I thought that the mysterious pretend witch would appear, and Roy was even ready, but unfortunately, she did not show up.

"In that case, you will die here, devil! I will bring the end and the beginning of this world with this sword, the sword of the goddess of wisdom!"

Roy's expression froze, and the black sword in his hand suddenly fell.

It's pitch-black steel, it's a burning black planet, it's breathing, compressing, destroying, smashing, and releasing! It's the rotation of the stars, the perfect arc, turning everything into a tornado, turning everything into a tornado. It is a hurricane, it turns into a storm! Before a sword is swung down, everything is there, and after a sword is swung down, everything is turned into dust! This is the same secret sword as Gilgamesh's first sword in principle. , compresses the endless gust of wind and turns it into a twist of gravity to cut open the world.


When Roy swung down the sword, all the wind rioted and lost control, as if the sword in Roy's hand had become the center of the world, and all the air currents were converging there, forming an adsorption force like a black hole.

At this time, the devil Hector finally understood what Roy said before. The power of his sword is indeed similar to his power. Although it is less refined, the degree of violence is far greater than that of the devil. power.

Hecht has spent a lot of magic power and energy in the previous release of power, and he doesn't look like Roy has mastered the 'human principle correction formula', and can replenish magic power from human principles at any time, violent storms and adsorption power. He couldn't stand still under his feet, and his entire body slammed into the dark star.

At the same time, the surrounding sand and dust, the trees that were broken by the soil, and the broken gravel also flew up and were captured by the black hole.

Hecht knew that if his body collided with the black hole, his bones would be shattered, and not even a trace of blood would be left behind.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh no.

Don't, don't!!!"

"Pain, Sadness, Melancholy Melancholy Melancholy Melancholy Melancholy Melancholy Melancholy!!!"

The horror of life and death made Hecht roar sternly, draining all the magic power in himself, squeezing all the energy, desperately trying to activate his power again, pulling force in different directions.

Reluctantly, he stopped his body, but it was shaky.

His skin was torn apart by the powerful suction, blood spurted out, and some bones seemed to be pulled out directly from the outside. Crushed by the gravity of the sword.

The devil turned into a **** man, swaying like a rag.

"When faced with death, as long as it is a living creature, it will explode with unprecedented power."

Seeing the devil, it's still like this: Perseverance, Roy also sighed, the instinct to survive is really terrifying, especially for a person like Hector who is afraid of death.

At this time, Roy had a clear understanding. As a melancholy demon, Hector had a strong desire to seek death. Perhaps it was because of his shocking survival instinct that he was able to restrain the kind of... Heart, reluctantly live in the world.

"But, that's it for now!"

Roy learned from Hecht's previous movements, he pressed his hands down sharply, and the huge suction force generated by the Black Sword suddenly soared.

"Do not!!!!"

The difference in strength between the two made Hecht completely unable to fight even an explosive seed. After a miserable cry, he flew towards the 'black hole' created by the Black Sword.

At this moment, a beautiful, sweet and heart-pounding enchanting voice suddenly came--"Hecht did not participate in and Roy.

Crowley's fight, he returned to his hiding place."

The words fell, and the words followed! In Roy's surprised eyes, Hecht's body, who had been captured by the Black Sword and could be said to be mortal, disappeared without a sound.

That's right, it's... disappeared, as if this person had never appeared. This is neither an illusion nor a powerful force that broke Roy's black sword apart. It's just that under those words, the world Move with the words, let Hecht follow his words, and make the result change.

'What is it that reverses cause and effect?' This was Roy's first thought, but he felt that it was wrong. At the same time, Roy's heart was alarmed. He knew that the voice must be from the false witch Pandora. The vigilance in my heart is infinitely higher.

But soon Roy just... let himself relax a little, he felt a little unfounded.

'This ability should be limited, it is definitely not invincible, otherwise as long as the fake witch speaks to me, I will be captured, but the fake witch did not do this, this is definitely not the kindness of the witch, but her Can't do it!' Thinking of this, the sense of...the horror of life and death disappearing, Roy laughed at himself, and sure enough, even if it was himself, he would have the fear of death, although he faced death under the guidance of Skaha And hell, but it doesn't mean that Roy is really willing to face death.

