What kind of mystery and power, will eventually be defeated by this right hand, even if your power comes from the world, even if you are the darling of the world, my right hand will tear the world to shreds and crush your self-confidence!! "

"Our war has just begun..."

Roy turned around and put his right hand in his pocket again, ignoring Roswaal who was lying on the ground and shocked for no reason. Roy's figure just walked into the sanctuary.

At the same time, the witch of **** and witch of jealousy who were banning the library heard a voice in the library: "...the devil's problem has been temporarily solved, but he was rescued by the witch pretending to be Failed to kill him... Donna, continue to study your spells here, Satila, you and I will go to the Erior forest, I remember it is the territory of the elves!"


Chapter 92: Elf Girl

I'm going to go to the south, and then I will read and write an expedition to the south. The south is relatively cheap and very civilian. When the time comes, you can refer to my guide to go there... In the boring library of forbidden books, Bi Triss sat on the chair bored and dangling her calf, holding a magic book in her hand that was enough to make the outside magician quarrel.

It's just that this man-made yin-type elf with the appearance of a young girl, her eyes are very dazed, and her whole mind is not focused on this magic book, but is thinking about other things.

"Lyuz has turned into a crystal, her body has fallen into a deep sleep, it will take some time until her clone is created, and Betty can't leave the forbidden library, it should be said that she can't leave the forbidden library for a long time, Betty is so boring."

The big elf with a spiral double ponytail and a small crown muttered boringly, the book in her hand was only "four, five, three" to her.

It's a decoration, for... a great elf, Beatrice doesn't need to learn magic at all, her magic is innate.

It has been a little over half a month since the devil attacked and was repelled by Roy. After that, Roy... took Satila to Elior Forest. Because of this, he returned to the castle temporarily, and Beatrice followed the contract of the great elf and became the manager of the forbidden library.

Beatrice's best friend, and her only friend, Lucy.

Bilma completed the agreement with Echidona, and actively contributed her body to crystallize her life. It was in this experiment that Echidona found new inspiration before she left. Back to the castle here.

Luz has become the core of the sanctuary enchantment. After that, her clone will be nurtured in this enchantment. Because of the success of the experiment, there will be no change in Luz's appearance from today onwards, even if it is the past few days. For a hundred years, this half-elf girl will always maintain her loli appearance.

But Beatrice also knew that she and her friends might never see each other again. Luz, the core of the Sanctuary enchantment, could not leave the Sanctuary, and Beatrice, the manager of the forbidden library, could not leave the forbidden library. The girl who just had the only friendship is facing parting like this.

"Betty is so irritable, my mother has left, and that... nasty guy is gone..."

Beatrice kicked her slender legs in striped socks, making her look a little lonely.

Since she was created, she has always lived in a lively atmosphere, and suddenly everyone disappeared, which made Beatrice a little hard to accept.


The door of the forbidden library was suddenly opened, and Beatrice sat on the chair and brought her legs together, making herself look more ladylike and graceful, with a slight joy on her face, she thought that someone had come back, no matter what...

Is it your mother or that... nasty guy, as long as I can accompany Betty here and chat with Betty, Betty will be very happy.

With this expectation, Beatrice looked at the door of the forbidden library, but after seeing the person coming, the joy on Beatrice's face disappeared immediately, and she kicked her calf again.

"It's you, who is Betty?"

Beatrice grumbled unhappily, and looked at the boy who... walked in, "...How did you get in here? There is a chance here!"

As the manager of the forbidden library, Beatrice questioned.

No one else came to the forbidden library, Roswaal.


Since that day's battle with the devil, or being killed, Roswaal has been... seriously injured, and his key door as a magician has been destroyed. Although he has not completely lost his magical ability, Roswaal has Zvall's strength has also dropped significantly, and it can even be said that the current Rosvall is a waste.

Roswaal knew that he couldn't reveal this, otherwise Lugnica's Lionheart would take back his title of Borderlander and take back his territory, and this territory had become a laboratory for teacher Echidona. How could Zvar give up.

'The teacher is carrying out the experiment of immortality. I'm just a **** now, I can't help the teacher in any way, and I don't want to leave the teacher, so I have to...' Roswaal, who has been lying in bed for half a month After thinking about it for a long time, he finally made a decision. When the injury is better and he can go to the ground, he is... immediately.

Came to the forbidden library.

