"This sword is up, the elves are down"

The order of swords and spirits takes precedence. In an instant there was a change e

And this power has never been seen in this world. Let Echidona gasp, her legs trembling slightly, and she looks at it with excitement like a high court. one

Chapter 61 Great Elf Parker

On the Kabbalah Tree of Life, all species and all creatures have been solidified. It is impossible to kill a **** in human years. It is like hitting a stone with an egg. It is always the 'egg' that breaks, not the 'head'.

But this kind of thing is not absolute. If the priority of a certain kind of creature is changed. Have them switch places on the Kabbalah Tree of Life. Then hitting a stone with an egg becomes hitting an egg with a stone. Easily resolve each other.

Rover usurped Michael's _'Sword of Judgment' from the insubordinate Michael, and already had the ability to change the 'priority' of things, but this power was limited, but in the 'Creation of Judgment', the fusion of the Eastern After the 'Golden Sword' of the war god, the upper limit of this power began to increase infinitely. Because this power now relies on Roy's 'wisdom'

with 'knowledge'.

What it represents is the meaning of Longinus, the long-term leader, using the spear of seeds to penetrate the flank of the Son of God. Because man cannot penetrate the body of God. But mortal bodies can also do damage to gods after the 'priorities' change.

Roy easily swung the sword of his hand down to the west. It was an invisible concept of sword energy. When the concept of the sword is placed on the huge magic power surrounding the Beast of the End. The priority order of the two sides changed in an instant. The sword is on the top. The magic power is down, it is like a sharp blade cutting into tofu, there is no obstacle. The magic power absorbed by the beast of the end is an instant collapse.

The huge monster like a mammoth-z didn't have any pimples on its body. But the Beast of the End made a groan. Hundreds of meters high body crashed to the ground.

This man-made fire elf originally relied on absorbing the magic of Taiyuan to show this magnificent figure. It also relied on absorbing the magic of Taiyuan to transform its attributes. Caused a blizzard that would freeze the world

Like a scalpel, the connection between the beast of death and Taiyuan magic power is cut off. There is no absorption of Taiyuan magic power. This monster that is enough to destroy the world is also the kitten smell that Erjin can sell.

Echidona, the witch of lust, twinkled brightly. With her wisdom and eyesight, she can of course see the lightness and ingenuity of Roy's two swords. If Roy killed the beast of the end with two swords, it only means that Roy was just reckless. However, he used skill to cut off the most powerful ability of the Beast of Death almost effortlessly. This is the use of wisdom and knowledge.

The **** witch can't look down on that kind of forceful Gonggo. Power is never pure force, but a combination of wisdom. Only when the West reaches a point of equilibrium. That's the real powerhouse. For only the wise can find the way to victory in unfavorable situations, and force is the means to victory. In Echidona's eyes, Roy represents 'victory'."


The giant beast of permafrost smashed on the ground and the ground trembled, without the release of magic power. The violent wind and snow around him finally weakened. As far as the eye can see, the whole world is made up of steel-hard snow and those icicles erected on the ground like barbs. This is a hopeless world without any life. The road absorbs the magic and walks on. It can really destroy all creatures in the world.

But now, this is only enough to destroy the world of the fire spirit. It was solved by Roy's two swords.

"Trash is waste after all, and there is no need for defective products to exist. Mrs. Roy, kill this useless "big elf". It doesn't help me, and it has huge flaws. "

Echidona said in a sweet but cold voice.

This day, the elves of the fire too seem to be too strong. Can even destroy the world. But in the face of a strong man like Roy, it is not very useful. The elves of fire are good at crushing the weak, causing sudden changes in the environment.

And Echidona thought about it carefully. It is impossible for this fire elf to defeat the 'Depressed Demon, at least that Demon' can advance and retreat freely. It will not be involved in the terrible climate disaster, and because of the existence of the "Mediator", the spirit of fire created by nature. This artificial spirit will lose its mind and control after it transforms, so I am very concerned about Echidona. It's just useless rubbish.

The **** witch is a typical consequentialist _ since it can't meet its own needs, direct destruction is the best way.

Roy didn't say much after hearing the words, he raised his sword again. As long as this sword is new. Whether it is forcibly breaking the wall with magic power or changing the 'priority order' with power, this great elf without the blessing of power is sure to die.