Even if Ska said she wanted to die, Roy knew that her glamorous master didn't mean that at all. How could she really want to die? A person who doesn't even want to survive can't reach the pinnacle of human beings. boundary.

Roy put his hands together, and the black hole formed by the black sword slowly disappeared. He ignored the messy sky and the surrounding terrain and the changed topography, and just turned around slowly.

Behind him, there is a pure white witch standing there.

Pretend Witch, Pandora!

Chapter 89 Seventeen-year-old girl

The pure white girl, the pretentious witch Pandora, is a beautiful woman who even Roy, who is used to seeing beautiful women, will be amazed by it.

The long white-blond hair poured down like a waterfall, and the beautiful color was like the falling sun shining lusciously, flowing from the slender shoulders on both sides to the back.

Under the long eyelashes are deep pupils as blue as the sea, and the overly upright beauty is like a sculpture with a beautiful and exquisite shape.

The petite body is so pitiful, standing on this shattered earth will make people feel pity, fearing whether such a delicate and beautiful girl will encounter danger.

Pandora was only wearing a pure white cloth, which could only be called cloth, probably not a piece of clothing, and between the gaps in the cloth, she could still see her tender skin, which could be broken by blowing bullets.

But this beautiful woman exudes a deadly and dangerous breath all over her body, just like a poppy flower. Even if she has such beauty, she will regret it with her whole life as long as she encounters it.


Roy said in a determined tone.

"It's me, the little girl, and it looks like Echidona has told you quite a bit about me."

With a sweet voice and astonishing beauty, her red lips were slightly open, and sweet words jumped out of the sandalwood mouth, but it made people feel inexplicably emptiness, just like this woman, it was too pure white.

"Echidona doesn't know you either, she doesn't even know whether you... a pretend witch is her generation or a witch of the previous generation."

Roy said slowly, although the person standing in front of him is probably the most hidden witch in the world, and it is even possible that all major events are caused by this witch, but Roy does not have any fear and tension, only Because this woman is really weak.

That's right, the pretend witch is really weak, even weak and vulnerable. Just from Roy's perception of her power, Pandora is probably not as good as Echidona, the **** witch. Standing there full of flaws, this is not a return to basics, but this witch really does not have any martial arts, and the magical aura on her body is also very messy, indicating that her magic level is not high, even Roswaal may not be able to match.

A magician like Roswaal may already be the top magician in the eyes of ordinary people in this world, but it is really not enough in front of many witches.

Roy has great confidence that this witch can be killed with just one blow.

But he didn't have any confidence to kill her.

The reason for such a contradictory premonition is that this seemingly weakest witch has the most bizarre power, a power that Roy cannot parse and understand for the time being.

"It seems that Echidona also has something she doesn't understand, um, but it is also, if she knows everything, then it will be unbearable pain for Echidona who seeks the unknown, my existence is right Necessary for Echidona too.."

Pandora said with a smile like a flower, as if she knew Echidona very well, and after a pause, she continued: "...because pretentiousness and melancholy are no longer the witch of sin, so Aijidona Gidona also doesn't know that new witches will be born only after all the witches are dead."

"...So, Mr. Roy, you don't care, I'm not some old woman who has lived for hundreds of years. My age is about the same as Echidona and the others, and I'm only seventeen years old this year."

The pretentious witch has curved eyebrows and a very happy and heart-warming smile, a lovely girl at home.

Roy just shook his head slowly and said: "...I don't care about my age, it doesn't matter even if you have lived for thousands of years, in fact, I quite like that...appearing to be seventeen years old, but actually alive Thousands of years old woman's, but if this is the case, your current color is a bit unsuitable, you'd better wear a color-shifted dress."

Roy's expression was very serious, which made the pretentious witch pick it up. For a while, he couldn't tell whether Roy was telling the truth or a lie, so he could only laugh and say: "...that's the case, then you still It's delicious."

The two fell silent.

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