The girl whose actual age was only nine years old clenched her fists and loosened them. standing there blushing

Then Roy quickly grabbed Satila's hand. He caressed the back of her hand to comfort the jealous witch.

Hey. It's really hard to be a man, especially to be a handsome, handsome man like yourself who attracts girls. When you're flirting with a witch, you should also pay attention to the envy of the witch_ This is a skill!

Roy shamelessly sighed o_

Chapter 58 Artificial Elf Experimental Field

There are two white pieces between the earth, snowflakes are falling from the sky one after another, and the surrounding seems to be a white tent, and the earth immediately becomes covered with silver.

The snowflakes were as white as jade, like the jade leaves falling from the laurel tree in the Moon Palace. They danced in various poses in the air, or flew, or hovered or fell straight to the ground. spread on the ground

Sun Ti stretched out her jade hand, which was clearer and whiter than a snowflake, and let a piece of ice crystal fall on her palm. The envy witch stared curiously at the magnificent shape of the snowflake on her palm, and gave a childish cheer, ". It's so beautiful, even though it snows in Lugnica, at that time I didn't think snowflakes were beautiful at all, I just worried - I'd forgive the snowy weather, and the food was not easy to find. There were no winter clothes. "

Sun Tila was wearing a thick black fleece jacket and a vest made of mink fur on her shoulders. Her cheeks were a little red from the cold, but she didn't feel cold. She breathed out a breath of white air, making her like a fairy under the snow, cool and beautiful.

Roy came over, touched her little head and said with a smile, "The basic needs of human beings are survival needs. Before survival is guaranteed, no one will care about the beauty of the scenery, just like this land. The people here, they will not think this snow scene is very beautiful."

"It's all because of you, Mr. Roy. I can see such a beautiful scene."

Satila made a pun. She slapped her little ass. Blue eyes filled with longing and admiration.

She left the ghetto because of Roy. You don't have to worry about food, clothing, housing, and transportation, and you have the leisure to enjoy the scenery of the outside world.

Because of Roy, she left Lugnica and saw the vastness and complexity of this continent. I personally came to this northern country and felt the different customs of the winds.

"When you say that, I'm a little overwhelmed."

Rover chuckled lightly. He stood on the back of the white whale and watched the ground beneath his feet.

This is the Holy Kingdom of Gustic, the kingdom of the north. This country is covered with snow all the year round, and white is the color forever. Although the sun in the sky is warm, the heat is not enough to melt the snow. Animals such as snow foxes are seen on the vast land, but compared with the abundance of species in other areas, it can be described as a complete lack of materials.

The richest places in the world are the east and the south. Therefore, Lugnica and Flakia are the two most powerful countries for the time being. ,

"This is the land of the earth, and it's different from the snow in other areas in winter. There are blizzards all year round here. It's not that there is no L when the snow melts, but that time is really short. It's impossible to grow crops at all. , This piece of land is not suitable for any human and demihuman to survive. But the world is so wonderful _ In this land of H, a spirit beast named Odegrass was born.

loo-".. This kind of spiritual beast is a mutant species differentiated from the origin of elves. It has the ability to command and control elves and micro-mind spirits. Humans and people who are holy in the country of Gustik are exactly the same as 'Ou DeGrasse's friendship. That's what surviving on this land."

Ejido walked up to Roy and Satila at this time. She was very knowledgeable and knew almost nothing about the world. She talked about the history of this country. Not only Satila. Even Roy listened with great interest.

The elf in Ejidona's mouth is not a species that lives in the forest. It is a name for an elemental elf.

"The Holy Kingdom of Gustik is as its name suggests. People on this land all believe in this religion. To survive in such a difficult environment, both humans and demihumans need firm belief to survive. This religion believes that 'the frozen soil and the cold climate are both tests sent by God, and only those who endure and pass the test can find peace after death'

The Witch of Desire continued. No matter which religion it is, the theory is similar, and it is all for the needs of rule. And the Holy Cult of Gustik uses such doctrines and theories to urge the people of this land to endure the cold and live.

"Saint Yu and the Bishop are the rulers of this country. Every saint king and bishop is also chosen by "Odgrass". The family of Shenggan has the blood of giants. Humans and demi-humans can get along well, but even the king and the pope are chosen by Odegrass. Is this country human or Odegrass?

Echidona suddenly made a cold first cry, with deep sarcasm and deep philosophical meaning.

"Master Roy. Do you want to see the details of this country? Or to see the Holy King and Bishop Five"

"Forget it, this country has a wonderful climate. But it's not what I'm interested in. The only interesting thing here is 'Odgrass'. But if I want to catch this spirit beast. The Holy Kingdom of Gustic is the enemy."