Seeing Beatrice, the manager of this place, pouting unhappily, Roswaal just... showed a weak smile and said: "...In order to find this place, I experimented for a long time before it was successful. Beatrice, can you show me the books here?"

Beatrice opened her mouth and wanted to say 'no', but after opening her mouth, she remembered that her mother seemed to have finally reluctantly admitted her identity as a disciple of Roswaal, and that Roswaal was given such weight for her mother's sake. Injury, almost become crippled.

In addition, Beatrice was a bit vicious in her mouth, but she was essentially a kind girl, and she felt sympathy for Roswaal's fate. Finally, after being silent for a while, Beatrice raised her head. Jiao hum said ~www.wuxiamtl.com~ Yes, but you don't mess up the book, Betty doesn't want to clean up afterward, if you dare to mess up a book, Betty will kick you out!"

"Thank you, Beatrice..."

Roswaal said gratefully, he supported his almost crippled body and walked into the library of forbidden books. There are almost all of Echidona's collection of magic books, although all the collections here together are not as good as Aggie. Donna's "Book of Wisdom", but Roswaal believes that with his talent and talent, he must be able to find a way to prolong his life in these forbidden books. If not, then use the knowledge here to create it himself!' Wait Me, teacher! I will not give up and will always follow behind you.

' The full-hearted young man swore secretly.

......Elior Forest does not belong to any country, it is located in the southwest of Lugnica and in the east of the Volakia Empire.

This forest is vast, and there are many kinds of beasts and beasts in it. It is difficult for humans to survive here. Therefore, even though the resources of the Erior Forest are rich, the Kingdom of Lugnica and the Empire of Volakia have never thought of occupying this place.

Of course, there is another important factor, that is, the Erior Forest is the settlement of a powerful and mysterious race among the demihumans, that is, the elves that are very rare in the outside world.

The elves have a long lifespan and can live for more than a thousand years. In addition, the magic talent of each elves is extremely high, and they are suitable for living in the forest. Therefore, although the number of elves is small, they are firmly in this area. The forest occupies and becomes itself 3.

3 habitats.

Felutona is... an elf, she is about 120 years old, but she still looks like 112111 on the outside, she is still a child among the elf, this day Felutona As usual, she was gathering wild fruits in the forest, but she didn't expect to encounter an extremely powerful beast. Felutona, who couldn't beat the beast, could only escape, but she didn't expect to get lost in the forest during the process of escaping.

"Oh, bad, I seem to have come to a place I don't know."

The elf Lolita with... short silver hair and a lovely appearance looked at the unfamiliar surroundings in a panic. What she heard in her ears was the roar of the beast that was chasing after her. The fear of death made Feluto. Na's eyes were full of tears, she wanted to scream, but she was afraid that her scream would attract more monsters, so she could only hide in a tree and shiver.


Chapter 93 Elves and Half-Elves

Today the club's girls and call of duty are on sale, you can shoot a lot.

The tall tree canopy barely concealed the figure of Little Loli, and under the thick trunk, a few monsters that looked like jackals and hounds were circling in circles.

These... fierce beasts are three or four times larger than ordinary beasts, their sharp teeth are drooling, and a touch of blood-scented magic surrounds these beasts. , This kind of beast whose physique has been enhanced by magic, ordinary civilians can't fight it at all, and must have an army to encircle and suppress it.

As a pure-blooded elf, although Felutona mastered magic, she was simply not able to deal with more than ten such ferocious beasts.

"It was, was found."

Felutona curled up on the canopy and looked at the beasts under her feet with some fear. She knew that these beasts had a good sense of smell. Although she tried her best to eliminate her own smell during the escape process, she was not completely successful in a short time. .

Seeing these more than a dozen vicious beasts wandering under her feet, Felutona only felt that she was much less fierce today.


At this moment, her sharp and sensitive hearing made Felutona hear the slight footsteps of someone stepping on the leaves. She first looked happy, and then... her face was pale, and Felutona began to respond. 14 came to look for her own clan members, but soon she heard that there were not many people, only two footsteps, no matter...

Whether these two people... came to find themselves, facing these more than ten ferocious beasts, it is a very dangerous behavior.

Through the gaps in the branches and leaves, Felutona looked in the direction of the voice, and it didn't take long for the elf's vision to let her see two figures appearing side by side in her line of sight.

"Hey not a clan... it's a human and... a half-elf"

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