"Heh... let's take you as the one who opens the way, but really can't let: you are dead, you still have other functions, Hector..."

The pretense witch folded her hands in front of her, like a graceful maid, but inexplicably exuded a terrifying **** aura.

...In the library of forbidden books, Roy, who was leisurely reading a book, closed the book in his hand with a 'pop'.

0.4 "You are so courageous, to come here so struttingly, is this your confidence in your own strength, ha, I knew you were so stupid, what kind of enchantment did I set up?"

Roy threw the book in his hand to the side, Beatrice caught it in a hurry, and gave Roy an annoyed look.

Now she is the manager of the forbidden library, and has the responsibility to keep it neat and tidy, like Roy's behavior of throwing books everywhere, and then Beatrice has to work hard to clean it up.

Roy didn't care about Beatrice's thoughts, and said to Echidona who was still doing the experiment: "...you continue to do your work, I'll go out for a walk, I'll be back soon, Satila, stay here with Donna too."

"Be careful on the road, Lord Roy."

Both the **** witch and the jealous witch raised their heads and smiled softly at Roy.

Chapter 83 Your efforts are useless!

"he came!"

Roswaal, who was in the sanctuary, trembled, and felt a huge pressure suppressed in his heart. It was as if he had encountered a majestic mountain falling from the sky, pressing him under the Wuzhi Mountain, making him breathless. .

In the sanctuary, Roswaal also set up many magical enchantments, although he did not know what these enchantments... Human time is better than nothing, and one of the enchantments related to vigilance told Roswaal about the movements of the devil.

That... The devil had no intention of stealing and attacking at all, so he swaggered in from the main gate of the village and went straight to the teleportation magic barrier set up by Echidona.

"Can't let: he disturbs the teacher!"

Roswaal stood up straight and summoned his courage, "...you have to remember, Roswaal! You are not who you were three years ago, you are now Lugnica's court Magister, you are a magician that even the teacher would praise, you wouldn't dare to move in front of that devil like you did three years ago, you can only let the teacher save you!"

Roswaal cheered himself up, or this kind of self-comfort was really useful, and soon Roswaal just... raised his confidence, he strode out of his room, and directly activated the magic of wind 13 attributes, Let the breeze wrap me and quickly go to the gate of the village.

He must find a way to move the battlefield outside the village, this sanctuary is the teacher's experimental ground, and cannot be destroyed by this devil just like that.

It didn't take long for Roswaal, who gathered up his courage, to come to the main entrance of the village avenue. The mixed-race villagers in the village had already been warned, and at this time they were all hiding at home.

It was only after seeing that... the figure of the devil, Roswaal found that the courage he had finally mustered was quickly dissipating, and an emotion called fear took over his body and mind, and even his body was unconscious. shiver.

It was still the same as three years ago, which made him fear and made him feel it was difficult to breathe. The low figure exuded a magical breath, and every inch of Roswaal's skin was shaking.

Entangled, nauseated, weird, uncomfortable, all kinds of sensations stimulated the body, and being swept by the devil's eyes, Roswaal found that his mood became extremely heavy.

It was a young man with short dark brown hair. From his appearance, he was similar in age to Roswaal, with almost black dark brown bangs covering his eyebrows. Some of his beautiful features could almost make people mistake him for a woman. His expression was leisurely, his eyes seemed sleepy and sleepy as if he hadn't woken up, and he squinted slightly as if he was about to fall asleep.

The devil is wearing a simple pure white shirt and black trousers, which can be described as extremely simple, and his low body is like a catkin that is elusive, as if it will disappear with the wind at any time.

"Stop, stop!"

Roswaal shouted with his jaw trembling.


The Demon Hector stopped obediently. He glanced at Roswaal with a stunned expression, "...it's you, the... kid from three years ago who has the courage to stand in front of me. Hey, but your scared look is not suitable for your courage, if you are really scared, you should turn around and run away, hahahahaha!!"

