The **** witch had her legs side by side, and her posture was not very elegant. I wonder if it was stimulated by Roy's words, but her legs were a little trembling.

After a long time, she calmed down. In order to prevent Roy from saying something that made her think wildly, Echidona just... started the magic ritual with a single move.

A new figure appeared in this forbidden library.

With long pale red hair, a petite figure, and innocent eyes, it was exactly the half-elf girl Roy had seen before in the Sanctuary... Luz, a half-elf girl without parents.


"Lord Echidona!"

Lucy was a little bewildered by her sudden appearance in the forbidden library, she nervously grabbed the hem of her clothes, looked around secretly, and then quickly lowered her head.

As for Roy, it was impossible for Roy to see him because of his power.

There was a certain firmness in Luz's eyes.

When Echidona saw Luz's eyes, she looked a little strange, and then... slowly asked: "...Do you know what I called you to come?"

"I know, Lord Echidona! Lord Beatrice told me."

Lucy's expression gradually calmed down, as if he had come to his senses and made up his mind.

"You know, I need you as the core of a barrier, you are one of the very few people who have this kind of adaptability, maybe every half-elf has a special talent Satila, even if she's not a witch, she also has Very high talent for .. 'fire' attribute magic, but the number of half-elves is too small, otherwise this is a topic that can be studied."

Echidona seemed to be talking to herself and speaking to Luz, and after a pause, she continued: "...I need you to stay in the sanctuary you call forever. , until this enchantment is not needed...., and as long as this enchantment is opened, the sanctuary will disappear in the eyes of the world, never be discovered, and become a haven for all hybrids."

" I must ask you one last time if you are willing to accept this offer!"

As soon as Echidona finished speaking, Ryuz just... nodded vigorously and said: "...I am willing to be the core of the enchantment you mentioned, I...I have no parents since I was very young. , I was raised by everyone, if I could do something for everyone, I would be very willing."

"After coming here, everyone was saved by Lord Echidona, and got a life that will not be discriminated against or alienated by anyone, which makes me feel extremely happy, if I can repay my happiness, then I think that the meaning of my life is to repay!"

Slowly and truly, Luz explained her inner thoughts, her little hands became even paler.

The people Luz said were those...Mixed races, this is also the way of life of mixed races living in other places, that is, they are both mixed races and they will help each other.

Roy also felt a little bit when he heard Luz's words. A Loli still has such a heart to repay her kindness, so you can see how cruelly mixed races have been treated in this world. He also understands that he doesn't despise Satila, and After recognizing her identity as a mixed race, and putting that... slum, she will be so committed to herself.

Those who are not mixed races living in this world have no say in the hardships of life at all, nor do they understand their desire to be recognized.

Satila is like this, Ryuz in front of you is like this, everything is like this.

Seeing Luz was still a little scared, Echidona just... chuckled: "...don't be too scared, it won't kill you, if the experiment goes well, this may make You gain immortality."

At the end, Echidona's expression was a little weird, her dark eyes seemed to be frozen in ice, and her warmth and emotion were lost. At this moment, no matter who would recognize Echidona as a real witch.

It was like a monster with no feelings and a different way of thinking than ordinary people. Facing the sincere expression of Luz, the **** witch didn't even have any emotion, she only cared about the results of the experiment.

"Then, Lord Echidona, when did the enchantment ceremony you mentioned start?"

"Don't worry, this ceremony is still the last step. I will start it tomorrow and turn you into the crystallization of magic, but this does not mean that you are dead, you will continue to live with another body."

Echidona said slowly.

Roy, who was sitting on the sidelines as a bystander, glanced at Echidona with a hint of surprise in his eyes.

He didn't expect Echidona's research to reach this point, magic is vitality, crystallizing magic is... crystallizing vitality, a creature is generally divided into two parts: body and soul, and vitality is... The most essential energy of the body can involve the soul in a further step.

To crystallize the life force is to materialize the life force, which has reached the edge of the materialization of the soul and found the true direction.

It seems that Echidona really listened to his words, and what she has unknowingly in her own research is... It began to involve the 'third magic'.

It seems that Echidona is easily involved in the edge of the third magic, but Roy knows that this is Echidona's particularity. It is 'knowledge' again, it can be said that Echidona has all the knowledge and wisdom of research in this world.