"Mrs. Roy, Donna, please wait - get on down"

At this time, the envy witch Satila interrupted the western Roy, who was holding his sword. Ask Mantila what to do with her eyes

- Ask for flowers Q---One

"Can, can you not kill it, it looks cute."

Satila wriggled, lowered her head and asked in a low voice

After the giant beast of death was unable to absorb magic power, it directly turned into two mascots. It was a kitten less than one centimeter long with thick gray fur. And this little cat was lying on the snow and shivering at this time, not daring to make any beg for mercy

Because it is no longer poured into the body by those fire-type elves, it has recovered its sanity, no matter if it is facing someone like Roy who can easily kill it with two swords. It is still Echidona, the mother who created it. It does not dare to have any disobedience. Because it was this cat who lost his mind and attacked all over the place before.

At his request, Roy slowly put down the sword in his hand, and then looked sideways at Echidona

The **** witch just snorted and said indifferently, "-Since you think it's cute, I'll give it to you."

It's not a big deal if it's just an artificial elf anyway... Echidona who has mastered the method of making artificial elf. New ones can be made at any time. This is similar to the Three Tai Warcraft created by Daphne.

At this time, Echidona's mind was not on the fire spirit at all. She had already begun to sum up the lessons of this failure and was ready to create a new artificial spirit.

"Thank you Mrs Roy. Thank you Donna L"

Suntila's big beautiful eyes flashed soft kindness, and in the face of small animals, Roy was unwilling to bear her tenderness. He put away the sword of judgment and scratched Satila with his fingers. Qiongbi's nose was cold and slippery, and he said warmly, "Go ahead and bring that kitten back. If you like it, take good care of it."


Rutila responded with joy and ran over with a slap. She hugged the kitten that was lying on the ground and didn't dare to move. She and the cat said: "What are you doing?" He ran back quickly again, raised the cat like a treasure, and handed it to Roy. He said happily, 2 - Mrs. Parker Roy. I named it Parker!"

The cat gave Roy and Echidona an embarrassed and embarrassed smile two, scratching its head with its hands. _

Chapter 62: Exploring the New Great Elf


Roma tilted his head and asked.

"Hey Lili~ Yes!"

The gray-haired kitten showed the white fur on its belly, and then it was just like a real cat, with both ears pricked back, and its tail stretched out and curled up between his hind legs, Roy knew this. It's a manifestation of the cat's fear of creatures.

He took Parker from Satila. Then he ran his hand along its head to the body, and Parker made a 'purring sound' in his throat, and it looked like the habit was exactly the same as that of a real cat.

"Want to touch?"

Roy grabbed the back of Parker's neck and handed it to Echidona.

"Mother is too..."

The cat-shaped Parker made the signature move of a lucky cat. The two front legs were bowing there, although what happened before was not Parker's original intention.. But in any case, it is indeed what it did to attack the "-eight soil" against the mother who created him

"Give it to Satila."

Echidona just looked at Parker and said, at this time, Echidona was not interested in paying attention to Parker at all, all she was thinking about was this-: The failure of this experiment and the experience it brought were calculated. How to do the next experiment.

Parker's ears shrugged again, and he had an instinctive closeness to Echidona Parker, which was the connection between the Creator and the 'fate' of the things he created... And when facing Roy, Parker had an instinctive fear, It was almost hacked to death by Roy's two swords just after birth, which almost formed a psychological barrier.

Seeing that Echidona's mind was not on Parker at all now, Roy shook his head. He threw the cat-like elf in his hand to Satila, saying, ...then it will be given to you. "

Suntila likes this furry little animal very much. She holds Parker and asks Roy carefully, ... Can I keep it?. Lord Roy. "

"Of course, you can keep it whatever you want.

Roy raised his hand funny and flicked Satila's forehead.


Sun Tila Xue Xue whimpered. , The white forehead has a red mark that is not obvious, but the envy witch is still very happy. She followed Roy while stroking the cat and said 1.=Mr. Roy, what should cats eat 2 Is it meat or fruit 2 ah, I heard in the past that cats in noble households have to have litter boxes for them to lather of. Should I also prepare: z 1."

Sun Tila said twitteringly. Anxiety and Roy were struggling with the topic of how to raise cats.

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