Roy shook his head, unable to raise his interest in this northern country.

Echidona agreed and said u "...people in this country without Odgrass will almost certainly die unless they give up here and move to other countries. If you want to study Odgrass, it is tantamount to destroying it. In this country, all people will be enemies with you. In fact, my artificial spirit experiment was created based on Odegrass."

"Have you studied Odgrass?"

Roy asked curiously.

Echidona nodded and shook her head, .. "." I obtained the information of Odegrass through the "Book of Wisdom", and did not study the entity.

, I'm not good at fighting, and I don't have the ability to destroy the country. Unless I let Camilla fully exert her power, L can easily destroy the Holy Kingdom of Gustik, but the current political situation in Tailu Very stable, unrest in any country will cause a world war"

".: I don't feel guilty about causing a war, but obviously the current environment is more suitable for witches to survive."

"It's a witch's blessing to have you among the witches."

Roy couldn't help but praised. This sentence is not an excessive compliment. The existence of Echidona is really important to the witches. Without her, the witches would not be able to unite like this. They are definitely fighting each other, and with these witches The character of the character, may be overtaken by the brave every day.

"I will accept your compliment.

Echidona pursed her lips, and she bit her lower lip with her teeth. Her expression was charming and charming.

immediately. She took a deep breath and said, ".The experimental site is almost here."

Roy looked in the direction of Echidona's finger, and in front of that was a violent and brutal blizzard. The whole piece of land was covered with pitch-black snow, and this was the artificial manipulator that Echidona was looking for. The proving ground of the Great Spirit. _

Chapter 59: The Power of the Jealous Witch

- "The source of elves was born in the source of elves. It is an aggregate of elves, and it has no autonomous consciousness. The insects of the great source in this world are full of magical existence, and the magician Xu Ming has made magic and elves. Equivalent, in fact, this is a wrong point of view.

"": In fact, the origin of elves gave birth to countless elves and micro-elves. These have no self-will. Only the instinctive elemental body is combined with the magic power in the source to form six-attribute elves. A foolish sorcerer gave birth to the idea that magic is equivalent to a genie. ""

"And there are some special people who can make a contract with a certain elf because of their talent, because they have been recognized by the elf and combined with the magic of the elf and Dayuan. This kind of people use the attribute magic after the contract. It will be very powerful, and its own consumption is very small. These people are called elves."

"::Among all the elves and micro-elves, some elves become extremely strong and have subjective wills after the aggregation. This is the big elves. They all have the ability to destroy the entire world."

"And what I'm going to do in this experiment is to create an artificial elf"

The pitch-black wind was blowing violently all around. Even if the beluga whale was in the most tragic storm in the Holy Kingdom of Gustic, its flight speed also slowed down.

It can be said that this area is equivalent to the coldest area in Siberia on earth. There is nothing but violent snowstorms, and the visibility is even less than a few meters.

There was a terrifying whistling sound in my ears. It seemed like the devil of **** was roaring. Yitila hid behind Roy in fear, and grabbed the corner of his clothes with her little hand to calm herself down.

If it weren't for the magic protection of Roy and Echidona, in this dark storm, I'm afraid no one but Roy could resist with their bodies.

Here, it is already a real dead zone. Absolutely no living creatures can be seen.

The mature Echidona has a high-pitched and confident tone, and her proud and steady look is extremely conspicuous. In addition to her calm and unintelligible words, even Satila The look of admiration she showed.

Compared to knowing everything in this world, the pursuit = the unknown Ajidona Satila is the absolute difference between a scholar and a scumbag. The intellectual beauty that Ajidona possesses is Satila forever Can't learn either.

"Why do you want to make artificial sperm?

Roy, who was standing beside Aiji Mingna, asked

Echidona thought for a while, then shook her head, _"... There is no special reason, if there is any. It's just that I was interested in the existence of the elf. I have been researching for a long time. I want to create the great elves artificially, and secondly, the great elves are very powerful. If I can create them by myself, maybe I can help me in some things."

(Looking at Ai Yi, I thought of the 'melancholy magic power' mentioned by Aiji Mingna. That devil is chasing him all over the world. If Daoguo only has 'melancholy devil', Aiji Donna will not feel nervous about receiving a. And fear, but behind the melancholy devil, there may be a 'pretend witch' who is calculating something.

Rebo also thought about her own safety, Ejidona would have thought of creating an artificial elf. Because this powerful witch is not the type that is good at K-fighting.

Roy wants to say that I can protect you and help you, but obviously this experiment... This ceremony was prepared by Echidona for a long time, and he has no reason or position to let the A family give up

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