Although the upper limit of the world of 'starting from zero' is lower than that of the moon world, the witch's power and the mystery of the protection in this world are not weak. Most magicians are so strong that they don't know where, and Echidona herself is a typical researcher. If she can't do it, Roy doesn't know who else can.

Just when Roy sighed that he had found the right person, Echidona also finished telling Luz, and said her final goodbye words to her, "...I will now send you back to St. In the realm, Luz, go to Beatrice and say I want to see her."

"I see, Lady Echidona!"

Lucy said respectfully.

Echidona waved her hand again, and the magic she set up in the forbidden library activated, teleporting Luz directly.

After Luz disappeared, the **** witch looked at Roy, seeing that Roy did not accuse him of his decision and ruthlessness, on the contrary, he accepted it calmly, although Echidona had already I guessed this, but I was still happy in my heart.

This shows that her three views and behaviors are similar to Roy's.

For some reason, Echidona thought of the one she saw in the castle... The 'Sage' Frogel, if it was that guy, I'm afraid that at this time, he would have started to scolded her furiously. Feelings', rebuke her for her callousness.

If Roy knew what Echidona thought, he would have been amused. He had almost truly ruled the world in the godslayer world. He was the undisputed king. How many... innocent he had in the moon world People slaughtered just to satisfy their own selfish desires, they can be said to be absolute tyrants, how could they possibly reprimand Echidona's actions, that would be tantamount to self-denial.

Roy is not... those...indecisive little people, but a superior who knows how to be ruthless.


Chapter 80 Deception of the Dragon Polkenica

The forbidden library is located underground. Although this library was concealed by Echidona's magic, its real location has not changed.

The underground library of forbidden books is not exposed to sunlight, but because of the existence of magic, it will not be damp, but this closed environment will make people feel depressed and dull after sitting for a long time.

Roy crossed his legs and leaned leisurely on the exquisite wooden chair. There was a drink similar to coffee on the table in front of him, and there were some delicate snacks on the plate next to him.

The desserts were made by the jealous witch Satila. Ever since she saw Echidona making snacks in the witch's castle, Satila has to learn it as if she is competing. After several months of hard work, her The desserts made are also different.

Different from the desserts made by Echidona, which are mainly sweet, the desserts made by Satila are all scented with fruit, so they are not so greasy. , you can see that the two have different temperaments.

However, if Roy had to evaluate it, he felt that Echidona's cooking was delicious. The Witch of Desire already had a wealth of knowledge, and she was an activist, so what she made naturally would be even more delicious. Some.

Although there was no afternoon sunlight in the forbidden library, Roy was still enjoying afternoon tea, watching with a thick book in his hand.

This book is not any forbidden book in the forbidden library, but the Book of Wisdom transformed by the power of Echidona, the lustful witch, Echidona has never shown it to others, but Luo Yi is the only special.

The Book of Wisdom is very thick, but no matter how thick a book is, it is impossible to record everything in this world, so the real usage of this book is that what you want to know, the book will tell you.

In the world of godslayers, Roy got King Solomon's "clairvoyance", but this clairvoyance is not complete.

In the moon world, Gilgamesh has the clairvoyance to see through the future, Merlin has the clairvoyance to see the present, and King Solomon has the clairvoyance to see through the 'past and the future', and the clairvoyance that Roy got is exactly what King Solomon possessed' The part of the past, it can be said that the clairvoyance of the four of them together is the clairvoyance that truly knows the past, present, and future.

Clairvoyance is not a panacea. It can be used in one world, because the structure of each world is different. In the world of godslayers, because of the existence of the Netherworld, Roy can use the Netherworld to easily see through it. , In the moon world, because clairvoyance is the ability of that world, Roy can easily see through it.

In the 'starting from zero' world, Roy's clairvoyance needs to analyze the structure of the world to do it. Normally, if you want to make clairvoyance work in this world, Roy at least It would take decades to do that, and parsing the structure of the world is not... that easy.

But with the "Book of Wisdom", it is different. This book is equivalent to the 'world' of the godslayer's world. It is the embodiment of the Akashic records of this world. It also has a certain ability to predict the future. Through this book Roy is directly... omitting decades of scenes and completing a peek into the past.

"But it's useless at all!"

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