The sleepy-eyed demon let out a frantic sound, which sounded like the most piercing mockery, making Roswaal furious.

"Shut up!!"

"I told you to shut up!"

This kind of being directly told by the enemy his inner thoughts, exposing his cowardice to the enemy who should be defeated, everything made Roswaal so ashamed that he was going crazy, and he was so afraid that he thought he didn't protect him at all teacher qualifications.

"You devil, I will never let you take a step!!"

Considering Roswaal's age, a considerable amount of magic power poured out of his door and traveled all over the body. The magic power of the earth attribute was mobilized by him from Dayuan. As a seventeen-year-old boy, Roswaal's magic power was indeed powerful. The court magister of Lugnica.

"Rumble rumble ——————"

The earth began to tremble, as if the earth dragon turned over, the ground fluctuated up and down in a manner visible to the naked eye, as if the solid earth had turned into soft candy, with the help of the magic barrier that had been set up long ago, Rhodes When Vaal raised his hands with a strength that was not suitable for his age, the ground was... lifted, forming a solid wall that could kill anyone and block anyone.

If it is on the front line of war, such a magic of Roswaal is enough to block a small army in one direction.

But in the face of Roswaal's magic, the demon Hector just glanced lightly, he took a step forward, and kicked a small pebble like a pastime, this pebble was like a siege The cone, in an instant... hit a big hole in the wall made by Roswaal, and this small stone was castrated, and the next moment it penetrated Roswaal's body.


Roswaal's eyes widened, he only felt a pain in his body, a mouthful of blood was... he spurted out, and a blood mist was spattered on his body.

"Long-winded, annoying, annoying, annoying.

, trouble, frustration!"

The devil Hector was bored and said dejected words, and with every word he said, he just... took a step forward, and the stones were kicked at will by him, and in an instant the The huge wall created by Roswaal just... became riddled with holes, and Roswaal's body also became a sieve.


Several houses behind Roswaal were also penetrated by these small stones, and collapsed into ruins.

Demon Hector suddenly raised his hand - "Ah ah ah...cough...cough..."

Roswaal let out a painful cry, and the sound of the bones being crushed was also exceptionally clear in the rumbling sound of the collapse of the house.

Roswaal, who fell to the ground, was pressed tightly on the ground as if his body was being crushed by the air directly above. His limbs were almost sunk into the ground, his body made a sound of being torn, and Roswaal was congested with blood. Blood flowed from his eyes, staring at the devil like a **** demon.

"You can already give up, right? You have worked hard, although you can't win against me, but you have worked hard... As long as you work hard, it's not enough, even if you work hard It doesn't make sense either."

"...Your three years of hard work is... a 630 joke!"

Demon Hector said in a depressed and gloomy tone as if he was going to strike Roswaal thoroughly.

"What are you talking about... stupid!! I still... I haven't done anything yet, you tell me it's called... hard work and I won't let you go I want to stop you, ah ah ah ah ah, I have to stop you!!"

Roswaal let out a painful roar.

He is just a seventeen-year-old boy who has acquired a powerful talent by virtue of the "Blessing of the Magic Guide", how can he be a demon who belongs to the fighting faction even among witches, and the "Melancholy Witch Factor" has gone berserk Opponent, Roswaal is just... crippled.

"Haa...a guy like you is the most troublesome, it's really disgusting, and my heart is so heavy!!"

The demon uttered heavy and depressed words, and then... grinned: "... If that's the case, then you should die!"

Hecht had just raised his hand to give Roswaal a fatal blow, when a clear footstep sounded suddenly, the footsteps were like drum beats on people's hearts, and at the same time there was a gentle smile of a man: " ...Oh, this guy was reluctantly admitted by Donna as a disciple, no matter what, he can't die here."

"...if you feel heavy and depressed, you might as well commit suicide, which is the choice of many people with severe depression...!!!."

The Demon Hector slowly raised his head, and after seeing the person walking towards him, he showed an excited smile: "...you're here!"


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