', but I can't guarantee anything until I see it with my own eyes. By the way, Felutona, you Can you take us to your village? I want to inquire with your elders about the 'door' more specifically."

"Okay, you saved Felutona, and Felutona should also repay Big Brother Big Sister, let's go quickly!"

Filtona grabbed Roy with one hand and Satila with the other, and ran in one direction anxiously.

Seeing this, Roy laughed and let her pull him. He felt that this little loli looked like a little devil, but it was really deceiving. If she was malicious to the elves, she would bring herself back to the elves. A very dangerous act, of course, it could be that... The 'door' king got really troubled by the elves, which made Felutona so anxious.

"That... The monsters near the 'gate' should have been sent by Pandora, just to prevent the elves from approaching the 'gate', the missing persons sent by the elves to ask for help, it is estimated that Pandora's hand, it is estimated that if not The elves have lived here for too long, and if they suddenly disappear, it will attract the attention of the outside world, and Pandora is likely to kill the entire elves."

Roy leaned over and whispered in Satila's ear.

"I think so too, Lord Roy."

Satila gritted her teeth, she turned her head suddenly, her light red lips rubbed against Roy's cheek intentionally or unintentionally, feeling the warmth on her face, and Roy was stunned by the sudden initiative of the jealous witch.

At this moment, Filtona, who was leading the way, stopped.

"What's the matter, Filutona"

Roy came back to his senses and asked.

"That...I, I seemed to be lost before."

Filtona lowered her head and said embarrassedly.


Roy was speechless.

Chapter 95: Romanée Conti

There seems to be a problem with the update now.

Roy originally planned to make himself a little more relaxed, and let Felutona take him and Satila to the gathering place of elves in the Elior Forest. Unexpectedly, Felutona was lost, and in the end Roy had no choice. The only way to find the elf's residence is to use some magic.

Different from humans and other races of demi-humans, all elves' houses are tree houses, built on tall trees. Fortunately, the Erior Forest is the oldest forest in the entire other world, and there are many trees here. Hundreds or even thousands of old trees, otherwise the elves really can't find enough old trees to build wooden houses.

The elves’ villages do not have fences to block the beasts. The elves are good at magic. Therefore, the elves will set up some magical barriers outside the range of their residences. As long as there are dangerous beasts or monsters entering them, the elves will be able to detect them immediately. arrive.

It's like when Roy and Satila brought Felutona to this elf village, the elf here discovered it for the first time.

"Lord Felutona, where have you been, we have been looking for you for a long time."

Just stepping into the elf's range of activities, Roy just... heard the voice of a young boy. In the forest, two boys who were not much older than Filutona were running over. The boy headed At first, I complained, but after seeing Felutona, 520 was obviously relieved.

Like all elves, the boy who ran in the lead was good-looking, and he had... dark green short hair, befitting the elves, a race that liked to live in the forest, from his eloquent words It can be seen that he has a more lively personality.

And behind the green-haired young boy, there was also an elf boy with black hair, this boy was relatively silent, and after coming to Filutona, he was just vigilant against Roy and Satila.

"Fortunately, you are not injured. There are too many monsters in the forest recently. If you have three strengths and two weaknesses, the patriarch will be sad with everyone, and the patriarch will not be able to take the blow."

After expressing his concern, the green-haired elf boy noticed Roy and Satila, and said in surprise: "...Sir Felutona, this human and half-elf are"

"You finally found out, Hughes, I thought you wouldn't notice!"

Felutona pouted and muttered in dissatisfaction, and then... raised a cute smile and introduced: "...this is brother Roy, this is sister Satila, I was there before. When collecting wild fruits, I encountered more than ten monsters, and I was rescued by my brother and sister when I was running away, otherwise I might be eaten."

The elf boy named Hughes widened his eyes. Although Filutona said it easily, he seemed to be able to feel the danger and terror of being chased by monsters at that time. He bowed solemnly to Roy and Satila. Said: "...Thank you so much for saving Lord Filtona!"

That... the black-haired elf who didn't speak much also bowed and said, "...Thank you for saving Mrs. Filtona!"

"You guys make me look like I have to be protected, and don't call me Lord Filtona, just call me by my name."

Said the elf Loli with short silver hair.

Hughes said perfunctorily: "...Yes, yes, Lord Filutona's most powerful magic talent is the highest among the clan, and you are also the most beautiful."

Felutona was not at all happy with Hughes' perfunctory behavior, but she still introduced Roy to the others: "...this person is called Petitius.

Romanee Conti, but we all call him Hughes, his family is engaged in business, and when the family needs to conduct business and exchanges with the outside world, it is the family of Hughes who goes there, and he loves to talk."

Filutona first pointed to the introduction of the green-haired elf, Luo Shi smiled, and Satila nodded to Hughes gently.

Then Filtona pointed at the... black-haired elf.

The black-haired male elves are not waiting: Felutona opened her mouth, and just... took the initiative: "...My name is Archie, and I'm the guard of Lord Felutona."

After speaking, Archie is... silent, so that she is really suitable for the job of guarding, and at the same time, it can be seen that Felutona's status is really high in the elves, and she is definitely a princess of the family.

"Brother Roy and Sister Satila, don't care, Archie doesn't like to talk like that."

Afraid of misunderstanding between Roy and Satila, Filtona quickly explained.

"Don't worry, Satila and I won't get angry over such a trivial matter."

Roy smiled at Felutona, and Roy's senses were very good for this kind-hearted and lovely elf Loli.

"I think Archie is very stable."

Satila also responded warmly.

"Hee hee, just don't get angry... Okay, let's go to the village quickly, brother Roy, aren't you going to meet grandpa."

Filtona grabbed the sleeves of Roy and Satila, and was about to pull them away.

Hearing what Filtona said, no matter what...

Whether it was Hughes or Archie, was a little nervous, and hurriedly said: "...Lord Felutona, what is the matter with Lord Roy and Lord Satila going to find the patriarch?"

Regardless of....

Both Roy and Satila were dressed gorgeously, and Roy's overly strong presence and elegant temperament made Hughes and Archie unconsciously use the honorific title.

Although the elves of this world have a long lifespan, because of the sparse population, they do not have too much pride. That kind of unnecessary pride is very dangerous for a race. From this world, it will only be divided into demihumans and humans. It can be seen from these two basic humanoid races that human beings are the highest in status.

But wanting to see the patriarch of the elves is a big deal, and not everyone can see it for the safety of the patriarch.

But Felutona didn't stop, just grabbed the sleeves of Roy and Satila, and explained, "...Brother Roy and Sister Satila know about the door. Things, they are here to solve the 'door' problem, but brother Roy said he needs to see grandpa to learn more about the 'door'."

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